Dating with do-it-yourself HIV tests.

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Nov 26, 2005.

  1. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member


    If it's reliable it would be a great thing for more reasons than dating, people used to have to wait weeks in the early days.

    [quote:5e7164fb64][b:5e7164fb64]Gardiner Harris[/b:5e7164fb64]
    New York Times News Service
    Nov. 25, 2005 11:22 PM

    WASHINGTON - The two young single women, attractive and confident, were sitting at the bar of a popular Washington after-hours spot when they were asked how a relatively quick do-it-yourself HIV test might affect their dating life.

    One of them, Julie Powers, 23, laughed. "I would definitely make someone take it," she said, "hopefully before the sex." And she would not be embarrassed, she said, to insist that a man submit to the test.

    Her friend, Victoria Maulhardt, 25, nodded and added, "Especially if you're getting serious with someone."

    Their comments were not idle speculation: A rapid at-home HIV test could be available on pharmacy shelves within the next year or so. Encouraged by a federal drug advisory committee earlier this month, OraSure Technologies in Bethlehem, Pa., is expected to apply to the Food and Drug Administration soon for permission to start selling its HIV test over the counter. Now it's available only in clinics.

    Taking the test involves a simple swab of the gums. Results appear within 20 minutes.

    And if the results are negative, certain inhibitions may disappear.

    "I think there would be a lot more unprotected sex if there was a 20-minute test that people could take," said Michael Mathews, 40. Mathews was sitting in another Washington nightspot, this one with frosted windows and a clientele that was almost uniformly male.

    "We're all sick of hearing about condoms and prevention and safe sex," Mathews said. If a test could allow gay men to skip such prevention efforts, many would, he said.

    Ken Deckinger, co-founder and chief executive of the dating service HurryDate, said that an easily available AIDS test could quickly reassure a dater of a prospective partner's health, allowing a couple to jump into bed faster than they might have before.

    The test, he wrote in an e-mail exchange, will "speed up the natural relationship evolution process."

    "This, of course, will most likely lead to more casual encounters," he wrote.

    Helen Friedman, a clinical psychologist in private practice in St. Louis, said she could envision daters "bonding over this and saying, 'Let's take this test together,' " and then, safely reassured, going from there.

    The test is part of a growing stable of medical products that people can use at home to address their sexual behavior; self-administered pregnancy tests and the morning-after pill are others.

    The HIV test also addresses an issue that more and more singles face: knowing next to nothing about their next date. The popularity of Internet dating and group set-ups has led more and more singles to participate in blind dates, no references included.

    But while technology has helped foster the trend, it is also helping singles cope with it. Google can provide screenfuls of information about a prospective match. Other Web sites offer criminal background checks and lists of real estate holdings. So perhaps it's no surprise that coming soon to a CVS near you is a quick way to tell if a would-be Mr. or Ms. Right has an infection that could kill.

    And perhaps soon to fade from the popular imagination will be scenes like the one from "Sex and the City" in which the sexually ravenous Samantha is asked by a prospective partner to get tested for HIV. (She becomes so nervous, she passes out at the clinic.)

    Friedman said she expected the tests to be taken by people who routinely get anxious, often for very little reason, about their partners or their past. She has clients who take at-home pregnancy tests repeatedly and then, for good measure, go to a doctor for another test, she said.

    Members of a Food and Drug Administration advisory committee suggested in a meeting this month that the people most likely to take the test are college students recovering from an uncharacteristically wild night. But the test is no hangover cure.

    An HIV infection will take anywhere from two weeks to three months to become detectable, so the test can offer no assurances about a partner's most recent sexual history - or fidelity.

    Still, Arthur Aron, a professor of psychology at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, said surreptitious testing of bodily fluids was bound to happen once the test becomes widely available.

    "In the context of jealousy, people do amazing things," Aron said.

    Maulhardt, on the other hand, nursing a drink at the Washington bar, dismissed the idea. "I wouldn't want to do it behind someone's back," she said.

    Besides giving daters more chances to have quickie sex and then be horrible to each other, a rapid at-home HIV test could of course help stem a stubbornly high rate of HIV infections in the United States, particularly among blacks, homosexuals and drug users. More than a million people here have been infected with HIV, almost two-thirds through male-to-male sex. The rate of infection among blacks is more than eight times that of whites.

    Last year 38,685 more Americans were found to be infected with HIV, and studies have shown that 40 percent to 45 percent of new cases develop into AIDS within a year of diagnosis. AIDS takes nearly a decade to develop after an HIV infection, so the seemingly rapid onset of AIDS in these cases means that many Americans - at least 250,000, studies estimate - carry the virus for years without knowing it, perhaps infecting others.

    That is why many public health officials are so eager to put OraSure's test on pharmacy shelves. Getting that quarter-million people to shed their ignorance and get screened could be the key to reducing the epidemic's toll in the United States. But persuading some daters to make use of the test may still be difficult.

    "I could not envision saying, 'Gee, this has been really great, but before we go any further, here's a box for you with a little bow on it?' " said Amy Drummond, a single woman from Alexandria, Va. "No."

    Matthew Montroi, a 23-year-old single from Washington, said he could imagine a woman asking him to take the test as they became more intimate and moved from using condoms to using birth control pills.

    "But I'd probably never ask her to take one unless we were sitting at dinner and she just happened to mention that she'd had 50 partners before," Montroi said. "I'd probably leave at that point anyway."

    Then he paused.

    "Well," he said, "if she was really hot, I might stay and ask her to take the test."

    "I really think we've got what they want," she explained. "And if they want it, they can have it on our terms."[/quote:5e7164fb64]
  2. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Given the time it takes for the infection to show itself I'm not sure this is all that useful an idea. You could do a lot of spreading in a few months if you wanted to. I guess the people who are fighting this menace are getting sort of desperate.
  3. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I'm not sure how the test works exactly, but I would have thought the presence of the virus would be detectable right away, even if the symptoms aren't. I don't know why I think that though? :)
  4. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I'm pretty sure the article stated that it takes several weeks to several months for an infected person to give a positive test result. It has been one of the big problems fighting this disease all along.
  5. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Oh, well that's not very good then. I suppose it's more of a theory when they ask those people what they would do if they had one.
  6. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    I don't think this test is particully useful, due to the potential time delay in detecting the virus and the point that many people do not use even condoms now. Particularily in area's where sex education is poor.

    In the end I just think that this is just a quick fix that doesn't really do to much. What people it will save from HIV may well acquire other STD's or unwanted pregnancies.
  7. redneck

    redneck New Member

    There are several guys in the area here that have HIV because of one girl. She knew that she had AIDS and slept with as many guys as she could before she died. It's really sad. Two of the guys were married at the time. THe implications of her actions will be felt for a long time. Why would anyone do such a thing?
  8. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    people do this kind of thing because they're angry, or afraid or perhaps both.

    Anyways, I heard some talk about either this same test or one very simmilar but it was said not to be very reliable. As I understood it a regular HIV/AIDS test takes some time to do simply because of some reaction or other (I'm not an educated medic) and the speed of the test was on behalf of the accuracy.
  9. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    i suppose she did it for the same reason other people grabbed a gun and went amok, to punish the world in some way, and because they didn't care anymore whom it hit in detail.

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