Cool Dreams

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Sep 6, 2005.

  1. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Thought I'd start this thread again, purely for entertainment purposes. This is my dream from last night that I just added to Maljonic Latest Dreams:

    [quote:f015e7e582]6-September-2005: I had a dream based on another dream I had over a year ago; it’s in a big city with architecture a little like that in Budapest, on the Buda side of the Danube, but set in the far east, like Hong Kong but with an ancient wall around it. The whole dream is like a movie musical that starts off with me and this guy called Sean I went to school with staying in a posh hotel overlooking Hong Kong (sort of) harbour; we went around the Buda-looking concert halls and ballrooms with some other tourists and me leading the way, we found our way to the city walls as happens in this dream, but found they were too difficult to get onto for some older women that were with us. We went over a bridge that took us to a tram terminal that’s half submersed in water, this side of town had a complicated tram system that was partially water based like the gondolas of Venice; some older American men were saying that the movie (my dream) was pointless and boring. I said that I know, that’s how it was made, but the director got someone else in to do the second half, which should begin shortly, and the whole movie stops being a musical and turns into a surreal art piece, taking us around the walls, through jungles and into a chase with armed terrorists – then finishes off in black and white with the new director explaining his motivations for the movie while looking out to see beyond the harbour at some gigantic waves heading inland. Everyone was satisfied with my explanation, but I woke up before I got to live through the whole dream a second time.[/quote:f015e7e582] :)
  2. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I don't have interesting dreams.

    (At least not ones I am going to talk about.)
  3. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    I woke up extremely disturbed yesterday because I had a dream about Rinso.

    Well, sort of.

    I dreamt that Rinso has a brother and a sister, who join the community and start posting regularly, taking occasional sibling-like swipes at each other. The sister's avatar had something to do with witches.

    On the two previous nights, I dreamt of Llama, who doesn't show up in my dreams often, but when he does, he makes the most of his time there :)
  4. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Ooh, I had a dream about Family Rinso too, the other night! That makes something weird even weirder. I can't remember what happened in the dream, sadly.
  5. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Not quite a dream but extremely weird for when your supposed to be asleep... I should add there is extreme embarassment alert on this :oops:

    The story is:

    I was sleeping at my boyfrieds house a few weeks ago, just in my undies as it was an unplanned stopover...We'd gone out drinking and Dave's flatmate wrote himself off and passed out in his bed. During the night apparently I sat up in bed and started rummaging around in the bed side draw mumbling about "the thingy"... I then stood up and walked out the bedroom door, walked into Dave's flatmates bedroom (still in my undies) and turned on the light and went to the cupboard. Simon was passed out through all of this (thank god!)

    Dave heard me and came and got me and took me into the bathroom, where I tried to get into the shower, he then had to physically put me into the toilet...I then came back into the bedroom and started rummaging in the draw for the thingy again.

    Dave thought I was pissed and it wasn't until morning when I could break it to him that I was sleep walking in a most spectacularly embarassing way. :oops: :oops:

    So now I have admitted my truely strange night time doings
  6. Gen_the_Mighty

    Gen_the_Mighty New Member

    Well, I don't WALK in my sleep, thank Glod, but I've been known to talk in my sleep, sometimes in a 'foreign language' according to my sister (although it might just have been garbage that she thought was a foreign language)

    I don't generally remember my dreams, but when I do they're fairly odd. I remember one once where a whole bunch of people, including me, were running around on a hillside covered in grass and bushes and things. Then some one shouted "I've found Prince Charles!" (why Prince Charles is anyone's guess, as i've no interest in the guy whatsoever...) and we all rushed over to the bush where this person was standing. It was a sort of 'movie dramatic moment' thing with the bush being pulled back to reveal (I kid you not) half a skeleton wearing a crown. How in the WORLD that was identified as Prince Charles I have NO idea, but hey, it makes sense in dreams.
    So after this hoo-ha with the skeleton I went up to the top of the hill where there was a gravel car park with lots of caravans and trailers parked on it. My dad was there and he told me I had to walk home, but because I'd already worn my shoes for too long that day I'd have to go home barefoot. Yeah. So I trotted off, and it sort of 'cut to the next scene', where I was walking in the dark down some street somewhere. I had a torch with me (one of those little ones where you have to twist the end to make the light come on) but I couldn't turn it on because my hands were full of stuff - I was carrying my shoes, and some coats, and I was pushing one of those racks on wheels with clothes hangers on it and stuff. Anyway, I got really REALLY scared and screamed my lungs out (and I can scream LOUDLY...) - and the next thing I saw was one of those 'spinning headline' thingies like you get in films where the newspaper comes spinning out of the screen - and the headline was something about me yelling really late at night and waking people up.

    AND that was my dream. Please don't tell the men in white coats where I am....... :roll:
  7. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    My friends birthday was coming up last week and before her party I had a dream that I got her a can opener for her birthday. In the dream she was sick so I made my mom drive me to her house even though I could have drove myself so I could give her the gift and we stopped and got chicken noodle soup on the way there because what's the point of a can opener with no can right? I told my friend the dream and then for her real birthday party I got her a can opener which she enjoyed but not the soup because I was low on cash so half the dream came true.
  8. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    I don't remember my dreams. They are allways a jumbled, melted mess when i try to remember them the next day. What i do remember is that i have a certain number of "common" dreams: dreams which i frequently have. I remember the feelings i have about the dream while i am dreaming, as if i know that i'm dreaming an i am holding a clipboard and pen to give marks.

    I on the other hand, have frequently sleepwalked/talked (and both together) in my youth (6 years to 16 years), and i allways managed to make a complete ass out of myself, or creep the hell out of anyone nearby.

    I would have given Freud a headach.
  9. Toaf

    Toaf New Member

    My most frequent dream lasts about three seconds. I'm walking along the pavement, I suddenly see a fallen log, I trip over it, and I wake up with a jolt, usually falling out of bed.
  10. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Hm, I had one that seemed to have been vaguely inspired by "Monstrous Regiment" last night...
    As far as I still get it together, I somehow lost my husband and daughter (as in "Where the heck are they?"), and, after some weird stuff, it turned oot they had been lost in a parallel universe.

    I somehow found a way into that universe, I think it was a closet in the classroom of an abandoned school, and there, I had to live of something, and ended up in a military bootcamp where either poets where trying to make a living (or forced to, because the rulers seemed to think someone should be allowed to spend their lifetime dedicated to the arts only after proving that they were able to survive more than a heartache) or condemned criminals were trying to avoid prison by subscribing to the army. I don't know which category I fell into.

    I was pretty shocked thouh when I found out that during the training melees, they shot with real ammo, and a comrade was wounded. It turned, somewhere at that point and rather unspectatcularly, out, that a) we were all women and b) everyone but me had been aware, and no one had even noticed that I had tried to pretend that I was a man. I felt quite embarassed.

    I don't know how -or if, at that- it ended.
  11. Hex

    Hex New Member

    My dream last night depressed the hell out of me due to the fact that it was about my boyfriend and friends back in London, and it was very real, and when I woke up I couldn't quite remember where I was.

    And I know why I dreamed it, since I'm still negotiating a Christmas London visit with my parents. I would just go do it (since by then I'll be 18! ), but I don't have $722 to spare, so I need them...

    I just hope it gets cleared up soon, because the uncertainty is driving me insane...
    Insane enough to have weird dreams about my crazy friends, clearly!!

    edit: typos
  12. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    If you are willing to travel on Christmas day Hex, you will get a ticket cheaper. Admittedly you wouldn't get to spend Christmas eve etc. with him, but at least you will get to meet him!
  13. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    But you'd need a lift from the airport, since there are no trains.
  14. Whitewolf

    Whitewolf New Member

    "There's something very attractive about a girl with her own nuclear submarine"
    My dreams are weird sometimes.
  15. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Just got around to adding last night's dream, think it was pretty cool :)

    [quote:04311d3678]19-October-2005: I sometimes dream that I’m at the house I grew up in somewhere out front when a helicopter comes along; it always looks as if it’s going to fly by but it always turns around to come back and look at me, then I go inside the house upstairs and the helicopter hovers outside my bedroom window. If I go to the back of the house the plane flies over the roof and hovers near the back windows trying to see me from there. This all happened the same in last night’s dream, only this time the helicopter landed outside at the front of the house and I went outside to take a look. When the pilot got out I started laughing at his plane and saying how primitive it was for having rotor blades; he thought I was being naïve or something, like I hadn’t seen a helicopter before up close, but my mother and brother came along and they laughed too – I said to them, ‘Look at this old thing, it’s using ROTOR blades! Actual blades that spin around to keep it in the air, no wonder it’s so noisy! Bloody dangerous too, you could have somebody’s head of with that thing spinning around.’ Then I asked the pilot if that ever happens and he replied, ‘I suppose…’ I explained to him how stupid he was for using such a silly machine, that he could easily use a simple turbo cooler fan with C-compound fuel instead if he insisted on flying that way. He didn’t know what I was talking about so I got some plastic paper out of my pocket that had a moving diagram of C-compound fuel, showing how the pink liquid consumes sound to create energy and propel the silent fan. The guy seemed very nervous after I showed him the plastic paper with the animated diagram and I began to wonder if we’d all said too much. Later in a different dream I met a friend called Grace at some kind of festival on a sunny field; I showed her the diagram and asked whether or not her husband might be interested in C-compound fuel.[/quote:04311d3678]
  16. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I had a dream last night where I was driving CJ and Delphine back from somewhere (no idea where) and it turned out that she was living at my grandparents house. Which was odd.

    I never normally remember dreams and that one was a bit crap. So I'm going to share my all-time favourite, most memorable dream. That I had when I was about 10. I think it could be converted into a film:

    [color=blue:cb94641053]I'm in the sea, swimming (as you do), when I spot some sharks coming. So I swim as hard as I can to the shore and I get there.

    I go up the beach, then turn round and laugh at the sharks because they can't get me, then they get out of the sea, stand on their tailfins and put wetsuits on.

    So I run, and they chase me round town, until I'm in a building and find myself in a room with them closing in and no more exits from the room... then I wake up.[/color:cb94641053]

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