Curious Squid Syndrome

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Joculator, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Well I was all set to post a quiz, just for a change, but I thought it might be more fun to find out how many of the Discworld series each member has read up to date. That way I can set questions the majority of people have a chance of answering.

    Here is the list of Discworld books. If you just copy and paste it in to your reply and make the ones you've read Bold. Then everyone can see where they are.

    1 - Colour of Magic
    2 - Light Fantastic
    3 - Equal Rites
    4 - Mort
    5 - Sourcery
    6 - Wyrd Sisters
    7 - Pyramids
    8 - Gaurds! Guards!
    9 - Eric
    10 - Moving Pictures
    11 - Reaper Man
    12 - Witches Abroad
    13 - SmallGods
    14 - Lords and Ladies
    15 - Men at Arms
    16 - Soul Music
    17 - Interesting Times
    18 - Maskerade
    19 - Feet of Clay
    20 - Hogfather
    21 - Jingo
    22 - The Last Continent
    23 - Carpe Jugulum
    24 - The Fifth Element
    25 - The Truth
    26 - The Thief of Time
    27 - The Last Hero
    28 - The Amazing Maurice
    29 - The Night Watch
    30 - The Wee Free Men
    31 - Mostrous Regiment
    32 - Hatful of Sky
    33 - Goiung Postal
    34 - Thud!
    35 - Wintersmith
    36 - Making Money

    If you want to list any other of pTerry's books you've also read, feel free.

    I've got all of the above including 'Nations'. Plus 'Dark side of the Sun', 'Bromeliad Trilogy', 'Johnny Trilogy', 'Nanny Ogg's Cookbook', 'The Unadulterated Cat', 'Good Omens', the maps of Discworld and Ankh Morpork, 'The Science of Discworld', 'The Discworld Companions' (2 issues), 'Where's my Cow' and the shorter stories such as 'The Sea and Little Fishes' and 'Troll Bridge'.
    Forgive me if I left any out but I have been collecting for a number of years and I know I have a copy of every one.
  2. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member


    1 - Colour of Magic
    2 - Light Fantastic
    3 - Equal Rites
    4 - Mort
    5 - Sourcery
    6 - Wyrd Sisters
    7 - Pyramids
    8 - Gaurds! Guards!
    9 - Eric
    10 - Moving Pictures
    11 - Reaper Man
    12 - Witches Abroad
    13 - SmallGods
    14 - Lords and Ladies
    15 - Men at Arms
    16 - Soul Music
    17 - Interesting Times
    18 - Maskerade
    19 - Feet of Clay
    20 - Hogfather
    21 - Jingo
    22 - The Last Continent
    23 - Carpe Jugulum
    24 - The Fifth Element
    25 - The Truth
    26 - The Thief of Time
    27 - The Last Hero
    28 - The Amazing Maurice
    29 - The Night Watch
    30 - The Wee Free Men
    31 - Mostrous Regiment
    32 - Hatful of Sky
    33 - Goiung Postal
    34 - Thud!
    35 - Wintersmith
    36 - Making Money

    as well as

    'Nations'. Plus 'Dark side of the Sun', 'Bromeliad Trilogy', 'Johnny Trilogy', 'Nanny Ogg's Cookbook', 'The Unadulterated Cat', 'Good Omens', the maps of Discworl and Ankh Morpork, 'The Science of Discworld', 'The Discworld Companions' (2 issues), 'Where's my Cow' and the shorter stories such as 'The Sea and Little Fishes' and 'Troll Bridge'.

    Only the bold ones.

    DEATHOFRATS New Member


    I am posting on my Wii (computer broken), which does not have copy and paste facilities, so I'll just give the numbers...

    1 2 3 4 7 8 13 15 16 19 21 22 24 25 (reading at moment) 29 31 33 34 36.

    Plus Nation and Johnny and The Bomb.

    I think.

    Also, those names had a remarkable number of spelling mistakes.

    And why is this thread called the "Curious Squid Syndrome"?
  4. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Here we go...

    1 - Colour of Magic
    2 - Light Fantastic
    3 - Equal Rites
    4 - Mort
    5 - Sourcery
    6 - Wyrd Sisters
    7 - Pyramids
    8 - Gaurds! Guards!
    9 - Eric
    10 - Moving Pictures
    11 - Reaper Man
    12 - Witches Abroad
    13 - SmallGods
    14 - Lords and Ladies
    15 - Men at Arms
    16 - Soul Music
    17 - Interesting Times
    18 - Maskerade
    19 - Feet of Clay
    20 - Hogfather
    21 - Jingo
    22 - The Last Continent
    23 - Carpe Jugulum
    24 - The Fifth Element
    25 - The Truth
    26 - The Thief of Time
    27 - The Last Hero

    28 - The Amazing Maurice
    29 - The Night Watch
    30 - The Wee Free Men
    31 - Monstrous Regiment
    32 - A Hat Full of Sky
    33 - Going Postal
    34 - Thud!
    35 - Wintersmith
    36 - Making Money

    as well as

    'Nation', 'Dark side of the Sun', 'Bromeliad Trilogy' (only the first one), 'Johnny Trilogy', 'Nanny Ogg's Cookbook', 'The Unadulterated Cat', 'Good Omens', the maps of Discworl and Ankh Morpork, 'The Science of Discworld', 'The Discworld Companions' (2 issues), 'Where's my Cow' and the shorter stories such as 'The Sea and Little Fishes' and 'Troll Bridge'.
  5. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Apart from 'Gaurds! Guards!', 'Mostrous Regiment' and 'Goiung Postal' blame the rest on pTerry. :D

    You might have missed the reference in Jingo (#21 on your list) :wink:
  6. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    1 - Colour of Magic
    2 - Light Fantastic
    3 - Equal Rites
    4 - Mort
    5 - Sourcery
    6 - Wyrd Sisters
    7 - Pyramids
    8 - Guards! Guards!
    9 - Eric
    10 - Moving Pictures
    11 - Reaper Man
    12 - Witches Abroad
    13 - SmallGods
    14 - Lords and Ladies
    15 - Men at Arms
    16 - Soul Music
    17 - Interesting Times
    18 - Maskerade
    19 - Feet of Clay
    20 - Hogfather
    21 - Jingo
    22 - The Last Continent
    23 - Carpe Jugulum
    24 - The Fifth Element
    25 - The Truth
    26 - The Thief of Time
    27 - The Last Hero
    28 - The Amazing Maurice
    29 - The Night Watch
    30 - The Wee Free Men
    31 - Monstrous Regiment
    32 - Hatful of Sky
    33 - Going Postal
    34 - Thud!
    35 - Wintersmith
    36 - Making Money

    The Carpet People 1971 edition, The Carpet People the 1992 edition (preferred the 1971 one.) Johnny and the Dead, 'Nanny Ogg's Cookbook', 'Good Omens', 'The Science of Discworld', 'Where's my Cow', 'The Sea and Little Fishes' and 'Troll Bridge'.

    I have all of the above except for The sea and the Little Fishes and Troll Bridge. Sigh...

    DEATHOFRATS New Member

    Fair enough, but "SmallGods", "The Fifth Element", and "Nations" are also not right.

    Yes, I do know that a curious squid is a nasty-tasting, fatally curious lifeform. I just wondered why this particular thread had that as its title.

    (Well, that post took about half an hour, because I have to enter all the code for quotes by hand :sad:)
  8. Joculator

    Joculator The 'Old' Fool


    I apologize to everyone who has had difficulty in understanding this thread, but as many of you know, Oxford English is not my first language.

    From Jingo..."The Curious Squid were extremely curious. Unfortunately, they weren't very good at making connections." :D

    End of Thread Highjack
  9. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    1 - Colour of Magic
    2 - Light Fantastic
    3 - Equal Rites
    4 - Mort
    5 - Sourcery
    6 - Wyrd Sisters
    7 - Pyramids
    8 - Guards! Guards!
    9 - Eric
    10 - Moving Pictures
    11 - Reaper Man
    12 - Witches Abroad
    13 - SmallGods
    14 - Lords and Ladies
    15 - Men at Arms
    16 - Soul Music
    17 - Interesting Times
    18 - Maskerade
    19 - Feet of Clay
    20 - Hogfather
    21 - Jingo
    22 - The Last Continent
    23 - Carpe Jugulum
    24 - The Fifth Elephant
    25 - The Truth
    26 - The Thief of Time
    27 - The Last Hero
    28 - The Amazing Maurice
    29 - Night Watch
    30 - The Wee Free Men
    31 - Monstrous Regiment
    32 - Hatful of Sky
    33 - Going Postal
    34 - Thud!
    35 - Wintersmith
    36 - Making Money

    If you want to list any other of pTerry's books you've also read, feel free.

    I've got all of the above including 'Nation'. Plus 'Dark side of the Sun', 'Bromeliad Trilogy', 'Johnny Trilogy', 'Nanny Ogg's Cookbook', 'The Unadulterated Cat', 'Good Omens', the maps of Discworld and Ankh Morpork, 'The Science of Discworld', 'The Discworld Companions' (2 issues), 'Where's my Cow' and the shorter stories such as 'The Sea and Little Fishes' and 'Troll Bridge'.
  10. randywine

    randywine Member

    1 - Colour of Magic
    2 - Light Fantastic
    3 - Equal Rites
    4 - Mort
    5 - Sourcery
    6 - Wyrd Sisters
    7 - Pyramids
    8 - Guards! Guards!
    9 - Eric
    10 - Moving Pictures
    11 - Reaper Man
    12 - Witches Abroad
    13 - SmallGods
    14 - Lords and Ladies
    15 - Men at Arms
    16 - Soul Music
    17 - Interesting Times
    18 - Maskerade
    19 - Feet of Clay
    20 - Hogfather
    21 - Jingo
    22 - The Last Continent
    23 - Carpe Jugulum
    24 - The Fifth Elephant
    25 - The Truth
    26 - The Thief of Time
    27 - The Last Hero

    28 - The Amazing Maurice
    29 - Night Watch
    30 - The Wee Free Men
    31 - Monstrous Regiment
    32 - Hatful of Sky
    33 - Going Postal
    34 - Thud!
    35 - Wintersmith
    36 - Making Money

    If you want to list any other of pTerry's books you've also read, feel free.

    I've got all of the above including 'Nation'. Plus 'Dark side of the Sun', 'Bromeliad Trilogy', 'Johnny Trilogy (only You can save mankind)', 'Nanny Ogg's Cookbook', 'The Unadulterated Cat', 'Good Omens', the maps of Discworld and Ankh Morpork, 'The Science of Discworld', 'The Discworld Companions' (2 issues), 'Where's my Cow' and the shorter stories such as 'The Sea and Little Fishes' and 'Troll Bridge'. Plus 'Strata'

    DEATHOFRATS New Member

    I feel a little left out...

    Everyone else seems to have read them all except 'The Amazing Maurice'.

    Do you all think yourselves above it 'cos it's for children?

    Ps. The word 'hijack' has no 'g' or second 'h'.

    Sorry, I can't help it...
  12. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Actually, it is an acceptable alternative spelling.

    Check this out:
    hijack - Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary


    DEATHOFRATS New Member

    Ahh, thank you.

    I deserved that.
  14. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Read them all, including the ones listed at bottom!
  15. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Certainly not, I've just not had a chance to read it. Only place I could have bought so far it was at an airport and I was looking for a big thick chunky book to last the whole holiday... The Tiffany books, the Johnny books and the Bromeliad trilogy are all categorised as "for children" and I think you'll see many of us have read those... In fact, I would read "Where's my cow?" if I got a chance.
  16. Wiredwrong

    Wiredwrong New Member

    1 - Colour of Magic
    2 - Light Fantastic
    3 - Equal Rites
    4 - Mort
    5 - Sourcery
    6 - Wyrd Sisters
    7 - Pyramids
    8 - Gaurds! Guards!
    9 - Eric
    10 - Moving Pictures
    11 - Reaper Man
    12 - Witches Abroad
    13 - SmallGods
    14 - Lords and Ladies
    15 - Men at Arms
    16 - Soul Music
    17 - Interesting Times
    18 - Maskerade
    19 - Feet of Clay
    20 - Hogfather
    21 - Jingo
    22 - The Last Continent
    23 - Carpe Jugulum
    24 - The Fifth Element
    25 - The Truth
    26 - The Thief of Time
    27 - The Last Hero
    28 - The Amazing Maurice
    29 - The Night Watch
    30 - The Wee Free Men
    31 - Mostrous Regiment
    32 - Hatful of Sky
    33 - Goiung Postal
    34 - Thud!
    35 - Wintersmith
    36 - Making Money
    'Nation'. P'Dark side of the Sun', 'Bromeliad Trilogy', 'Johnny Trilogy', 'Nanny Ogg's Cookbook', 'The Unadulterated Cat', 'Good Omens', the maps of Discworld and Ankh Morpork, 'The Science of Discworld', 'Where's my Cow' and the shorter stories such as 'The Sea and Little Fishes' and 'Troll Bridge'.
    ......I think that's it. Suffice to say I am sat with my tongue hanging out for "Unseen Academicals!
  17. Wiredwrong

    Wiredwrong New Member

    I can highly recommend "Where's My Cow" - I read it with my kids and they especially like the Foul 'Ole Ron bit. (I have also been known to read it without the kids - the illustrations are quite absorbing!)
  18. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    1 - The Colour of Magic
    2 - Light Fantastic
    3 - Equal Rites
    4 - Mort
    5 - Sourcery
    6 - Wyrd Sisters
    7 - Pyramids
    8 - Guards! Guards!
    9 - Eric
    10 - Moving Pictures
    11 - Reaper Man
    12 - Witches Abroad
    13 - Small Gods
    14 - Lords and Ladies
    15 - Men at Arms
    16 - Soul Music
    17 - Interesting Times
    18 - Maskerade
    19 - Feet of Clay
    20 - Hogfather
    21 - Jingo
    22 - The Last Continent
    23 - Carpe Jugulum
    24 - The Fifth Element
    25 - The Truth
    26 - The Thief of Time
    27 - The Last Hero
    28 - The Amazing Maurice
    29 - The Night Watch
    30 - The Wee Free Men
    31 - Mostrous Regiment
    32 - Hatful of Sky
    33 - Going Postal
    34 - Thud!
    35 - Wintersmith
    36 - Making Money

    I can't figure out how to work the editing, I am so lame, anyway I have read this whole list and Where's my Cow?, and the Johnny Maxwell trilogy and the Bromeliad trilogy. as well as Good Omens and I skimmed through Nanny Ogg's cookbook. I also have the Art of Discworld. I love the Mona Ogg especially.

    DEATHOFRATS New Member

    Come to thing of it, I have read "Where's My Cow?", just never owned it...

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