Dree my weird

Discussion in 'INTRODUCTIONS AND AVATAR TESTING' started by victor, Jul 3, 2007.

  1. victor

    victor New Member

    i've been a huge pratchett fan since about 8 years ago,but was never of the internetting persuasion before.Now that i am,however,surfing on this hypermodern medium,i'm overjoyed by finding such a large and living DW enclave here on the first try.thank you all,i feel right at home already,and i just got started...
  2. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    Welcome to the boards and the interwebnet.
  3. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Hi, Victor! Welcome to the boards! :smile:

    Just a quick request - could you avoid any abbreviations such as 'thx' and 'pls'? We try to use proper English here, as we have a lot of members for whom English is not their first language, and we also have several dyslexic members. Thank you!

    Enjoy the boards!
  4. victor

    victor New Member

    not a problem at all,since i love changing my mind,editing is going to be my new found hobby(and since the queens english isn'tofficially my first language either,i'm not even ashamed to spell "abbreviation" with one b short:pirate:

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