Has anyone had a go at drawing these? I was thinking of giving it a try to replace those little icons for people online on the front page, [img:ebd6c9a253]http://www.terrypratchett.uk/images/blocks/group-4.gif[/img:ebd6c9a253] and [img:ebd6c9a253]http://www.terrypratchett.uk/images/blocks/ur-registered.gif[/img:ebd6c9a253] for instance. They're pretty small so it might be quite difficult, though I guess they could be a tiny bit bigger. Anyway, does anyone want to have a go at drawing some imps or Nac MacFeegles for the online icons? You can draw them bigger to post here and we can see what they look like reduced if that makes it easier?
The Feegle you did is already on the front page. I think it will look cool if we have a few more, all slightly different and just sort of hanging around.
[quote:caffa4d75d="Orrdos"][img:caffa4d75d]http://www.orrdos.com/backfeegle.gif[/img:caffa4d75d][/quote:caffa4d75d] Doors that looks like a Smurf honey. I think you need to think it out a bit better.
I'd make the blue slightly lighter. You can't see the black outline. Come on, you've got a proper graphics package now....
Well phlon inspired me to make something in a paler blue... Although because I was using that evil software Paint it came out looking something like this: [img:9b221bd4aa]http://www.ecocomm.anu.edu.au/people/info/eagar/phlon.gif[/img:9b221bd4aa]
[quote:a3c7bef591="mowgli"]Smurfs are a different shade of blue and wear a white hat. [/quote:a3c7bef591] Reread Carpe Jugulum. They're described as wearing smurf-like hats, with points slightly downward.
Ok, here's my go at it, pretty lame, of course but well... [img:c665e84cdf]http://www.speechissimo.com/images/minis.gif[/img:c665e84cdf] or on a larger scale, they look like this... [img:c665e84cdf]http://www.speechissimo.com/images/maxis.gif[/img:c665e84cdf] The smaller version isn't that good I'm afraid...
yep... I'll have to try cleaning up the smaller ones by hand, reducing their size automatically really messes them up...
Katcal's are pretty cool, I think they still look pretty nice small. I'll add them in later. Don't worry too much about the size, I can do that with the bigger ones and they don't have to be really small. No one has tried imps yet, it's Feegles all the way so far.
Maybe it's just because the imps aren't as fashionable as the feegles. (meaning we don't see them on illustrations much) I wonder who would win in a fight between imps and feegles. No I don't, feegles would win, the sconners ! (edited for spelling and stuff)
[quote:dcae26b85b="Katcal"]Ok, here's my go at it, pretty lame, of course but well... [img:dcae26b85b]http://www.speechissimo.com/images/minis.gif[/img:dcae26b85b] or on a larger scale, they look like this... [img:dcae26b85b]http://www.speechissimo.com/images/maxis.gif[/img:dcae26b85b] The smaller version isn't that good I'm afraid...[/quote:dcae26b85b] Good job Kat, I was thinking of doing something similar, but you beat me to it. I also think Doors' feegle is a bit on the dark side, but other than that, it's great too.
[quote:39783ed45b="spiky"]Well phlon inspired me to make something in a paler blue... Although because I was using that evil software Paint it came out looking something like this: [img:39783ed45b]http://www.ecocomm.anu.edu.au/people/info/eagar/phlon.gif[/img:39783ed45b][/quote:39783ed45b]
[quote:dbc4ca3e64="Katcal"]Hmmm, Feegles from the dark side, eh... Crivens, Luke, ahm your dad ! [/quote:dbc4ca3e64] This made me, well, giggle... Actually I wonder if anyone has done that on the net before: Famous film quotes in accents... I bet. [i:dbc4ca3e64]A feegle translation of the greatest dialogues of movie history[/i:dbc4ca3e64], though.... that might be an entertaining thread.
I must admit it made me laugh when I wrote it I hope the laughing didn't hurt your neck too much... But yes, I like the idea... maybe some kind of DW-Roundworld translations... there being already so many allusions to cinema and music in DW already, this could be quite fun...
[quote:2e592b8d9c="Katcal"]Ok, here's my go at it, pretty lame, of course but well... [img:2e592b8d9c]http://www.speechissimo.com/images/minis.gif[/img:2e592b8d9c] or on a larger scale, they look like this... [img:2e592b8d9c]http://www.speechissimo.com/images/maxis.gif[/img:2e592b8d9c] The smaller version isn't that good I'm afraid...[/quote:2e592b8d9c] Katcal, those are great! i love the female Feegle you have done! Why is one hiding behind a hard boiled egg though?
[quote:c45d5cadf6="Hsing"][quote:c45d5cadf6="Katcal"]Hmmm, Feegles from the dark side, eh... Crivens, Luke, ahm your dad ! [/quote:c45d5cadf6] This made me, well, giggle... Actually I wonder if anyone has done that on the net before: Famous film quotes in accents... I bet. [i:c45d5cadf6]A feegle translation of the greatest dialogues of movie history[/i:c45d5cadf6], though.... that might be an entertaining thread.[/quote:c45d5cadf6] Pfff. Mock not the fine accent!
Okay have a look at the front page, there's still a few more little guys to replace if anyone else wants to have a go, or if the same people want to make more.
[quote:3887f68a7e]Pfff. Mock not the fine accent![/quote:3887f68a7e] I say, each mock his or her own. ME mocking [i:3887f68a7e]anyones [/i:3887f68a7e]accent - in English? Talk of throwing stomes when sitting in a glass house.
[quote:5f5172179e="Maljonic"]Okay have a look at the front page, there's still a few more little guys to replace if anyone else wants to have a go, or if the same people want to make more.[/quote:5f5172179e] Yay, they actually look quite good... :supz: misswhiplash, there was some egg stealing in the Tiffany series, and there is always a feegle with an egg somewhere on the covers... and also, it's easy to draw, even for me I'll try to do some more at lunch time if I can think of some fun postures... As for accent mocking, if Doors speaks like a feegle, that's just another item on a long list of reasons why we should mock a) the accent and b) Doors.
[quote:60065440da="Katcal"] Yay, they actually look quite good... :supz: [/quote:60065440da] I can't see them at all... Only the regular ones are shaped a bit different than normally... :?:
[quote:269638cc57="Hsing"][quote:269638cc57="Katcal"] Yay, they actually look quite good... :supz: [/quote:269638cc57] I can't see them at all... Only the regular ones are shaped a bit different than normally... :?:[/quote:269638cc57] Look near Membership, and under People Online look at Members and Visitors. If you don't see those, then I'm not sure what the problem is.
I still get only these ones... [img:8acd8bf7b1]http://www.terrypratchett.uk/images/blocks/ur-author.gif[/img:8acd8bf7b1] Just a bit more stretched than ususal. Except for the one Doors made.
[img:e663596f80]http://www.speechissimo.com/images/minis.gif[/img:e663596f80] and the bigjobs version : [img:e663596f80]http://www.speechissimo.com/images/maxis.gif[/img:e663596f80] Again, do a Shift+F5 if you don't see the full 6 Feegles and also, here is a little one for the "group" picture : [img:e663596f80]http://www.speechissimo.com/images/mini_sheep.gif[/img:e663596f80] [img:e663596f80]http://www.speechissimo.com/images/maxi_sheep.gif[/img:e663596f80]
[quote:bd66935b5f="Katcal"][quote:bd66935b5f="Maljonic"]Okay have a look at the front page, there's still a few more little guys to replace if anyone else wants to have a go, or if the same people want to make more.[/quote:bd66935b5f] Yay, they actually look quite good... :supz: misswhiplash, there was some egg stealing in the Tiffany series, and there is always a feegle with an egg somewhere on the covers... and also, it's easy to draw, even for me I'll try to do some more at lunch time if I can think of some fun postures... As for accent mocking, if Doors speaks like a feegle, that's just another item on a long list of reasons why we should mock a) the accent and b) Doors.[/quote:bd66935b5f] awww shucks, I forgot the eggs, I always have the scared hovering sheep in mind when thinking of Feegles! you know the ones that move without moving their legs cos theres a Feegle under each hoof running like the clappers. I do love those pictures.......
Shamelessly stealing Kat's concept, I couldn't help myself. Sorry! :-D [img:37710f44a3]http://www.hoof.se/slask/pirate.gif[/img:37710f44a3]
Proposal for the swampdragon can be found HERE Unfortunately, my site went down (The server actually) and everything is being put back in order, I just don't have FTP access, so no bigger version (yet) unfortunately.
[quote:a70ad2efd4="Tephlon"]Proposal for the swampdragon can be found HERE [/quote:a70ad2efd4]That's great, I hope you don't mind but I altered it a bit to remove the background and have him/her lying on the welcome text? P.S. KaptenKaries, your pirate is mint but I'm not sure where to put him with not being a Discworld character - he'll definately appear somewhere though I'm sure.
[quote:52749a00ab="Maljonic"]P.S. KaptenKaries, your pirate is mint but I'm not sure where to put him with not being a Discworld character - he'll definately appear somewhere though I'm sure.[/quote:52749a00ab] That's allright, I drew him for the fun of it. But perhaps he could get a living space in the code of conduct, under "copyrighted material"? (as in piracy) If you think that's a good idea, I could make similar figures for the two other headings, "Nudity/Porn" and "Impersonating Other Users / Accessing Another User's Account". Actually, I got a couple of fun ideas now thinking about it.
[quote:c3ad80187a="KaptenKaries"]"Nudity/Porn" and "Impersonating Other Users / Accessing Another User's Account". Actually, I got a couple of fun ideas now thinking about it.[/quote:c3ad80187a] It's amazing how cropping a person's quote in the wrong place can make it sound even better. On a completely different subject, why does Doors' feegle have an Elvis haircut, in red ?
[quote:0a7e71c951="Maljonic"] That's great, I hope you don't mind but I altered it a bit to remove the background and have him/her lying on the welcome text? [/quote:0a7e71c951] Nice one.. I saw him when I opened the homepage!
[s:d944113b44]Shift-F5 will clear your cache in Firefox.[/s:d944113b44] It will show up then. Edit: Sorry, it's "Hold shift and hit the reload button"... Edit2: If that doesn't work go to: Tools>Options>Privacy and go to the "Cache" tab. Hit the "Clear Cache Now" button and reload the homepage.
Either that or change your firefox settings to never cache web pages, that way you always get the latest view.
Oh my god! For someone who got 48% on the geek test, you arn't very geeky are you! What job do you do again.......just remind me.