Good Evening, Mr Barnacle!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by chrisjordan, Jan 21, 2006.

  1. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Let's write a children's book. A picture book, if you like, but without the pictures. Each person writes a line (a page's worth), and then we make millions and all live in big castles.

    Here's the start:

    Page 1:
    'Hast thou finished thine essay on literary rhetoric?' demanded Woofy.

    Page 2:
    'No!' shouted Mr Barnacle. 'Bother me not! Your harassment is simultaneously ceaseless and crude! I shall have you reported to MI6!'

    Page 3:
    'Oh no!' cried Woofy, his crown toppling from his head. 'MI6 are already here! I must flee the country at once and take refuge in Communist France!'
  2. plaid

    plaid New Member

    page four

    'Stop in the name of melted ice cream and tuna fish!' the Chief of the MI6 shouted.

    page five

    Mr. Barnacle laughed.
  3. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Page 6:

    The chief of MI6 has a ball. It is a big red ball.
  4. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Page 7

    "I wilst not stop" shouted Woofy and headed towards the gate.
  5. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Page 8

    Mr Woofy saw the big red ball, and wet himself in terror. He rang a taxi.

    Page 9

    The Chief of MI6 puffed on his pipe. "Catch the Woofy cad and remove his spleen!" he demanded of his second in command.



    (and a typo! Will the editing never end!?)
  6. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Page 10:

    The taxi arrived and Mr Woofy sashayed into it. "Please proceed to the nearest location of air transportion, driver."

    Page 11:

    The driver stared straight ahead and said, "Certainly sir." On his lapel was a MI6 badge.
  7. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Page 12:

    In the boot of the taxi, there was a ball. It is a big red ball.
  8. Guest

    Guest Guest

    page 13

    The big red ball had a tracking device in it. Mr Woofy was frightened.
  9. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Page 14

    The tracking device was all in Mr Woofy's mind. The big red ball was a metaphor for something far more sinister...
  10. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Page 15

    'You have new email,' announced Mr Barnacle's computer.
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Page 16

    "Meet me at the fish market in an hour" the mail said "and wear a white carnation"
  12. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Page 17

    Mr Woofy was sweating profusely. The big, red ball was metaphorically challenging his suspicious mental capabilities and the driver's badge had flashed momentarily in the mirror.

    Page 18

    The Taxi driver drove past a sign pointing towards the airport, instead he followed one that said 'Fish Market'. "Stay calm, Mr Woofy." he said.
  13. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member

    Page 19

    "Perhaps the driver merely wishes to acquire a sumptuous halibut fletch." Mr Woofy muttered.
  14. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Page 20

    Meanwhile, Mr Barnacle (and his big red ball) waited by the salmon stand with a white carnation in his buttonhole.

    Page 21

    "I'll do some shopping while we wait. I'll have a fillet steak of salmon please" said the big red ball to the salmon seller.
  15. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Page 22

    The salmon seller glared at the big red ball.

    Page 23

    'Is that all I am to you, a stereotype? You think that just because I'm a salmon seller I sell fillet steaks of salmon?!'
  16. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Page 24

    The taxi went past a gate pronouncing that they were at the fish market.

    "Time to get out, Mr Woofy." said the driver

    "But I previously requested to be taking to a place of aeronautical transportation!"

    "Well, get out and you'll see where we actually are."

    Page 25

    As Mr Woofy got out of the car, he saw a scene of chaos. In the centre of it, a big red ball was bouncing on the head of a prone salmon seller.
  17. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Page 26

    'What now?' asked Woofy.

    Page 27

    'Mr Barnacle is in possession of a small green thermonuclear device!' exclaimed the taxidriver. 'We must stop him at once!'
  18. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Page 28

    Whilst chuckling at the destructive diversion the red ball was creating, Mr Barnacle delved his hand into his pocket.

    Page 29

    Mr Woofy peered through the crowd and managed to see Mr Barnacle. "He's fiddling around with something in his trousers!" he cried.
  19. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Page 30

    'We must take a closer look,' said the taxidriver, getting out a pair of binoculars.

    Page 31

    'Let me have a go!' said Woofy, as the driver peered through them.
  20. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Page 32

    "I can't believe he's doing that!" said the taxi driver looking through the binoculars.

    "Let me see!" said Mr Woofy.

    Page 33

    The chief of MI6 tapped Mr Barnacle on the shoulder.

    "Good evening, Mr Barnacle!"
  21. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Page 34

    'What's he doing here?' said the taxidriver. 'Trying to steal my thunder, I'll bet. Just because he's higher ranking he thinks he can get away with anything!'

    Page 35

    'Do I sense a subplot of professional conflict?' queried Woofy.
  22. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Page 36

    The taxi driver's eyes watered. "I just want to show the world I've got a lot of love to give" he whispered.

    Page 37

    Mr. Woofy took advantage of the emotional interlude to grab the binoculars and run into the crowd to spy on Mr. Barnacle.

    Page 38

    Meanwhile, Mr. Barnacle nodded at the Chief of MI6. "Let us dispense with the formalities and get staight into the business of the dangerous object I have in my trousers."
  23. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    [edit: crosspost]
  24. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Page 39

    Mr Barnacle nodded.

    "Am I right in thinking that it could go off at any time?" said the chief of MI6

    Page 40

    Mr Barnacle nodded again.

    "I suggest you drop it, I have back-up coming." warned the Chief.
  25. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Page 41

    Having been looking through the binoculars backwards, Woofy miscalculated his distance and walked right into Mr Barnacle.

    Page 42

    'Shit,' he said.
  26. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Page 43

    "Ah, Woofy, you bounding cad!" Mr. Barnacle cried. "Chief of MI6, catch him! I want his spleen on a plate!"

    Page 44

    Mr Woofy jumped onto the big red ball. "Bounce, my pretty!" he commanded.
  27. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Page 45

    "Agent Driver!" cried the chief of MI6, "Your remit was to take Mr Woofy back to HQ for questioning!"

    Page 46


    "No buts! I shall chase him now, you stay here and stop Mr Barnacle from pressing his button!"

    Page 47

    The chief jumped on his own big, red ball and set off in chase after Mr Woofy.
  28. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Page 48

    Agent Driver fixed Mr. Barnacle with a menacing glare. "If you go anywhere near the button, I'll hit you with this pike!" he threatened.

    Page 49

    Mr. Barnacle laughed. "You cannot stop me, you transportation bitch! The power of my implement cannot be surpassed by a weapon as long as six double decker buses!"
  29. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Page 50

    Meanwhile Mr Woofy was bouncing through the fish market on the big red ball. The metaphorical alagory bounced off the head of a longshoreman before breaking the nose of a cuttlefish shucker as it spun wildly through the aquarium section.

    "YEE HAW!" cried Mr Woofy, flipping the bird to the octopus leg counter.

    Page 51

    Mr. Driver ran after Mr Woofy but realising he could not keep up with the imaginary big red ball quickly grabbed a flying fish and jumped on its back.

    "Follow that big red ball!" he yelled. The flying fish took off and zoomed through the fish market.
  30. Guest

    Guest Guest

    page 52

    The flying fish caught up with Mr Woofy and his bouncing ball with great ease, Mr Woofy was soon knocked to the ground

    page 53

    Mr Woofy awoke to find himself in a very dark room. "what time is it" he said to himself.
    "the questions you should be asking are what day is and where am i" a quiet voice behind him said!
  31. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Page 54

    "I refuse to submit to such clichéd conventions!" cried Mr Woofy

    Page 55

    "Well I'm going to tell you anyway." said the voice, "The day is today and you are in a very dark room."
  32. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    I was going to illustrate this, but page 2 made me weep. :)
  33. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    And 55 pages is rather a lot. :)
  34. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Panel 56

    To be continued...

    Panel 57

  35. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Edit :page change

    Page 57

    'Whyfore have you placed my body in this darkened room, on a day that is not yesterday, nor tomorrow?' Asked Mr Woofy in a questioning manner 'and where is my ball, my red ball?'

    'As a metaphor for the sinster underlining sexual subpolt the red ball motif has become tired and woren, now it can only be expressed threw the medium of modern/jazz fuison dance' Said the voice.

    Page 58

    The voice expressed the sinster underling sexual subpolt via a fusion of jazz and modern dance that was neither tired or woren.
  36. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    Page 59

    Suddenly the fusion of Jazz and modern which was neither tired nor worn was swiched off and a spotlight came on. Mr Woofy saw that the walls were bare, and there was no furniture in the room expcept for a high backed swivel chair. The chair began to rotate, slowly.

    Page 60

    There was a large bald man sitting in the chair, fingers adorned with gold rings. As he looked at Mr Woofy, he stroked the red sphere sitting in his lap as if it were a kitten. " Greetings Mr Woofy" he said, "I am so pleased that you could join us. - I am Dr Cliche by the way"
  37. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Page 61

    Mr Woofy clutched at his face in dramatic horror. "You wont get away with this, Dr Cliche!" he cried.

    Page 62

    "Ah," intoned the doctor. "You are learning. But let me tell you this! I've kidnapped the girl, set the bomb to go off in ten minutes, and have the money in a briefcase!"

    He then placed his fingertips together underneath his chin. "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
  38. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    (There was some number mix-up a little way up, because of Ben's now ignored 'to be continued' pages :p So... )

    Page 62!

    'Your chin is stupid,' said Woofy.

    Page 63

    Dr Cliche glared at him. He picked up his phone. 'Agent Barnacle? I know the bomb goes off in ten minutes, but have Mr Woofy's house egged.'
  39. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Page 64

    "The bomb can't be that bad, can it?" said Mr Woofy, "It's not going to destroy the universe, is it?"

    Page 65

  40. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Page 66

    'I never liked the Universe much anyway,' said Woofy.

    Page 67

    'But...I do rather like my house...'

    Page 68

    Mr Barnacle stood outside Woofy's house with a box of half a dozen eggs in his hand.
  41. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Page 69

    Little did Mr barnacle KNow that the Chief of MI6 had caught up with him on his big red ball. He came zooming around the corner now and had reached such velocity that he simply took Mr Barnacle's head off as he swept passed.

    Page 70

    "YEEHAW" sceamed the Chief as Mr Barnacle's body slumped to the ground.

    The egg he'd been about to throw fell to the ground just above his shoulders where his head should be and smashed. The effect of the broken egg for a head was very disturbing to Mr Cliche who watched all this from his lair on a big screen telly where some mysterious camera was capturing the action from some unknown place that seemed to be able to catch close-up emotion shots as well as pan the scene to catch the fast paced action too...
  42. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Page 71

    Mr Barnacle walked up to his clone's headless, eggy corpse and looked at it with disdain. 'Such a pity,' he said.

    Page 72

    He examined his shotgun to check that everything was in order.

    Page 73

    'Now,' he said, 'I have about four minutes left before the bomb goes off. That's plenty of time to find the Chief and blast his sorry little brains out.'

    Page 74

    As he headed in the direction of the Chief's bouncing ball, he wondered vaguely who the kidnapped girl was.
  43. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Page 75

    On the other side of the city, in a second even darker room, Emma sat with a blind fold and a gag tied to a chair. She didn't know or understand why they were tied to a chair but as she got up and stumbled past them she had thought it was odd.

    Page 78

    Emma Woofy was 18, pretty and obviously still a virgin (as most kidnap victims in these sorts of stories are) "why oh why am i here?" she asked herself as she swept her long ginger hair from her face!
  44. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    [size=12:53c5e02549]Page 79

    Emma reached for the mobile phone her kidnappers had been kind enough to leave for her, and pounded frantically at the keys. But then she heard footsteps.[/size:53c5e02549]

    (If this is a children's story, you all had very disturbing childhoods.)
  45. koshu

    koshu New Member

    page 80

    emma tried despritley to reach somone on her phone, but at that moment the door began to creak open....

    she made a mental note to tell the first kidnapper she saw that he should invest in some oil

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