Crazy Theory

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by QuothTheRaven, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    My aunt has a crazy theory about earthquakes, and seeing as today is the 100th aniversary of the San Francisco 1906 Earth Quake, I think it is time I mention it.

    Apearently in 1904, it rained a lot. 2 years later, there was an earthquake. It also rained a lot in 1987, and there was an earthquake 2 years later in 1989. (Please note: I was not alive for either of these years, and am relying entirely on secondhand sources. For all I know there could have been drought those years.) This year, California got more rain that it has in 150 years. I have pointed that two instances does not a pattern make, but all the same, my mom is looking in to having our house Earthquake retrofited.
  2. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    It's rather unlikely the rain affected the earthquakes. However, retrofitting the house in case of an Earthquake is still a good idea. If it doesn't happen this year, it will still happen eventually.
  3. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well, yes, getting the house done is a good idea, no matter what the crazy theory that gets you there...

    My parents have plenty of crazy theories like that, their latest one is that the brazillian rain forest has never diminished, and has probably even got bigger, and its just those stupid ecologists getting excited about nothing. :roll:
  4. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Your parents aren't, conicidentally, in the wood industry, are they?
  5. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I thought that earthquakes in California, Central and northern South America were caused deliberately by the Chinese government forcing the population to jump up and down on the spot at exactly the same time for three minutes on special days of the year to try and shift the hole in the ozone layer over to the United States...
  6. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    [quote:bb15f13d08="Maljonic"]I thought that earthquakes in California, Central and northern South America were caused deliberately by the Chinese government forcing the population to jump up and down on the spot at exactly the same time for three minutes on special days of the year to try and shift the hole in the ozone layer over to the United States...[/quote:bb15f13d08]That's never been proven!
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:a7cd384c72="Hsing"]Your parents aren't, conicidentally, in the wood industry, are they?[/quote:a7cd384c72]
    No, but they are probably the main producers of the hot air that's causing this so-called load of ecologist crap called "global warming" that isn't really happenning at all, because penguins exist.
  8. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:df18fe3e9f="Katcal"]No, but they are probably the main producers of the hot air that's causing this so-called load of ecologist crap called "global warming" that isn't really happenning at all, because penguins exist.[/quote:df18fe3e9f]

    Speaking of penguins, this photo made me smile.
  9. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Well my mum (I will preface this by saying she's not the most enlightened lady in the world) has a theory that the price of property has gone up in Australia so much in recent years because of Asians., When asked what about the Asians she said they buy everything and live all together in the one place (personally I can see the flaw in the argument right there). But when trying to explain that property price increases have more to do with cashed up baby boomers investing their retirment funds my mum ( a baby boomer) denies it... even though they have investment property...

    At least she didn't blame it on the rain (its been a drought here for over a decade, although she'd probably blame the Asians or at the outside the aborigines for that)

    I think I need counceling to deal with the shame these attitudes engender in me :oops:
  10. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Here in the southern US, everything is caused by illegal Mexicans taking all the jobs. My parents are pretty sane about this, but they do see it as a problem. Which it is. Our immigration policy is whacked.
  11. davobanavo

    davobanavo New Member

    It's amazing what immigrants can be blamed for. In Kent, this includes pollution, housing shortages, problems with the postal service and the fact that they no longer do milk rounds.
    In the interests of equality, however, we are entirely even-handed when it comes to dishing out the blame. If you're Not From Round Here, then it's all your fault.

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