Going Postal

Discussion in 'GODS, DESERTS, IMPS, LETTERS AND WAR' started by BaronBlancoVanMann, Aug 28, 2005.

  1. BaronBlancoVanMann

    BaronBlancoVanMann New Member

  2. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks, we already know about Discworld stamps, in fact I wrote an article about them myself on this website; plus there's a proper Discworld stamps website here: http://www.discworldstamps.com/ with it's own forum and everything.

    Thanks for telling us anyway, though we would rather you didn't show up here just to post a link to another site to get a free link; if you like, if you have a links page on your site that is easily found from the front page, you can add your link to our directory here: http://www.terrypratchett.uk/linkspace/index.html and become a proper link partner.

    There's also a link to webring on that page, which you also might consider joining if you want to get lots of free visitors. :)
  3. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Well, if the topic exists I may as well use it...

    I am currently rereading Going Postal, and have only now noticed what the postman's hat was made of (somehow it either slipped from my mind from the last time I read it, or my eyes just passed that bit by), and the way the Parker greengrocers talk (and write signs).

    Now, if my memory serves me correctly, this happens to me with most of Pratchett's books, at least the more recent ones, as there are details galore and I find it easy to miss them on the first read.

    Anyways, the reason I post this now is quite unrelated to that. What I want to know is what the barber is telling Moist via the speaking tube. Now, I can just about get the gist of one of them, but I want to hear what you lot think.
  4. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I haven't quite finished GP yet, is that near the last part somewhere? I hope so because it means I missed it if not.

    Hee, just realised that the initials for Going Postal are very similar to the old name for the post office over hear, the GPO - General Post Office I think? I bet it's not by accident. There even used to be a GPO tower in London; actually there still is but now it's called the Telecom Tower, or was last time I checked. http://www.urban75.org/london/telecom.html - uncanny. :)
  5. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Not the last bit, no. Letter recovery rings any bells? ;)
  6. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    No it doesn't. :oops:
  7. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Oh my.

    This here is a spoiler. Anyone who doesn't wish to read said spoiler, shouldn't. I'm not bothering with the backround-coloured text because the font colour option plays havoc with my eyes.


    The motto of the post office had 'Glom of Nit' instead of 'Gloom of Night'. This was because a certain barber decided to steal the letters and use them for his sign (Hugos). When Moist came in to recover them, he spoke to Hugo via a speaking tube at first.
  8. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Oh thoooooose letters; think I'd have to read it again, must have read that bit without thinking there was anything significant, so what does it actually say? :)
  9. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:e6d3f3c120="Maljonic"]Oh thoooooose letters; think I'd have to read it again, must have read that bit without thinking there was anything significant, so what does it actually say? :)[/quote:e6d3f3c120]

    Hugo via the speaking tube? No idea. I want you lot to try and guess so I might know.
  10. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    But you can't tell what he's saying beause it's all squittledy... okay, I know what you mean now. I thought it was kind of left up to the imagination what he says, like 'go and screw yourself' or something? :)
  11. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Oh, I have no doubt it was left to the imagination. Now, imagine some good interpetations for me, and I shall be pleased.
  12. Plugger

    Plugger New Member

    there is possibley another post book thing lol its called "making money" heres the quote from wikipedia:
    Future novel, confirmed recently by Terry as the book he's begun writing as of the completion of Wintersmith. Set to be the second novel featuring Moist von Lipwig. The title and the end of Going Postal would seem to indicate that it involves the Ankh Morpork mint.
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Someone on here mentioned the stamps. I have just had a look and they looked great. Does anyone here collect them?
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Hee, just realised that the initials for Going Postal are very similar to the old name for the post office over hear, the GPO - General Post Office I think? I bet it's not by accident. There even used to be a GPO tower in London; actually there still is but now it's called the Telecom Tower, or was last time I checked. http://www.urban75.org/london/telecom.html - uncanny. :)[/quote:0e5a6ea135]

    I'm sure that's a coincidence. the title comes from the Yank phrase which means to go bonkers and kill you colleague because some postal workers actually did this :lol:
  15. randywine

    randywine Member

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