Comical advertising slogans

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Nov 20, 2005.

  1. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I saw a sign on a building site today that made me titter:

    [quote:9a25b7c8d1][list:9a25b7c8d1][b:9a25b7c8d1]Moor Lane
    Building Contractors
    Extremely Civil Engineers[/b:9a25b7c8d1][/list:u:9a25b7c8d1][/quote:9a25b7c8d1]

    Anyone have any more? :)
  2. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    I know a couple of good ones in Swedish, but none in English off the top of my head.
  3. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    I saw a public carpark with a sign by the entrance which read "No Parking".
    They must have meant you couldn't park in front of the entrance but it was kind of ambiguous
  4. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:e173202782="TheJackal"]I saw a public carpark with a sign by the entrance which read "No Parking".
    They must have meant you couldn't park in front of the entrance but it was kind of ambiguous[/quote:e173202782]That reminds me of a Billy Connolly story where he's talking about how his dad used to always call him a big Jessy (sp?) when he was growing up. One day on holiday, think it was Hawaii or Florida, he came across a restaurant called Jessies (again sp?) with a parking lot attached and a sign that read, 'Parking for Jessies only' so he took a picture and sent it to his dad. :)
  5. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I always thought the 'no swimming' signs in the UAE's Wadi's were always funny considering it hadn't rained in over 5 years, it was barren, and when I saw it and the sign was relatively new (wishful thinking maybe).

    I love the Indian sign posts though 'inconvienience is regretted'...there were better though. I shall have to start writting them down, it looks like they picked up a thesaurus and chose the longest, most impressive looking word (which, knowing bombay, was probably what happened).

    I remember seing a sign post pointing to some kind of landmark or other in Dubai, it simply said '---- this way' (I think it was refering to the twin towers). Now this was a 3 lane motor way just off a busy junction, and we headed along it (being lost at the time) and just as we gained a little speed, the road ended. No signs, no notice, no 'road works' to speak of. The tarmac ended and the desert began. It was rather amusing...

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