Click Here, You Idiot

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Roman_K, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wow. Thank all available Gods I don't have a Paypal account, it nearly got me !!! :D
  3. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    It's actually a parody of the hoards of sales sites that are out there. And a masterful summary it is.
  4. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:870c40a452="Roman_K"]It's actually a parody of the hoards of sales sites that are out there. And a masterful summary it is.[/quote:870c40a452]

    I know... I've actually made a couple of them myself. :D :badgrin:
  5. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:9c4dcce173="Katcal"][quote:9c4dcce173="Roman_K"]It's actually a parody of the hoards of sales sites that are out there. And a masterful summary it is.[/quote:9c4dcce173]

    I know... I've actually made a couple of them myself. :D :badgrin:[/quote:9c4dcce173]EEEVIIIIL! :evil:
  6. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Ah, but this one has style! It has panache, or however that's spelled. It also has a shiny Paypal button for those whose brains turned to mush from all that reading. ;)
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:bc50522813="Maljonic"][quote:bc50522813="Katcal"][quote:bc50522813="Roman_K"]It's actually a parody of the hoards of sales sites that are out there. And a masterful summary it is.[/quote:bc50522813]

    I know... I've actually made a couple of them myself. :D :badgrin:[/quote:bc50522813]EEEVIIIIL! :evil:[/quote:bc50522813]
    Heyyyy ! I made nice, interesting useful sites where people could buy nice interesting helpful software at nice interesting helpful prices ! :p [size=7:bc50522813]Just don't ask me about my online lottery site... [/size:bc50522813]
  8. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    The key words are 'nice', 'interesting', and 'helpful'. I would like to note that 'useful' or even 'working' are not mentioned. ;)

    And yes, all real sales sites are evil, as Mal pointed out. It's mostly just a way to get something for nothing, such as all those various 'life solutions' ebooks, which includes cures for acne, poverty, and a failing sex-life, amoung numerous other things. Software... well... as I see it, buying software from those evil commercial websites is the equivalent to paying someone to burglarize your home.
  9. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:211dd46312="Roman_K"]The key words are 'nice', 'interesting', and 'helpful'. I would like to note that 'useful' or even 'working' are not mentioned. ;)[/quote:211dd46312]
    Well, I didn't want to make the post too long, that's kind of obvious to me.

    [quote:211dd46312="Roman_K"]And yes, all real sales sites are evil, as Mal pointed out. It's mostly just a way to get something for nothing, such as all those various 'life solutions' ebooks, which includes cures for acne, poverty, and a failing sex-life, amoung numerous other things. Software... well... as I see it, buying software from those evil commercial websites is the equivalent to paying someone to burglarize your home.[/quote:211dd46312]
    Am I missing something, or is all "buyware" evil to you regardless of the functions ? Or is it only burglary simulators you disapprove of ?
  10. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    I actually liked the the idea of the Million Dollar Homepage

    The page itself is here very very slow (for possible reasons see below).

    It is now coming under attack and has spawned a thousand wannabe imitators.

    Still a great initial idea though.
  11. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    You misunderstood me, Katcal. Many such sites are used by scammers to sell software that either doesn't work, doesn't work right, or [i:6629414151]does[/i:6629414151] work, but a bit too well, such as connecting to the Internet and sending your bank account details to someone.

    Then, there's always Useless-ware, which takes up the second big chunk of commercial, one-product websites. The kind of product that is only useful on paper.

    My trust of commercial websites is lacking, and my respect to them is next to none.
  12. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:cd48e621c4="sleepy_sarge"]I actually liked the the idea of the Million Dollar Homepage

    The page itself is here very very slow (for possible reasons see below).

    It is now coming under attack and has spawned a thousand wannabe imitators.

    Still a great initial idea though.[/quote:cd48e621c4]

    An interesting concept. I'm still trying to load the website, by the way. DOS attacks can be quite nasty.
  13. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I did get part of that, but I realize my message distincty lacked smileys to show I was being ironical ;) I also hate the fake-products sites etc. and all the crappy software that messes up people's computers.

    It's just that to me, "commercial" englobes [b:8b459c9dda]any[/b:8b459c9dda] site that sells [b:8b459c9dda]any[/b:8b459c9dda]thing, and therefore including real [b:8b459c9dda]useful[/b:8b459c9dda] and [b:8b459c9dda]working[/b:8b459c9dda] products. ;) There [b:8b459c9dda]are[/b:8b459c9dda] people out there who sell such things, and even companies that care about their customers, I promise ! Ok, they may not be a majority, after all, it's easier to sell crap and not give a damn than to make decent stuff and answer all customer queries no matter how silly/idiotic/pointless they are. But they do exist. ;)
  14. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    They're there. A minority, though. As you said, it's easier to sell crap and not give a damn. Personally, shiny commercials repulse me these days. When it comes to, say, software, I work on a reccomendation basis.
  15. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Another BRILLIANT money making scheme here
  16. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:43a9b541ea="sleepy_sarge"]Another BRILLIANT money making scheme here[/quote:43a9b541ea]
    Forehead advertising is old hat. I still think they should make it a permanent tatoo, just so they remember how stupid they were for the rest of their lives... :roll:
  17. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:936528f4f1="Katcal"][quote:936528f4f1="sleepy_sarge"]Another BRILLIANT money making scheme here[/quote:936528f4f1]
    Forehead advertising is old hat. I still think they should make it a permanent tatoo, just so they remember how stupid they were for the rest of their lives... :roll:[/quote:936528f4f1]

    Heheheh. It would cost the conpanies too much for a permanent living advertisement though, wouldn't it? And then there'll be problems and lawsuits over long hair and big hats...

    Yes, I can see the amusement value in this. Make it so!

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