God save kangaroos from dimwits

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by spiky, Mar 3, 2006.

  1. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    This article appeared in a Sydney newspaper...

    Can someone please point out to them that kangaroos are NOT an endangered species in Australia. There are more kangaroos now than at the time of white settlement...

    lifted from a website:

    [quote:f2d23b8eee]The 2002 population estimate for the commercially harvested kangaroo species released by the federal government puts their numbers at 58.6 million. [/quote:f2d23b8eee]

    Does this sound like we're running short? Everyone overseas just thinks of skippy and thinks that you can't make shoes out of the hide of skippy... I like the bit where they're trying to ban it cos its made from an endangered species... 60 million animals is not endangered (BTW its twice as many cows in australia)...

    Would you wear boats made from kangaroo hide?
  2. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    [quote:cb8d233f3e]Hunters shoot the kangaroos at night, when it is difficult to distinguish which are protected by Australian law, according to VIVA.[/quote:cb8d233f3e]
    Are there different types of Kangaroo?

    [quote:cb8d233f3e]kangaroos or endangered animals.[/quote:cb8d233f3e]
    Seems a strange one too, maybe in California they're endangered...
  3. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:e29861f69a="spiky"]Would you wear boats made from kangaroo hide?[/quote:e29861f69a]

    No I probably wouldn't. I'm sure the mast would poke into my foot in a very unpleasant way. ;-) [i:e29861f69a]Boots[/i:e29861f69a] out of kangaroo hide on the other hand, I wouldn't mind wearing those.

    (Sorry, couldn't help myself)

    Thing is, for me there is a small ethical difference between leather made from animals bred or hunted for food (such as cows, you eat the meat and also process the skin) and leather made from animals bred or hunted solely for the purpose of getting their skin, such as crocodiles. (Or do you eat crocodile? Nevertheless, you understand what I'm getting at)

    Still, I would wear both kinds, I know that I see an ethical difference, but I choose to ignore it for the time being. For some reason I find fur offensive, but crocodile skin not. Dunno why. Both mink and crocodiles are bred only for their skin.
  4. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Well, it say "kangaroos[i:233a1b7e7b] or [/i:233a1b7e7b]endangered species".

    Can anybody tell me if this quote is an example for a VIVA/ PETA - opinion or a US trend:
    "Kangaroos are wildlife, not shoes," she said. "Adidas needs to get in step with the times and use synthetic materials for all their shoes."[/quote:233a1b7e7b]


    Because even though sneakers are of course being worn a lot, too, I otherwise don't notice people wearing less leather shous. Knee high leather boots are actually very in since two years or so. No good times for synthetic materials only in the shoe industry.
  5. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    Thing is, for me there is a small ethical difference between leather made from animals bred or hunted for food (such as cows, you eat the meat and also process the skin) and leather made from animals bred or hunted solely for the purpose of getting their skin, such as crocodiles. (Or do you eat crocodile? Nevertheless, you understand what I'm getting at)

    Cue Crocodile Sandwich gag...
  6. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    There are three species of larger kangaroo, the Red, the Eastern Grey, and the Western Grey. None of them are at any risk for extinction.

    Ba is reasonably certain that this is an attitude held mainly by VIVA and other such groups. He would also like to point out that VIVA is based in Britain, even if they're working in the US in this instance. The US has its own idiot groups like PETA and the ALF.
  7. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:187c811e88="Ba"]There are three species of larger kangaroo, the Red, the Eastern Grey, and the Western Grey. None of them are at any risk for extinction.

    Ba is reasonably certain that this is an attitude held mainly by VIVA and other such groups. He would also like to point out that VIVA is based in Britain, even if they're working in the US in this instance. The US has its own idiot groups like PETA and the ALF.[/quote:187c811e88]
    Pixel hates to disagree with Ba, but he thinks that PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is actually UK based - they have a record of attacking or blockading homes, vehicles and business premises of anyone using animals for experimental purposes - they do have other uses of animals that they object to, but the level of protest seems to vary according to the opposition they might expect - they will intimidate people working in medical science, they will raid mink farms and release rapacious rodents into an environment not capable of defending itself against them - they will throw paint over models wearing fur - but is there even [i:187c811e88]one[/i:187c811e88] recorded case of a PETA member making any attempt to remonstrate with a Hell's Angel wearing a leather jacket? It would also be interesting to check the clothing of some of these people - those shoes - that belt - that watchstrap - that wallet - and that's ignoring jackets and similar.
  8. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    I never figured that one... Hells Angels are such nice people too
  9. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    We did have some Hell's Angels in our neighbourhood - and we've seen worse! I'm pretty sure that they were only a harmless rural copy of the originals, though.

    And Pixel, I've known people who went at great lenghts to make sure all the items you listed where of non-animal-whatever material. We're talking about people who don't consume industrial sugar because somewhere in the refining process, animal cadavres were used as a cheap solid fuel (which happens quite a lot).
  10. [quote:5337383579="KaptenKaries"][ (Or do you eat crocodile? Nevertheless, you understand what I'm getting at)[/quote:5337383579]

    There are a few establishments here that serve Fried Alligator tail. Its pretty tasty.

    I personally feel that if the animal is bread in captivity for a specific reason, IE chickens for eggs, meat, feathers, whatever, then it is serving its purpose by providing society with the things listed above.

    I do not believe in just going around killing and wasting bits of animals for pure pleasure. I especially feel this way about endagnered species.

    Oh and Hells Angels (most of the ones I ever met) are nice people. I remember my dad doing a Toy Run with a whole bunch of Hells Angels guys when I was like 5. They looked scary in their head to toe leather, but they were some of the sweetest men I ever had the pleasure of meeting. Old saying is true "Dont judge a book by its cover"
  11. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    Oh and Hells Angels (most of the ones I ever met) are nice people. I remember my dad doing a Toy Run with a whole bunch of Hells Angels guys when I was like 5. They looked scary in their head to toe leather, but they were some of the sweetest men I ever had the pleasure of meeting. Old saying is true "Dont judge a book by its cover"[/quote:5d6793a1c3]
    [i:5d6793a1c3]That[/i:5d6793a1c3] is what I'm talking about
  12. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    PETA people are people that inspire absolute fury in me if I allow myself to think about all the dumbass things they are capable of doing. I have never heard of them being involved in one thing that would allow me to give them any support or even respect. I love animals and was raised to be kind to animals and respectful of them, but I can't translate that into putting animals before humans. I have to go now and I hope I get to continue this discussion soon.
  13. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    PETA is based in Norfolk, Virginia, though its international president, Ingrid Newkirk, is British-born.
  14. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    PETA's not that idiotic really. not like some of the other extremists. anyway, as for the 'don't knows', a friend of ours has a dice bag made out of kangaroo scrotum.

    please, please, please, please, PLEASE stop hunting kangaroos, if only to ensure that no one else ever hands me a dice bag made out of a giant rabbit's ball sack.
  15. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    Eew! I guess some people will use anything
  16. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:a05eb0faac="Ba"]PETA is based in Norfolk, Virginia, though its international president, Ingrid Newkirk, is British-born.[/quote:a05eb0faac]

    OK - correction accepted - I hadn't realised that PETA was international - I've only seen news items about their activities in Britain - and it seemed so logical for them to originate in a nation where we have a [i:a05eb0faac]Royal[/i:a05eb0faac] Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, but only a [i:a05eb0faac]National[/i:a05eb0faac] Society for the Prevention Of Cruelty to Children!
  17. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    [quote:f60e96a99a="Pixel"] it seemed so logical for them to originate in a nation where we have a [i:f60e96a99a]Royal[/i:f60e96a99a] Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, but only a [i:f60e96a99a]National[/i:f60e96a99a] Society for the Prevention Of Cruelty to Children![/quote:f60e96a99a]

    Says it all about the Royals
  18. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Garner, PETA is an organization made up of fanatics. Not only do they want to ban meat and leather products, and all animal testing. They wish "complete animal liberation." That means no pets. No domestic animals of any kind. They're opposed to guide dogs for the blind, because it's "slavery." They openly support groups like the ALF and ELF who commit acts of domestic terrorism. They support violence in the name of animal rights. They hold that human lives are not as important as animal lives. They are extremely idiotic. Frankly, Ba thinks that many of them should be institutionalized, especially Ingrid Newkirk.
  19. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    wait, we're not talking about that flatbread stuff that comes with gyros and kebabs?
  20. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    No, Garner, that's Pita... The difference is that although it too is hollow and tasteless, you can fill it with the roasted flesh of poor innocent animals and cruelly tortured veg', and of course that suspicious-looking white sauce...
  21. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    skin made from kangaroo hide is supposedly one of the best quality in the world. The better brands of horse-equipment use it pretty often, it supposedly have less flaws than other hide, so why not use it for boots or shoes (as long as there are kangaroos to spare)
  22. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    [quote:443898b34b="Ba"]Garner, PETA is an organization made up of fanatics. Not only do they want to ban meat and leather products, and all animal testing. They wish "complete animal liberation." That means no pets. No domestic animals of any kind. They're opposed to guide dogs for the blind, because it's "slavery." They openly support groups like the ALF and ELF who commit acts of domestic terrorism. They support violence in the name of animal rights. They hold that human lives are not as important as animal lives. They are extremely idiotic. Frankly, Ba thinks that many of them should be institutionalized, especially Ingrid Newkirk.[/quote:443898b34b]Why don't they feed themselves to the wolves? If they're less important, then they shouldn't have any qualms about doing that.
  23. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:0ebb8090ed="Katcal"]No, Garner, that's Pita... The difference is that although it too is hollow and tasteless, you can fill it with the roasted flesh of poor innocent animals and cruelly tortured veg', and of course that suspicious-looking white sauce...[/quote:0ebb8090ed]

    Would that be hummus or tchina? Both tend to be added, and I personally prefer the latter.

    As for PETA, they're nothing more than the supposedly sane front for eco-terrorists. The part that raises funds, does the public relations, and goes through the legal channels when it comes to cruelty against animals, at least in theory. In practice, they're also the ones who go through the 'mild' illegal channels. A bunch of idiots if ever there was one.
  24. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    While kangaroos aren't generally farmed for their skin and meat (being able to jump really high and swim and kick your intestines through your spine generally dissuades people from trying. However, with the large and increasing number of roos the government has an annual cull... Where a specific number of animals are shot. And if their doing this at night and missing the roos and hitting something else its probably a really big rat which us definitely a pest.

    Their was a big stink raised in Europe at the last world cup/soccer event about the boots (not boats) being made from roo hide... They tried to spark the controversy here by getting the head of the roo product industry and the animal lib people on tv... It was a total dud. They both agreed that their were too many roos in Australia and that a controlled cull was reasonable and using the by-products of that cull was better than letting it go to waste...

    I wish everyone overseas could see that interview... The reporter trying desparately to get some point of disagreement, an argument or something of worth to quote and the disappointment and the faffing that was done when nothing happened.
  25. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Heh, I like that mental image, Spiky.

    I mean, if the blasted things are over-populating, then what do you do? Wait for a disaster, if the PETA has its way. A disaster which would probably destroy several animal species due to an unbalanced ecological system.

    Then the PETA would blame humans. So would we, for that matter, pointedly looking at them.

    Once we become responsible for the animal kingdom, as we have, we hold a two-sided dagger. We can't go to the extremes, so we have to hold the thing in the middle. And in the end, if we shoot the blasted kangaroo because its overbreeding, then letting its carcass go to waste would be the real crime against nature.
  26. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    According to the VB ad that was just on: Kangaroos are the only legally edible national emblem.

    In your face! Thats gotta make Australia the best bloody country on earth mate.
  27. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    *Eats an Australian*
  28. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:45c4665282="spiky"]According to the VB ad that was just on: Kangaroos are the only legally edible national emblem.

    In your face! Thats gotta make Australia the best bloody country on earth mate.[/quote:45c4665282]

    When did it become illegal to eat leeks - a national emblem of Wales?
  29. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Or Kiwis !!! :D National emblem of New Zealand, your actual kiwi.

    You can even eat roses (England) in turkish delight or in a lassi. France's emblem is a cockrel, which is also legally edible. Belgium's emblem is a potato.

    Anyway, I always thought that Australia's emblem was Veggymite, which everyone knows isn't edible.
  30. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Is it also illegal to eat Shamrocks in Ireland? Even if it is, it surely can't be illegal to eat Lepracauns!
  31. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    It's not illegal, but it's not a very good idea. They do funny things to your digestive system, those leprechauns... must be all that rainbow dust.
  32. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:a8ce586679="Pixel"][quote:a8ce586679="spiky"]According to the VB ad that was just on: Kangaroos are the only legally edible national emblem.

    In your face! Thats gotta make Australia the best bloody country on earth mate.[/quote:a8ce586679]

    When did it become illegal to eat leeks - a national emblem of Wales?[/quote:a8ce586679]

    I guess there referring to animal emblems. Whats the animal emblem of Wales?

    We have a kangaroo and an emu on our natoinal emblem... and we eat both.

    mmmm national emblems.
  33. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    The animal emblem of Wales is the dragon, I hear it gives you heartburn.
  34. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:4670ba71e7="Electric_Man"]The animal emblem of Wales is the dragon, I hear it gives you heartburn.[/quote:4670ba71e7]

    lol... the indigestion that'd probably burn all the way through...
  35. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

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