For Kenny

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Ba, Jun 14, 2006.

  1. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Ba wrote this on another message board. Someone asked for a little something involving badgers.


    Badger and Coyote were good friends, long ago. In those days, the two lived in the same lodge, ate the same food, and fought the same enemies. Coyote used his wits and speed, while Badger's tenacity and strength took care of the rest.

    However, Badger's son and Coyote's son did not get along. Coyote's son was slovenly, and would not help to clean the lodge nor hunt for food. Badger's son sang loud songs which offended the ears of coyote's son. The two could not stand to live together. They conspired to end their fathers' friendship

    "Father," said Badger's son, "Why do you fight coyote's enemies? He is just using your anger to his advantage. He is just a coward, hiding behind you. You could do better on your own."

    "Respected and wise father," said Coyote's son, "Why do you help to feed that sluggard badger? He is foolish and dull, and is simply using you to stuff himself."

    At first, Badger and Coyote did not listen to their sons. After all, they had been friends for many years. But soon, Badger began to question Coyote's loyalty, and Coyote began to wonder how much he really needed Badger.

    When they were hunting, Badger's son secretly followed them. Coyote told Badger to wait for three hundred heartbeats before chasing quail from the bushes to catch. While Badger was counting to himself, Coyote's son ran into the bushes before Coyote was ready. Coyote barely managed to catch two, and only because he was very clever indeed.

    "Dullard!" Coyote said. "Why did you not wait? We will not have enough to feed our families with this. In fact, I do not see why you should have any, since this was all your fault."

    Badger bit back words of anger, but he began to think back to his son's words.

    When they were walking home, Badger's son saw them, and waited until they were passing near Wolf. "Mangy slowpoke! You're so stupid, you couldn't even catch your own tail!" he called out in a passable imitation of Coyote's voice.

    Coyote wasn't sure what had happened, but as Wolf came running towards him, he turned to his friend, Badger. "Help! He will kill me if we do not fight together!"

    Badger's anger came, but this time it was turned on Coyote. "Fight him yourself! Let us see how you do on your own!"

    Wolf chased Coyote across the plains, and into the desert, and into the mountains, and back to the plains again before Coyote managed to escape. And after that, he and Badger were never friends again.

    Now Badger and Coyote fight when they see each other. Sometimes, Coyote even eats Badger. Only when they are both hungry will they work together to hunt the Prairie Dogs. And then it is a fragile peace, for both remember the insults done that day, long ago.
  2. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    That story reminded me of a book called [i:1420f582c8]Cayote Blue[/i:1420f582c8] which I read a while ago. It centered on Cayote, the mythic figure from Native American folklore. It was set in modern times, but the story is punctuated with the the authors retellings of old native american myths about him.
  3. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Christopher Moore did a good job with that book, Quoth.

    Is that an actual legend or just a story, Ba?
  4. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Just something Ba wrote up.
  5. Dane

    Dane New Member

    I quite liked that Ba :D, although it was lacking your trademark violence.

    edit: rephrasement
  6. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Awww, see, told you guys that Ba was just searching for his inner-bunny... **gives Ba a bunny-hug... and runs**
  7. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    *trips Kat so Ba will not have to run*
  8. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Thanks, Quoth. *Barbecues Katcal, making certain she cooks evenly*
  9. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hmmm, something smells good...

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