
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Oct 9, 2005.

  1. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    So, how well do you eat?

    Do you eat three reasonable meals a day? Do you skip breakfast, sometimes skip lunch, get by on coffee until dinner, and then pass out right after you eat?

    Have you forgotten that you own a frying pan, and occasionally receive mail addressed to you at the local McDonalds?

    Have you bought into a fad diet? Ever? Do you listen to people who proudly proclaim they're losing weight on health-damaging claptrap like atkins?

    How varried is your intake of fruit and veg, and how much fruit and veg do you manage to eat in a day or week?

    Do you complain that lean meat is too dry?

    Does the phrase 'deep fried mars bar' or 'pizza in a cup' sound utterly revolting to you?

    Now, on a scale of one to ten, grade your diet. Use common sense here. No 'Well, I'm only doing it to lose weight' crap. No 'I don't really believe it matters' self deluding garbage. Common sense, medical fact, and self honesty are required.

    Rate yourself, 1 to 10. 1 being 'McDonalds and a deep frier are all I need', 2 or 3 being 'Macaroni and Cheese counts as a vegetable', and 9 or 10 being 'veganism has its merits, but i'm not going to be so retarded as to think that's the ONLY healthy diet!'

    Now, once you've done that, compare your diet's score to your general outlook on life.

    I have a sneaky suspicion that there is a direct correlation between the amount of transfats you inject into yourself via a big mac and the amount of time you spend wallowing in self loating and misery.
  2. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I'd say my diet is pretty healthy; the only time I go to MacDonald's is when I take this kid there every Monday because I have to, I don't eat the stuff myself though. I used to eat it with him but I noticed that I stopped feeling crappy on Tuesdays when the kid was away for three weeks, now I buy a sandwich from a bakery instead and eat that while he has his cheesburger, fries and chocolate milkshake.

    Please bear in mind I have no choice but to take him there, he's not my kid and I have to do as his parents tell me. They don't really want him to go there either, but he's autistic and very set in his ways (the two sort of go hand-in-hand) and he looks forward to it all week.

    I'm not on a diet.
  3. Venerico

    Venerico New Member

    I should be on a diet.
    But I'm not.
    I do not believe in that kind of crap.
    I eat, from time to time, some fruit, and veg.
    And I only go to McDonald's on my (or someone else) birthdays.
    I'm addicted to sweet stuff.

    I would rate myselfe with 5.
    I do eat a lot, but not that much unhealthy food.
  4. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    I'm not too sure about that correlation. In some cases it may be cause and effect (in both ways), but I'm not too sure about the general trend.

    I'd give my eating habits an 8, although I would go along with the highest rated statement.

    I'm a vegetarian. I mostly drink water and I start with every day with a nice bowl of muesli. I also eat lots of vegs and fruit. I try to compensate for most meat-related nutrients by eating a great deal of nuts, spinach and broccoli. My only occasional sin is my weekly two packets of liquorice. For me this basically boils down to eating and drinking what I like. Why an 8? Well... I often feel like I do not drink and eat enough and I occasionally skip lunch. I'm not a big eater and I sometimes feel weak and tired because of it.

    I wouldn't rate myself high on the wallowing in self-loathing and misery, but I'm not a very cheerful teenager either.

    P.S. "Pizza in a cup"? "Deep fried Mars bar"? You English are strange. I mean... why?
  5. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    I though Deep Fried Mars Bar was a southern US thing.

    I have never heard of pizza in a cup.
  6. Toaf

    Toaf New Member

    I have heard of pizza rolled up to make an ice-cream-cone-shaped thing. And I saw it being made and eaten at a desgin fair. It was disgusting.

    My eating habits are the epitome of the expression 'normal and boring'. I really detest most fast food and junk food, but I don't insanely love brussel sprouts either. I eat a lot of fruit and I am addicted to Polo mints.
  7. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    I think the important thing is to eat a variety of different types of food, so that you can be sure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals you need, and you don't get ill from eating too much of the same thing. Any food can be bad for you if eaten in excess.

    I get bored with different types of food pretty easily, and after a while I'll get sick of something no matter how much I like it in the first place, so my diet is pretty varied.
  8. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    deep fried mars bars are, so far as i know, only consumed in carluke, scotland. and even then, only by doors.

    pizza in a cup is, so far as i know, something you can get in new york city. or possibly chicago. the principal seems to be that you put the dough in a cup, fill it with tomato sauce and cheeze, and heat it up in a micro-oven.
  9. redneck

    redneck New Member

    I would grade myself as about a 7. I skip meals quite frequently. As of right now I haven't eaten breakfast or lunch and it's 6 PM. I get hungry but don't feel like eating. I did eat supper yesterday though.

    I eat at McDonald's quite a bit. I get the fish sandwich, fries, and a four piece nugget. That's always for supper. For breakfast I have an egg biscuit. For lunch I eat either a BMT or a Subway Melt, both from Subway. We eat Subway every day because it's cheap and doesn't weigh us down too much after eating. The weekends are when I don't eat as well. Most weekends I will eat three to four meals. That's not a day, but for the whole weekend. I just don't feel like eating most of the time.

    My parent have me over several times a week and they eat very healthily. One meat and several different types of veggies. I like vegetables almost more than I like meat, so even when I eat out I eat decently healthy food. (with the exception of McDonald's. Nothing they have is decently healthy)
  10. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Usual diet:
    Depends a bit on the shift I work.

    If I work mornings:
    Breakfast: Bread with cheese or peanutbutter or a Tosti.
    Lunch: Brought from home, usually something I had 2 days before for Dinner.
    Dinner: I'm blessed with a girlfriend who loves cooking and is vegetarian (but eats fish). Dinner is usually good food, lots of vegetables.
    I'm not a good cook and I certainly can't compete with her skills (Mad Skillz) but I make a really nice (semi-healthy) Pizza and I am good at soups. Other cooking involves me looking at the back of the package a lot.

    If I work afternoons I skip breakfast because I only wake up at 11:00 anyway.
    Lunch will be a tosti or something similar
    Dinner is heated up in the microwave, but homemade.

    If I go out to eat I will try not to go for steak with fries, but the portuguese make such nice steak and fries...
    I try not to eat much pork because it gives me pimples.

    I don't really drink, just a glass of wine with dinner or 2 or 3 drinks in a bar or disco.
    Coffee intake is as minimal as possible. 1 "bica" (Portuguese espresso) when I start work and 1 after lunch. never at night, unless I do a nightshift or I'm going out.

    I used to snack a lot in between, but I'm trying to curb that. I haven't bought chocolate in months and I ration my licorice (jealous of CY...).
    I still have a weakness for cashew nuts though.

    At least I've just started to go to a Gym, so I'll be working off this extra weight that has been building up in my abdominal area.

    I'd say a 7 for my diet, and that's mostly due to my girlfriend. I need to marry this girl. :)
  11. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    My diet is OK pre-alcohol...taking into account the alcohol consumption my dietary intake includes too much carbohydrates and will probably explain the paunchy belly :)

    I eat breakfast and all the things your supposed to except maybe not enough fruit but otherwise I'm OK except for the beer and wine...
  12. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    My diet I'd say is pretty darn good. It started out as an attempt to prevent myself from getting fat, and I'm definitely getting pretty slim, but eating well just makes me feel so much better overall.

    When I'm at home or on holidays I tend to eat a large breakfast of oats or lots of wholemeal bread, then no lunch and a late dinner. I will, however, eat a fair amount of fruit and yoghurt during the day.

    During school time I have a small breakfast, maybe a piece of bread, then a small lunch, then a small afternoon tea, then a largish dinner. Lots of veggies and lean meat. No problem at all.

    I make sure I drink lots of water, because one of my main problems when I was eating whatever I wanted was my tendancy to eat when thirsty. I don't do that any more.

    Don't eat much junk at all, no fast food, chocolate, cheese, ice cream, white bread, cakes or even pie. But I do like lollies and eat them every now and again.

    My diet would probably have about an 8, because I could eat more vegetables (I refuse to eat them raw) and less carbohydrates (I love bread too much). And every few weeks I have a social bludge day, where I eat whatever I like. Because there are some times when not eating birthday cake, or the like, is just impossible.

    My outlook in life would be a lot better post-dieting than before. I'm a lot happier about the way I look an am so much more confident about myself. And I've found that chocolate and the like do not in fact make you happy, they make you depressed. And I hardly ever think about self harm or suicide any more. So I don't know if its the better food I'm eating, or just the fact that I'm no longer dreadfully unhappy about the way I look.

    Slightly off topic here, but I've found that dieting to lose fat by just eating healthily has also made a lot of other aspects of myself more bearable. So its a lie when people say that being thinner will not make you happy, successful or give you a better overall opinion of yourself. It does.

    But, I can speak from experience here, eating badly (whether it be binging, starvation or plain old junk food diets) do nothing but make you even more depressed about yourself and make living very difficult. I do not ever want to have to miss out on sport because I hadn't eaten anything in the last two days ever again. And I never want to be chubby again either.
  13. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I somehow can't put my diet on a scale from ten to zero... The last time I've been to a fast food restaurant was an emergency case in 2003. I find the stuff pretty disgusting. On the other side, I consume, probably, too much sugar and caffeine, but combined with the very healthy meals we make for our family.
    I used to skip meals for a long time, and lost a lot of weight, which todays is often regarded as healthy per se. I, though, would definitely say that wasn't my healthiest time. Not at all. Regardless of weight, I had a lack of vitamines, and was sick and pretty down most of the time.

    Nowadays... A few weeks 9, a few weeks 5, a few weeks 9 again...
  14. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    [quote:c57b06c9eb="Venerico"]I should be on a diet.
    But I'm not.
    I do not believe in that kind of crap.
    I eat, from time to time, some fruit, and veg.
    And I only go to McDonald's on my (or someone else) birthdays.
    I'm addicted to sweet stuff.

    I would rate myselfe with 5.
    I do eat a lot, but not that much unhealthy food.[/quote:c57b06c9eb]


    I also skip Breakfast (every day) because it is served at 7:00 and classes start at 8:00 and i only have the willpower to climb out of mycomfy bed about 20 min befor classes and take a shower.

    And anywhay the food we get served here is really second rate here and not very healthy.

    I admit that i may not eat healthy :vom: but i am too lazy to do anything about it, so there.
  15. Cynth

    Cynth New Member

    I start work at 7 till 4:30.
    But i get up at 5 to get the bus. I work on a zinc mine. Which is 30 km out of the town that i live.

    Diet wise: around 6. But I smoke, around pack in three days and "kuier" which is my home language for go out or party or whatever you want to call it every weekend all weekend. There are 1500 people in our town. And they are mine workers.

    The nearest movie and decent clothing shop is about 400km away on gravel roads.

    So i try. I really do. sometimes it just gets to much to live in the middle of the desert
  16. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Hmm. I eat plenty of fruit and a fair amount of veg, and I drink fruit juice regularly. I get enough meat, but not too much. I eat a [i:9b33210810]lot[/i:9b33210810] of carbohydrate, but I think that the notion that carbs are inherently bad is bullshit. For me, high carbohydrates and low dairy-protein is a good diet. I think there's probably something in that blood group theory about diets - that blood groups came about due to changes in our primitive culture (hunter-gatherer, farming etc), and this is reflected in the balance of food groups we need to be healthy.

    I still eat too many sweets (though nothing close to the binge-levels I attained as a depressed teenager) and I eat junkfood such as chips when I'm too tired to prepare anything else. However, we go out to restaurants quite a lot, and the food there is good and healthy. Home-cooked food a la Garner is pretty good too. :)

    I never eat breakfast, and I sometimes miss meals through forgetfulness at the weekends.

    On balance, I'd give my attitude to food an 8, my actual diet a 6, and my general outlook/state of wellbeing a 7.
  17. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    Today, i scored a 3. Skipped breakfast and lunch, had frenchfries for dinner and not a single cup of ANYTHING to drink so far, allthough i do have a coke in my bag with me.

    PS: Did you know that potatoes are the only "food" on which you can consistantly live for 3 months without any ill effects?
  18. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    I eat lots of prepared foods because I don't have time to cook and I can't be bothered washing dishes. However, I eat prepared foods that are healthy, and I always check labels for calories, sugar, fat, sodium and protein content.

    For breakfast, I have either a yoghurt, soy yoghurt, Slim-fast or Atkins drink or a diet meal bar. I always check the ingredients on the meal bars, as some of them are full of sugar and/or corn syrup and have little to no protein. They are no better than eating a chocolate bar. The same for yoghurt. Many yoghurts have sugar or corn syrup as one of their first ingredients, and are basically fruit-flavoured syrup. They are usually the ones labeled as healthy because they are low-fat. I used to eat cereal, but found that it took too much time. I would eat one or two spoons, then run out the door, which basically meant I wasn't having breakfast at all.

    I don't skip breakfast or meals because I have a thing about finding myself in a bad situation and being unable to handle myself because I'm weak from not eating. I have a walk of about 1 1/2 miles to work every day. If I didn't have breakfast before I left I'd probably faint along the way.

    For lunch I usually have a ready-made salad with beans or bits of chicken or seafood. Sometimes I will have couscous or houmous (sp?). I avoid mayonnaise and dressings. Once in a while I will have sushi. I prefer sashimi, as I don't need all that rice, but so far I haven't been able to find it here.

    Dinner is the same as lunch, or else a frozen ready meal, usually either Weight Watchers or Linda McCartney (vegetarian). I eat red meat, but not often and if I do, it is usually in little bits, like chopped up in a meat sauce over something else. I don't remember the last time I had a steak. It's been years.

    Snacks are the same as breakfast. I try to eat fruit every day.

    I pretty much only drink water. I buy fruit juice because I know it's good for me, but I end up not drinking it because I prefer water. I also drink soy milk, but that is more of as a treat for myself as I usually buy chocolate or vanilla flavour.

    I don't usually eat sweets. On the weekends, Maljonic and I may share a pizza, and we might rent a DVD and share some crisps while watching it. We may also go for a drive and stop at a chip shop for fish & chips once in a while.

    I always try to make sure that whenever I eat, even it's just a snack, I get a decent amount of protein, otherwise I'm just hungry again an hour later.

    I don't know how to rate this in numbers. I try my best.
  19. Deathinapinkboa

    Deathinapinkboa New Member

    [quote:d87d81522f="Garner"]deep fried mars bars are, so far as i know, only consumed in carluke, scotland. and even then, only by doors.[/quote:d87d81522f]

    I almost fell over giggling when I read that, I notice Doors hasn't commented.

    I'm not a very good eater, as I don't eat much. On monday through Friday I'll normally have not but a spinach salad and a bit of cheese, and don't sleep for more then 3-4 hours during that part of the week either. How ever, on Saturday and Sunday, I eat much more balenced meals, and generally throw a bit of beaf or veal into my diet, consiquently I sleep 11 to 12 hours on weekends. I'm not completly certain whether this is from the meat, or the lack of sleep during the rest of the week.
  20. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    I am a very bad eater, I eat way too much. I may eat some decent food but I usually eat something I shouldn't and I have been skipping breakfast lately. I don't plan on "dieting" any time soon because the one time I did that I lost 40 lbs and regained that weight and 60 lbs more.

    I may end up having gastric by-pass surgery, I am not really sure if it would help me, my aunt did it and it wasn't much help for her. We have a very good surgeon in town for that procedure, he has an excellent record for not killing his patients, people come from out of state to have him cut up their insides.

    Being this big is a real pain and I am trying to buy food that will be good for me and might help me at least stop gaining weight. I just don't want to spend the rest of my life being obsessed with food, which is what life was like on Weight Watchers for me. I have been having some luck since I started working again, I have smaller meals every two hours and after I get home and have something for supper I usually am done eating for the day, but not always.

    Jon is a cereal eater and likes comfort foods like mac and cheese when he gets in off the road so I save them for when he is home and try to eat the foods he doesn't like when he is away. That is things like sauerkraut and onions and broccoli. My biggest problem with food is liking it too much.
  21. Deathinapinkboa

    Deathinapinkboa New Member

    [quote:c425ce6899="TamyraMcG"] I may end up having gastric by-pass surgery, I am not really sure if it would help me, my aunt did it and it wasn't much help for her. We have a very good surgeon in town for that procedure, he has an excellent record for not killing his patients, people come from out of state to have him cut up their insides.[/quote:c425ce6899]

    I wouldn’t suggest a gastric. My former friend had a lap-belt surgery, which is much safer and less invasive. You don’t lose the weight as fast, but on the whole it’s better for you. Here is a web page that may prove useful:
  22. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Thank you Deathinapinkboa, I hadn't heard about that procedure, it looks interesting. The thought of not being hungry is very tempting,but I am not sure that is the main problem I have with food. I know several people at work who have had the by-pass surgeryand the results are mixed at best. I think that having surgery is such a risky thing, I and my husband are both going to have to be in favor of it. I have a ways to go and Jon has even farther.
  23. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    [quote:796f4e587f="Marcia"] I have a walk of about 1 1/2 miles to work every day. If I didn't have breakfast before I left I'd probably faint along the way.


    I always try to make sure that whenever I eat, even it's just a snack, I get a decent amount of protein, otherwise I'm just hungry again an hour later.
    It sounds like you have a very fast metabolism! I also walk about a mile and a half to work, but if I'd eaten beforehand, it would make me feel sick.

    Something that annoys me is when people make assumptions about how much you might want to eat based on things like size or gender; for example, serving men larger portions, or petite people smaller portions. How much you want to eat at a meal depends on a lot of stuff, but principally your rate of metabolism. (For examplpe, I know plenty of people who can never eat a lot at one time, but need to eat small amounts through the day.)
  24. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    [quote:7dc9f64525="Buzzfloyd"][Something that annoys me is when people make assumptions about how much you might want to eat based on things like size or gender; for example, serving men larger portions, or petite people smaller portions. How much you want to eat at a meal depends on a lot of stuff, but principally your rate of metabolism. (For examplpe, I know plenty of people who can never eat a lot at one time, but need to eat small amounts through the day.)[/quote:7dc9f64525]

    This annoys me, too, although I am petite and don't believe I've ever been served smaller portions than others people.

    I do have to eat lots of small meals, and it annoys me when people comment when I can't finish what's on my plate, and try to convince me to eat more. I can only eat so much at a time, and after that I will become sick.

    I also have to get up in the middle of the night to eat, sometimes, because my stomach is growling.

    edit: It also annoys me when I have a snack, and someone says, 'If you had a bigger breakfast/lunch/dinner, you wouldn't need a snack.'

    It doesn't work that way.
  25. chesterguy

    chesterguy New Member

    my current challenge is to stay off coke (coca-cola for those who are worried) or any other fizzy drinks for 5 days, along with another mate from college who also lives off the stuff...

    We've managed two days so far, and the pressure is getting to us i think... headaches, sudden tiredness all related to a lack of coke...

    I'll give you updates later in the week ;)
  26. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I'd like to think I eat healthly and exercise regularly. I eat a lot of fruit, at least three pieces a day most the time and I nearly always have two vegetables with my evening meal. I like a variety of food cultures. Indian, Italian, Mexican and others too.

    Up until a few weeks ago I was a member of a gym but I found that i'd rather you running outdoors and I play footie and golf whenever I can so I think thats enough to keep me fit. Also I tend to be on my feet most of the day when i'm in work due to the nature of my job. :)

    Edit: I've also tried to cut down on my weekend beer consumption or after footie so instead i'll only have a pint instead of two or go onto red bull and vodka and cut down on the big fella on Saturday nights. Hopefully I can keep it up. :cooler:
  27. Deathinapinkboa

    Deathinapinkboa New Member

    [quote:79f2511556="chesterguy"]my current challenge is to stay off coke (coca-cola for those who are worried) or any other fizzy drinks for 5 days, along with another mate from college who also lives off the stuff...

    We've managed two days so far, and the pressure is getting to us i think... headaches, sudden tiredness all related to a lack of coke...

    I'll give you updates later in the week ;)[/quote:79f2511556]

    Dropping all soda does [i:79f2511556]so much[/i:79f2511556] for you. I stopped drinking it this summer, and since then I've lost 20 pounds.
  28. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Deep Fried Mars Bars can also be found at the fish and chip shop at Bondi Beach Sydney.

    They are awful. Truely awful. I shared one with 3 others and none of use could have more than 1 bite...
  29. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I have a terrible diet. It's getting slightly better, though. I never used to have breakfast- I tend to feel sick in the morning which leads me to believe I'm pregnant, or something. Recently I've started having breakfast at work when my stomach isn't being so crap. I've never really had a big appietate and I'm quite lazy so I tend to find it quite easy to miss meals. Which is why I look like I'm made of straw.

    There used to be times when I'd only have one real meal day that would be just a plate of meat. These days (and I mean in the last few weeks) I tend to be eating much better. I now have breakfast- readybreak! Lunch tends to be a nice sandwich (the places around here are all fancy and expensive but have good quality) or a sub-way. But there quite price so when my money gets lower I'll start buying crap like a pot noddle (which is a bit rubbish, cuase I could buy a jacket potato and tuna for around the same price-but that’s more effort though). For dinner I general just have a crappy microwave type meal. Which is a bit shit, but a bigger improvement on my past Bacon sandwich for dinner plans. My housemate cooks proper meals for us often enough though.

    I don’t really have McD's or Pizzahuts but do tend to pick up the odd chicken wing for a snack on the way home, but I could probably do with the heart clogging fat. I don't have that many sweets I have a buy beside my bed and have a few every night.

    I'd probably give myself 2 or 3 for my diet and will probably turn to dust in a few years (though I'm hoping that in the future we'll all have robot bodies!)

    My general outlook on life in good. I'm quite churpie and happy and tend to be quite energetic despite the lack of nutrition I get. I'd say about an 8. However, my dietary problems are a bane in my life and I'd be happier if I sorted them.

    A few years ago a Dr said I had high stomach acid which could be part of the reason for my constant sick feeling. I keep meaning to go to the doctors about it.
  30. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    One question... what [i:1d60b26092]is [/i:1d60b26092]a Deep Fried Mars Bar? How is it prepared? i mean, if you fry a mars bar, it would melt, wouldn't it? (Not joking.)
  31. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:2ad8e651a9="Rincewind"]I have a terrible diet. It's getting slightly better, though. I never used to have breakfast- I tend to feel sick in the morning which leads me to believe I'm pregnant, or something. Recently I've started having breakfast at work when my stomach isn't being so crap. I've never really had a big appietate and I'm quite lazy so I tend to find it quite easy to miss meals. Which is why I look like I'm made of straw.[/quote:2ad8e651a9]

    I used to be exactly the same Rinso. Except I would only feel sick if I ate breakfast so I just didn't. But now because of my new job I always eat breakfast and do feel a lot better for it. Although on my days off I normally miss it and sometimes even miss luncj. Probably down to laziness too. :)
  32. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Rinso, if you look at the ingredients for antacids like Rennies, you'll notice that they all [i:dfbcb3625d]contain[/i:dfbcb3625d] acid. This is because it stops your stomach going into overdrive with the acid production once it's getting sufficient from your diet (or so I'm given to understand by a nurse friend I asked). It's the same principle as moisturising your skin to stop it being so greasy.

    So, if you ate more fruit or drank more fruit juice, perhaps that would help. Or you might try drinking vinegar (but not if it turns out you are pregnant).
  33. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    I'm the same as the erstwhile Doormen on the breakfast situation.

    My stomach just wasn't for eating first thing in the morning. These days, I tend to have a couple of slice of toast at my first break at work, usually the back of ten.

    But I really couldn't eat the second I get out of bed.
  34. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Same here. I tend to have something once I've got to work.
  35. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    HAH! You breakfastly challenged people!

    I always have breakfast, normally cereal, but if I don't have time for it (due to getting up late) I'll be absolutely ravenous on the drive to work and I'll have to grab something from the canteen when I get there. Breakfast is imperative to me, the only time I'll miss it is if I wake up at lunchtime, in which case I'll have lunch when I get up :D

    Lunch is normally bread-based. A sandwich, or soup with a slice or two. Occasionally I'm tempted by what they're cooking in the canteen and will have something like a meal.

    What I have for dinner depends on what mood I'm in. Sometimes I'll have just a pizza or ready-meal thing, sometimes I'll have a ready-meal type thing with a few vegetables I've cooked on the side, sometimes I'll actually make myself a stir-fry or some kind of pasta thing (although I buy the sauce rather than make it usually). But it's rather rare that the dinner is small, it's normally too big really, but I eat it all anyway.

    My snacking is pretty minimal nowadays, if I do snack, it's normally a piece of fruit or a yoghurt. I'll normally buy something small with my lunch at work if I get a sandwich. Usually a flapjack of some sort but sometimes a choccy bar.

    Bad things? I don't drink enough water on a regular basis. Some days I'll go through it like nobodies business, other days I'll have a drink per meal and one of those might be tea.

    So how would I rate myself on 1-10? Ah, I can't decide, you do it.
  36. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    Rinso, if you feel sick in the morning, it's possible that it's low blood sugar from not having eaten since the day before.

    I used to experience the same thing. Try having a small glass of juice as soon as you get out of bed.
  37. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:bc9807c076="Electric_Man"]So how would I rate myself on 1-10? Ah, I can't decide, you do it.[/quote:bc9807c076]

    Between 0.7 and 0.75 i'd say. Although a weasel eating pasta should be worth at least an 8/10. :)
  38. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Food. Food's a big problem for me. I think I only eat one, not quite square meal a day. At best. It always appaled me that the best food I eat is in the army, not because of the quality of the food, but because they serve said three square meals a day, with plenty of vegetables and fruit of choice.

    When push comes to shove, I'm too lazy to make my own food. I eat hardly anything at all, and the concept of fruit in my diet has only entered my mind recently. So I take an apple or two with me to the uni from time to time, along with the few sandwiches that I force myself to make. On those days that I stay home, I eat far better.
  39. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I must admit that, though my food isn't so bad, I wish the times that I ate were more regularly timed. One of the best times I had with meals when when I had to go into hospital for a few days in my early 20s; it was so nice getting the three meals at the same time every day, really made me feel good, that they had to ask me to leave - I begged to stay another day in hospital!

    Though I also have to admit that I was a smelly student at the time, living in an even smellier house. :)
  40. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    You should of broken your own leg or drank a vial of dirity blood. Problem solved.
  41. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Ah, but I have an almost unbelievably low pain threshold. :)
  42. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    well, you could break some one elses leg and hope they have a mental ward.
  43. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    I'd probably rate myself around 5, slipping towards 4.

    I pretty much only eat at times I feel hungry, I don't stick to 'set' meal times, and I will usually eat whatever is most convenient.
    If I'm out and about I'll just grab the nearest take-away, but if I'm home I'll raid the fridge or cupboards.
    Once when I was really broke, and I mean 'art student' broke, I survived for a week on 2 minute noodles.

    [quote:39183c7305="Hsing"]One question... what [i:39183c7305]is [/i:39183c7305]a Deep Fried Mars Bar? How is it prepared? i mean, if you fry a mars bar, it would melt, wouldn't it? (Not joking.)[/quote:39183c7305]

    Take 1 mars bar, coat it in breadcrumbs, drop into a deep fry untill golden brown. I believe some places batter them, but breadcrumbs is the 'traditional' way.
    It's similar in principle to deep fried ice cream, but the mars bar should be allowed to cool for a bit before eating, otherwise it's like trying to eat napalm.

    Edit to answer Hsing.
  44. plaid

    plaid New Member

    i have a pretty cushy job where i get fed pretty amazing food on a somewhat regular basis.

    by amazing i mean anything from the most delicious chicken oscar and really good rice pilaf to the most chocolately chocolate cake you've ever seen in your life.
    so while i get a good variety of food, all the leftover desserts are sometimes so tempting i sit down and eat two or three slices of cake. that doesn't happen very often though, and when it does, i usually end up skipping dessert the next time around. so it all evens out, right?

    when i'm not at work, i don't eat nearly as well. breakfast is pretty rare, but sometimes i'll eat cornflakes or toast.
    depending on how much homework i have, i sometimes skip lunch too.
    i try and buy lots of fruit, but that doesn't happy as much as i'd like.
    my roommates and i do pretty good fixing nice dinners for ourselves too.
    so between my roommates and the chefs at work, i think i eat alright. maybe a 7 or 8.

    i'm not sure about the happiness thing though. i'm pretty content no matter how many slices of cake i eat or how many breakfasts i don't get, usually.
  45. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I try to keep my eating habbits as regular as possible, partly because if I didn't then eating would be a far away thought. Food is the last thing on my mind most of the time and I get a surprise when people turn around at lunch and say how hungry they are.

    I need the schedule my meals otherwise I would never eat lunch, or dinner for that matter..I would survive of little snacks throughout the day and have done so on many occations. I actually now make a point of never eating later than 2 for lunch when off school and never later than 8 for dinner. Otherwise I would simply forget...

    The other problem is that I don't eat big meals, when you go out to a restaurant I just can't bring myself to eat more than I normally would. It seems silly to. So when everyone else leaves feeling uncomfprtably full and like their going to be sick...i skip along side them going 'aww thats to bad'

    So I eat small meals and more snacks...preferably fruit but thats just wishful thinking...

    School is helpful...I'm moving around and doing something so I dont snack. Though when you dont get home till 7.30 some days you can be almost ravenous.

    I eat a lot of asian food which, on the whole, is quite healthy (depending on the country though). Rice is a must, noodles are essential, apart from that anything goes and there are a lot of vegetables.

    so how would I rate myself? 6... I don't indulge much and I eat pretty well most of the time. My only problem is snacking. I get bored, wonder around the house, find myself in the kitchen and well...i have found a way around this and every time i end up there i have a glass of water instead. Trouble is I seem to be drinking a rather large amount...:)
  46. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    agh, plaid, now I want chocolate cake....

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