Feet of Clay

Discussion in 'THE WATCH BOOKS' started by shadowgirl, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    Just finished reading Feet of Clay and must say l thourghly enjoyed it.
    the golems were great, cheery littlebottom and the whole dwarfs showing off their sexuality was funny, and vimes was classic.

    l have just started on Thud! and l'm glad l read Feet of Clay first. Now i know who the characters are!
  2. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    The Watch books may be the series where reading them in order makes them the most interesting... And which are the less stand alones, even though they all [i:732ea06414]can [/i:732ea06414]be red as stand alones.
    And Feet of Clay remains my all time favourite. it was the first DW book I red in English at all - I had given Equal Rites a try in its German translation, which had been a bit sloppy.
    I remember the bit where I *spoiler*

    thought "Oh my god, it's going to be the book, isn't it? He stole the thing with the poisoned pages from Eco's "Name of the Rose"... Got me there.
    And all the hints... The non-Latin motto... [/color:732ea06414]

    Of course, the introduction of the Golems was great, although Ankh Morpork got a little too... comfortable from then on, with its indestructible fire men and all... i think that's where it started, at least. The city is loosing it's edge... More to that in the Thud-Discussion thread.
  3. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:a852ea253a="shadowgirl"]Just finished reading Feet of Clay and must say l thourghly enjoyed it.
    the golems were great, cheery littlebottom and the whole dwarfs showing off their sexuality was funny, and vimes was classic.

    l have just started on Thud! and l'm glad l read Feet of Clay first. Now i know who the characters are![/quote:a852ea253a]Have you read Going Postal yet, because that has futher insights into golems?
  4. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Yes, they keep popping up, but always as sidekicks, whereas they gain some depth in "Going Postal".
  5. LaughingFire

    LaughingFire New Member

    Yeah. I loved Anghammarad, especially the bit where he died.


    Funny thing...I had a golem character of my own before I read Feet of Clay, but he was completely different from the golems in there. And the first golem I ever saw was four inches tall and made of string. Have you noticed the variety they come in?

    >> Yes, I know it's been seven months since this thread was used. Who cares?
  6. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    That is a tremendous Watch book! The whole plot including the Golems, the vampire who finds it amusing to mix up geneology and Scrabble and the never ending cunningness of Vaims to solve everything make this book a breathtaking experience!
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:03dc4c60bb="Sir_Vaims"]That is a tremendous Watch book! The whole plot including the Golems, the vampire who finds it amusing to mix up geneology and Scrabble and the never ending cunningness of Vaims to solve everything make this book a breathtaking experience![/quote:03dc4c60bb]

    I'm wondering, is Vaims the Bulgarian version of Vimes ? Or is it just a typo you do every time ? I know some of the names have been changed in French either because they mean something in English (like Brother Brutha) of because the english name means something confusing in French...
  8. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    It's the Bulgarian version of Vimes. Incedentally it may also be the way to pronounce Vimes if you are rediculously posh, like the art gallery curator in Thud! :)
  9. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    You're absolutely right! it's my mistake-i should read the books in english,but it is sometimes hard to find the book in original on the market and in result i've alaways known Vimes as Vaims which is exactly the same thing! I am very glad that the names never get changed when translated in bulgarian because i loathe it when the writer's idea of a good name is disregarded because of the fact that a name might not be understood! A name is a name-it shoul stay as it is! By that i don't mean to offend anyone.
  10. LaughingFire

    LaughingFire New Member

    Hey...how come you reply to them but not to me when I commented on another thread? :p

    :lol: Just kidding!

    Incidentally, anybody else note how some of the elements of Asimov's robots went into the golems? A chem, however, is more flexible than a positronic brain....
  11. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    the idea of words to serve as brain is a very good one. as for me i am not a big Asimov's fan.
  12. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I'm sure Terry must have read Asimov's work, and many others, they're pretty much must reads for any science fiction fan really I think. There are certainly similarities between the struggle for golem rights and those of robots in Asimov's books.
  13. LaughingFire

    LaughingFire New Member

    Eh. Fair enough. I suppose that's got some points, although except for Andrew and to a certain extent Daneel and...oh, whatsit, the second mind-reading robot... Anyway, apart from them robots don't really go for freedom very much. I was talking more in terms of mental flavor, though...the golems feel like some of the robots. Like, say, what's-his-name, the nursemaid from I, Robot. And I'm not all that fond of it either, Vaims, it has a certain samey-dead quality once you've read a good bit, but I went through the library's collection two summers ago. << >>
  14. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    The golems most certainly feel like Asimov's robots. The first parody Pratchett made of Asimov's robots and Laws of Robotics was in his early Science Fiction parody, Dark Side of the Sun. The Golems of his later creations are a more subtle parody of the aforementioned. The Laws of Robotics are analogous to the basic laws of a Golem, as written in the Chem (Golem must work, golem must have a master, can't harm a human being etc.) and, more importantly, both Dorfl and Pump remind me of Daneel, when it comes to reasoning. The simpler golems, such as Arghammad, are more like most of the robots in Asimov's world.

    Still, what was possibly intended to be 'just' a parody got a life of its own soon enough. Dark Side of the Sun was still 'just' parody, and as such had little in the way of depth. Feet of Clay gave the parody a life of its own, and while the golems almost certainly started out as a parody of Asimov's robots, they soon became a seperate entity. Asimov's robots don't go for freedom. Not really. Even Daneel served humanity first and foremost, as did Giskard (the first mind-reading robot ;) ).
  15. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    When I said a struggle for robot rights, and golem rights, I was more talking of a struggle on behalf of them rather than by them - either by characters in the story or an infered underlying subtext directed at the reader, like in Pebble in the Sky, which is set after the Robot books I think, and the woman in Going Postal.
  16. LaughingFire

    LaughingFire New Member

    Yeah, Roman, those rules were what I was thinking of when I said it in the first place. I said the chem was more flexible because Pump can hurt people. Ehh...true. Zeroeth Law and all that. Giskard! That's the name! But Herbie came first, so he was number two. ;)

    Heheh. Well, this isn't an Asimov board, so we should maybe stop now. I don't think I've ever seen Dark Side of the Sun. Certainly haven't read it; I'd remember.
  17. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    *shrugs* Create an Asimov thread in the Boardania forum, if you like. :) Not that I've red anything of him so far... :oops:
  18. LaughingFire

    LaughingFire New Member

    Don't want to, thanks all the same.


    Hi, Bob. What have you got to do with anything?
  19. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Don't worry, Laughingfire - you haven't missed out - Dark Side of the Sun was the only bad book PTerry ever wrote, and he got it out of his system early, so we're safe now!
  20. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    i thought it was ok.
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh dear.

    I can feel that weird, tingly feeling again.

    Oh I do hate it when this happens.

    I'm agreeing with Rinso again.

  22. LaughingFire

    LaughingFire New Member

    Hehe. OK, won't look for it, then, Pixel.
  23. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I thought it was okay too, but then I'll read anything. I also watch Australian soap operas. :)
  24. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Neigbours is excellent!
  25. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I wouldn't know about that, I left When Jason married Kylie, and the french only have "days of our lives" and "the young and the restless", no Australian soap(s) at all. :(
  26. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Thats what you get your moving to a country made of garlic.
  27. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    And cheese. Don't forget the cheese. And garlic-cheese, of course.

    Thank the Gods for cable TV...
  28. LaughingFire

    LaughingFire New Member

    France is made of Garlic? O.O Now I have to go there, too! :D
  29. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Go to France are you mad! You'll catch Frenchorisis!
  30. LaughingFire

    LaughingFire New Member

    Is that like Francophilia?
  31. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    At least it's less catching than franchised frankfurters.
  32. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    Or french fries
  33. LaughingFire

    LaughingFire New Member

    Or... *twitchy eye* freedom fries.
  34. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    I must object, there's bread and wine involved too...

    getting hungry.
  35. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    And Star Academy
  36. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I know it's not forbidden to swear on this board, but I think Vaims has just gone too far there... **shivers with disgust**
  37. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    I am trully horrible ain't I!! But this is a fact! Star academy this,SA that-prepastouros
  38. Human

    Human New Member

    What really irritated me about the whole "French to freedom" thing was freedom kissing. I'm completely serious. Dating just went downhill after that, and now everyone's hooking up instead.
  39. Sir_Vaims

    Sir_Vaims New Member

    you got something there

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