Doctor Who returns..

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Apr 15, 2006.

  1. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

  2. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    :( One of the very few reasons I might wish we had a television for.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I missed it!!! BUGGER.
  4. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    ANOTHER new Doctor Who ??? I've only just got used to (and not even really) the last one... I mean I was still stuck on... Dammit, wassisname... The blond guy... Peter Davison...
  5. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Last one was Christopher Eccleston and the new one is David Tennant and dang it, I missed it too :cry:
  6. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    But the best one ever was Jon Pertwee!

    Oh, and Katcal - it's The Doctor as a personal name/identification, not Doctor Who - the BBC have finally got it right in the cast list in the closing credits - the title of the series comes from the last line of the very first episode (which I am old enough to remember!) when one of the original companions (the teachers from The Doctor's grand-daughter's school - she was the third companion at that time - the TARDIS was somewhat more populated in those days) said to the other teacher something like "He's The Doctor? But Dr. who?"
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:22d7f86efe="Pixel"]Oh, and Katcal - it's The Doctor as a personal name/identification, not Doctor Who - the BBC have finally got it right in the cast list in the closing credits - the title of the series comes from the last line of the very first episode (which I am old enough to remember!) when one of the original companions (the teachers from The Doctor's grand-daughter's school - she was the third companion at that time - the TARDIS was somewhat more populated in those days) said to the other teacher something like "He's The Doctor? But Dr. who?"[/quote:22d7f86efe]

    Of course I knew that, don't be ridiculous... :cooler: I meant another season of the series, that's what I meant... I did... Honest... :D

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