FSB syndrom

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Dec 13, 2005.

  1. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Guys, please, reassure me... Tell me I'm not the only one who has caught Full Sagging Bookcase syndrom since I have "met" Pterry's books... I haven't even got them all, and some of the ones I have ave been lent out, but my bookcase is just full...

    Ok, it's a cheap bookcase, but still, I wonder, are the sagging shelves a side-effect of L-space, or am I just gonna have to leave my amazon account alone for a little while ? :lol:

    Well... At least until I get myself a new, bigger, thicker, wider and higher bookcase ! :D

    Edit : to give a vague interest to this post, let me add a question : Which TP books are missing from your shelves still ? and how many more do you need to actually have to buy a new bookcase ? :D
  2. koshu

    koshu New Member

    Hey I know wat u mean, ive got so many books on my shelves that they are literaly sagging, :eek:
  3. Willmolly3

    Willmolly3 New Member

    I am generally a borrower of books rather than buying as I am poor. However I have bought all of the books up to Lords and Ladies and looking forward to holding every TP book there is. I buy all my books of E-bay.
  4. koshu

    koshu New Member

    I could never manage to borrow books, because I love to re-read, so if i borrow a book an dthen like it I go out and buy it. Its a curse to have this complexity and hav no money.
    I hav to scrimp and save all my pocket money for this. I even went as far as asking my dad for a raise but the answer I got was a very definite
    NO, he didn't evn give me a reason!! :(
  5. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    My bookshelves are dangerously full again. Everytime I run out of space, I swap my old, small bookshelf for a bigger one.
    I've 3 bookshelves now; 11 shelves; and they're all full.

    Of course, the danger of actually going out and buying one of those huge bookshelves that take up a lot of your room, is the chance that it may fall down one day and kill me in my sleep!
  6. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    That's why I always get mine at Ikea, they add a special widget to attach all tall furniture to the wall (in case of earthquakes... and cats, I guess)
  7. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    So do Argos. Essential for me, as I have a 26-year-old who is just learning to sit up by himself and tends to tug on furniture.
  8. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I spent a fortune earlier this year converting a whole wall into a giant bookshelf arrangement with those metal runner things where you attach the shelves wherever you like, it's already full. We have two sets of all the Discworld novels up to Going Postal, one American and one English. I will never get rid of any books. . :)
  9. koshu

    koshu New Member

    [quote:7696c041f5="Maljonic"] I will never get rid of any books. . :)[/quote:7696c041f5]

    I could never get rid of mine either :)
  10. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    [quote:2493d7e04b="Hermia"]So do Argos. Essential for me, as I have a 26-year-old who is just learning to sit up by himself and tends to tug on furniture.[/quote:2493d7e04b]

    A what-year-old? :)
  11. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I was asking that myselfs too. Lets just assume she meant to write "months" and wasn't referring to her partner in life! :D Or... was she? Because 26 months can't be right, with the child born just this summer.... Maybe he caught up or something...
  12. koshu

    koshu New Member

    a saying here is she put compost in his shoes to help him grow....... but that mainly to go=et taller. Im not quite sure it applies to this case though :)
  13. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    Nope, I meant what I said. It was indeed my 26 year-old partner-in-life I was referring to. Ok, maybe I was exaggerating a little with the "can only just sit up" thing, but it's true that he can be rather dangerous around the bookcase!
  14. koshu

    koshu New Member

    well I supose thats not a very good thing, we wouldn't want any accidents now would we ;)

    Only joking
  15. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Dunno what you're all so surprised about, my 29-year-old can only just sit up by himself, especially if left in control of the remote control... But I've found I can actually get him to react by putting food on the table. :roll: :lol:
  16. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:e59a13a0f8="koshu"]Hey I know wat u mean, ive got so many books on my shelves that they are literaly sagging, :eek:[/quote:e59a13a0f8]

    What is 'u'? And what is it doing here, please?

    We brought multitude of books with us from Russia, and one of the living room's walls is fully occupied by a huge bookshelf arrangement. It's also completely full, to the point that there isn't even room on the second row of the shelf. My Pratchett collection is growing, but slowly. Lack of funds plays a part.
  17. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    One good (or I guess it could be bad) thing about moving around long distances is you clean out your bookcases and other junk you wont look at again pretty regularly.

    My bookcase is now home to only books I know I will re-read and over the few years I stay in one place that pile grows and grows, then I give half of it away to charities to sell on.

    It's a good system and it works not only with books but various assorted junk you inadvertantly collect in houses. I shall be cleaning out my wardrobe in the next few months (I'll need luck there) and no doubt I will find those PE shorts that went missing last January...
  18. koshu

    koshu New Member

  19. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    if u went everywhere with me, you would be meu, mue or ume ;)

    edit : can't write a spelling-picky with spelling mistakes in it can we... :lol:
  20. koshu

    koshu New Member

    ha ha ha ha ha :lol:
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    nah, it's christmas, you mean hau hau hau ;)
  22. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    isn't that ho ho ho.

    (And the reason it was asked is that l33t (can someone please tell me what this translates as because I have no idea) is seriously discouraged here because of the number of english as second language people on the board. u is common to text messaging but if your german, russian, dutch etc it means nothing whatsoever... this was a friendly warning please take note...)

    I myself have to measly skinny shelves, the DW are a limited section of which but you can tell when I got a full time job cos thats when I started getting the hard-covers... other than that theres some quite bizaar assortment.

    My boyfirend doesn't read. I've threatened to break up with him over this fact but it doesn't seem to help.
  23. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:0d18f63b3b="spiky"]isn't that ho ho ho.

    (And the reason it was asked is that l33t (can someone please tell me what this translates as because I have no idea) is seriously discouraged here because of the number of english as second language people on the board. u is common to text messaging but if your german, russian, dutch etc it means nothing whatsoever... this was a friendly warning please take note...)[/quote:0d18f63b3b]

    l33t is a "word" which is believed by people with a room temperature IQ that by combining phonetics and mis-reading numbers as characters can be pronounced as "elite" - a special code which they think makes them something special - actually it makes them look simply pitiful!

    Edited because I screwed up the quoting.
    Edited again for spelling
  24. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    oh OK... I don't quite know how l33t gets to elite bit fair enough and no wonder I don't understand it, even with english as a first language...
  25. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    well yes, read it ho ho ho, it was just a lame joke about the extra "u" being added to ha ha ha...

    I must say it is nice to find a board that isn't ridden with text language, I'm much more used to french boards that are all completely ruined by that crap, although l33t hasn't made much of a mark on the french (way too complicated I guess :lol: ). However, I pre-apologize for any wierd-sounding phrases I might use, I don't use english every day, although it's my native language, and I'm probably quite out of touch with the trendier expressions...
  26. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    [quote:030a1f302b="spiky"]oh OK... I don't quite know how l33t gets to elite bit fair enough and no wonder I don't understand it, even with english as a first language...[/quote:030a1f302b]

  27. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:fac1521edf="Rincewind"][quote:fac1521edf="spiky"]oh OK... I don't quite know how l33t gets to elite bit fair enough and no wonder I don't understand it, even with english as a first language...[/quote:fac1521edf]

    Isn't it more like L33t=Leet=L-eet ? Just to kindof explain how the "El" sound gets there ;)
  28. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    But its so lame!! its like the bad jokes they use to come up with cryptic crosswords...
  29. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:a6ca04ea4e="spiky"]But its so lame!! its like the bad jokes they use to come up with cryptic crosswords...[/quote:a6ca04ea4e]

    Yes. This is one of the main reasons for the fact that so many people hate it. That, and the way it rapes the English language to the point where it would just prefer to die instead of try councelling to return to at least a pale shadow of itself. Which would, in a way, explain my sentiments regarding what should be done to people who use net speak on a regular basis.

    Also, this is a Pratchett fan website. Pratchett has Views of his own on this matter. And that, in fact, is the second reason for the no net-speak rule.

    And this is still the friendly version, without singling out anyone in particular. Just take into consideration that every place you visit has it's set of rules, folks.
  30. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:d961273610="spiky"]But its so lame!! its like the bad jokes they use to come up with cryptic crosswords...[/quote:d961273610]

    Woah, for a minute there, I thought you were talking about my joke just before... :lol:
    [quote:d961273610="Roman_K"]Also, this is a Pratchett fan website. Pratchett has Views of his own on this matter. And that, in fact, is the second reason for the no net-speak rule. [/quote:d961273610]

    Yep, Pratchett is a real skilled craftsman of the English language...

    Which is why I love his books so much...

    And this partly explains the poor state of my bookcase...

    [size=9:d961273610](Who ? Me ? trying to return to the main road by wading accross a muddy field in high heels ? neveeeer ! ;) )[/size:d961273610]
  31. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench


    Also, this is a Pratchett fan website. Pratchett has Views of his own on this matter. And that, in fact, is the second reason for the no net-speak rule.

    I don't suppose anyone knows where I can find these Views? It would be interesting for my PhD...
  32. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member


    Also, this is a Pratchett fan website. Pratchett has Views of his own on this matter. And that, in fact, is the second reason for the no net-speak rule.

    I don't suppose anyone knows where I can find these Views? It would be interesting for my PhD...[/quote:661c59b574]

    In truth, those Views are an assumption on my part, though looking through the alt.fan.pratchett may prove otherwise.
  33. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I think I remember him saying something along the lines of 'For some people on the internet, spelling and grammer is something that happens to other people' and I remember reading that when replying to letters people with lazy spelling and grammer are last on the list.
  34. koshu

    koshu New Member

    sorry from this moment forward I shal use full sentances and not abrieviate my words

    although I can not promise with my spelling because im.. kinda..... dyslexic :)
  35. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar


    Also, this is a Pratchett fan website. Pratchett has Views of his own on this matter. And that, in fact, is the second reason for the no net-speak rule.

    I don't suppose anyone knows where I can find these Views? It would be interesting for my PhD...[/quote:ed78538320]

    I remember something like this when reading the article that Sleepy_Sarge posted on the Good Omens thread. It's a big interview though, can't remember where it was or how explicitly he stated it in the article.
  36. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:ccc7bc090a="koshu"]although I can not promise with my spelling because im.. kinda..... dyslexic :)[/quote:ccc7bc090a]

    Not an issue. In fact, our dyslexic members are one of the reasons we demand correct use of language. Net speak is not very helpful.

    Now, I shall go and reread this Good Omens interview, which I probably read once and completely forgot.

    edit: Capitalization.
  37. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Damn dyslextards, klogging up the board with there dirty spaz spelling!

    (oh wait! I'm dyslexic!)
  38. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    **walks past, whistling** anyone seen a bookcase ? nope ? :oops:
  39. koshu

    koshu New Member

    [quote:9119100e49="Rincewind"]Damn dyslextards, klogging up the board with there dirty spaz spelling!

    (oh wait! I'm dyslexic!)[/quote:9119100e49]

    Dyslexic's untied!!!!!! :lol:
  40. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

  41. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:4b59912b2d="koshu"][quote:4b59912b2d="Rincewind"]Damn dyslextards, klogging up the board with there dirty spaz spelling!

    (oh wait! I'm dyslexic!)[/quote:4b59912b2d]

    Dyslexic's untied!!!!!! :lol:[/quote:4b59912b2d]More stark raving genius, love it. :)
  42. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

  43. chrisboote

    chrisboote New Member

    Try finding somewhere to put the entire collection of Bernard's Unreal Estate pieces!*
    I had to commission a specially build display cabinet at over £1400 to have room for all of them - it had to be custom made to cope with the weight of the bits, the number of bits and the fact that one of the bits needs to extend from the lowest shelf through one of the lower shelves to one of the upper ones

    Still, they do look pretty in there...

    * Actually, I DO still have a problem with books, about 3,500 paperbacks and another 6-700 hardbacks at the last count - and that's not including a bookcase of maps, guidebooks & foreign language dictionaries

    I need a bigger house :(
  44. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member


    * Actually, I DO still have a problem with books, about 3,500 paperbacks and another 6-700 hardbacks at the last count - and that's not including a bookcase of maps, guidebooks & foreign language dictionaries

    I need a bigger house :([/quote:f62e65013a]

    Yes, you really should move into a larger house just for the books. They deserve it as a Christmas present!

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