Earthly pleasures

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Aug 30, 2007.

  1. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I was at the pool this morning, just floating around in the relaxation bit (with a warm shallow pool, sauna, hot tub, steambaths etc.) and it really felt so good, so relaxing that I wondered what your little pleasures are, guilty or not (like large slabs of Cadbury's Dairy Milk, for example... :cool: ).

    Swimming is one of mine, I just love being in the water, floating, swimming, diving down, or just messing around, and the one I go to with all those added bonuses is just great. No kids are allowed in the "zen" bit, so it's nice and quiet, and there's a view out over a large pond with beautiful waterlillies and ducks, it's just amazingly good. floating on my back and kicking off from a wall feels just like flying, it's just so amazingly relaxing... **drools**

    So what are the things that just make you go "ahhh..." (No sex please, I aten't French :wink: :biggrin: )
  2. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    I like walking, when I'm in no hurry to get anywhere. Today for example, the weather is sunny, though there's a hint of chill in the air, I had music wth me and just enjoyed myself being alive, the weather, music, the relative lack of people outside in the middle of the day.

  3. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Mmm, yeah, I love moments like that...
  4. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Like Mynona I like walking. It's only a short walk to countryside from where I live, there are lots of footpaths and generally few people. It's peaceful.

    I wish we had a pool like yours nearby. That does sound nice. My guilty pleasure - fresh popcorn liberally sprinkle with sugar.
  5. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I think I've temporarily misplaced my relaxness pleasuria thing, I'm not sure what it is - it might be watching Neighbours on TV, oh I hope that isn't it!
  6. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    My guilty pleasure... turning around in the bed in the morning, just for "another five minutes" of sleep, or at least of gently dozing... I love to sleep in the sun, and to work at night. The offspring of two nightshift workers...

    Also: Walking. My better half hates it, but that's not bad as I like being alone once in a while.
  7. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I like everyone else like to walk to just chill out every now and then. I used to walk my step-dads dogs up the hill near our house which used to calm me right down every time. It over looked the motorway below which sounds a little disruptive but sitting on a small boulder overlooking the valley with a crater behind me always seemed so serene....

    Other than that i love being with my friends, but specifically i love to have little arguments and discussions about music with them, also i love proving one of my friends wrong. he like to think he knows everything about everything. He actually thought that it was illegal to give a bad reference! OH the bellyaches we had about that one....
  8. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Hum. It is, in some parts of the world (here, for example), illegal to give an obviously bad reference... Or, to be exactly, you have a right to get a reference from your ex employee that doesn't down right exclude you from the job market. There are, of course, less obvious way to express things that can't be sued.

    Sorry for the disgression.

    I also forgot: Long train drives, alone, with my mp3 player. But those times are long ago...
  9. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Your friend was right, it is against the law in the UK to give someone a bad reference. You can give them a dull reference as opposed to a glowing reference, but you can't say Dane was a total slacker, do not employ this man ever!
  10. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    A cold crisp morning where the whole house is freezing but in your bed it's lovely and snug and you still have an hour or so to enjoy it....

    Sometimes I think one of the best states of mind is when you are sitting in the peace and quiet not doing anything at all...just lost in imagination.
    A place could stay indefinitely.
  11. Dane

    Dane New Member

    Thats weird, in Buiness I'd just done the whole referances thing when this debate came up. I was told that its illegal to give an inacurate referance. We were told that people have been sued for saying people are good when they aren't. We were told that it has to been a truthful refeance, but that it wasn't right to offend someone in the referance or give a biased view which i can understand but not giving a negative referance seems to defeat the whole idea of the refeancing system.

    if you ask for a referance but they're not allowed to tell you that they didn't turn up to work or they were lazy or that they just wouldn't be suited to the job they're hireing for then whats the point? And how exactly did that little peice of legislation come about?
  12. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I mean you can't fill a reference with malice just because you don't like them. Everything you write has to be true, and you have to be able to prove what you say if it comes back to you. Obviously if you really hate the person you could refuse to give them a reference. I don't think employers are legally bound to give a reference?
  13. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Yeah, an employer cannot give you a bad reference, but they can refuse to give you one at all.

    Which would be a pretty damning indictment in itself, really.
  14. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    All of the above are drool worthy pleasures (aside from the bad reference bits - how odd would that be, saying that your faveourite earthly pleasure would be to give a bad reference...though thinking about it, I do know several managers who would probably enjoy that...)

    But my most guilty earthly pleasure is to tell no one I have a day off, and spend it on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket with a book in one hand and a remote control on the other. And if rain is pelting against the window, so much the better. A close second is lying in bed at night with headphones on listening to music as loud as I can get it.
  15. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    Hugging a purring cat.
  16. missy

    missy New Member

    I had to double take this one, i'm so tired i read "humping a purring cat", i did think it was a bit strange!

    Yawn oh well, back to the home for me now! Sorry.
  17. Cyan

    Cyan Guest

    Being in front of a fireplace, when it's freezing out, with a hot cup of tea, my cat and th latest book of my favorite autor (in winter)

    Sitting on a beach when a cool breeze is blowing (in summer)

    Walking in a park when leaves fall or when flowers bloom (automn and spring)

  18. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    on walking and flowers blooming, there's a particular smell, round here, I can't remember if there was the same smell in England, at the beginning of summer, when all the wild flowers are blooming, there's one particular scent that just says "summer's here" (ok, it also says "and you'll be needing hayfever medication soon" but I was aiming for the positive side here) I remember one particular walk (or rather short wander) with Reg near his parents' place, with this smell in the air, flowers everywhere and the sun going down gently, in the liquid-gold fashion of the discworld. Nice.
  19. Cyan

    Cyan Guest

    I forgot one : eating a piece of your favorite chocolate, leting it melt in your mouth, then having the aroma lingering there for some time, as a remembrance of this pleasure...
  20. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Last weekend Reg and I went on a walk up in the Pyrenees mountains, about an hour from Toulouse. It's a walk I remember from when I was younger, a climb up through the forests to this mountain prairie up the top with a little trickle of a river running through it. The moment when you leave the forest and the prairie opens up in front of you all of a sudden is just magical. There were horses up there, grazing, and it was beautiful and so tranquil... The grass was so soft and springy, it draws you down and begs you to roll on it. I did. It was awesome. I wish it could have lasted forever...

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