Happy St. Patrick's day!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by mowgli, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    (It is today, isn't it?)

    To all the Irish and Irish-for-a-day: have fun, kick butt and drink one for Brad, him still being in a no-alcohol zone at this point.
  2. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    This may be handy, though some bits only to the guys. Oh and Happy St Patrick's Day

    [size=12:3382b280d0][color=green:3382b280d0][u:3382b280d0]St. Patrick's Day TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE[/u:3382b280d0][/color:3382b280d0][/size:3382b280d0]



    CORRECTIVE ACTION [/color:3382b280d0]

    Feet cold and wet

    Glass Being held at incorrect angle.

    Rotate glass so that open end points toward ceiling

    Feet warm and wet

    Improper Bladder Control

    Stand next to nearest dog, complain about lack of house training

    Beer unusually pale and tasteless

    a. Glass empty.

    b. You're holding a Coors Lite

    Get someone to buy you another beer

    Opposite wall covered with fluorescent lights

    You have fallen over backward.

    Have yourself leashed to bar

    Mouth contains cigarette butts, back of head covered with ashes

    You have fallen forward

    See above

    Beer tasteless, front of your shirt is wet

    a. Mouth not open

    b. Glass applied to wrong part of face

    Retire to restroom, practice in mirror

    Floor Blurred

    You are looking through bottom of empty glass

    Get someone to buy you another beer

    Floor moving

    You are being carried out

    Find out if you are being taken to another bar

    Room seems unusually dark

    Bar has closed

    Confirm home address with bartender. If staff is gone, grab a six-pack to go and hit the nearest fire escape door. Run

    Taxi suddenly takes on colorful aspect and textures

    Beer consumption has exceeded personal limitations

    Cover mouth, open window, stick head outside

    Everyone looks up to you and smiles

    You are dancing on the table

    Fall on someone cushy-looking

    Beer is crystal-clear

    It's water! Somebody is trying to sober you up

    Punch him

    People are standing around urinals, talking or putting on makeup

    You're in the ladies' room

    Do not use urinal! Excuse yourself, exit and try the next door down the hall. Try to get phone numbers (optional)

    Hands hurt, nose hurts, mind unusually clear

    You have been in a fight

    Apologize to everyone you see, just in case it was them

    Don't recognize anyone, don't recognize the room you're in

    You've wandered into the wrong party

    See if they have free beer

    Your bedroom is painted gray, has a concrete floor and an interesting steel door. Toilet may be conveniently located next to your bunk

    a. You're in jail

    b. You're in the navy

    Sleep it off, you can always get out tomorrow. Don't talk to your new roommate, and under no circumstances sleep on your stomach

    Your singing sounds distorted

    The beer is too weak

    Have more beer until your voice improves

    Don't remember the words to the song

    Beer is just right

    Play air guitar
  3. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    *Pours green fire mixture onto his head for celebratory purposes*
  4. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Hah, Jaccairn, some of those symptoms sound very familiar, but I'm not saying which ones :cooler:

    Just about to head out to celebrate ye olde Paddy's Day. Have a good nght everyone who'll be doing something for it.
  5. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Happy Paddy's day all. I will be off to celebrate with a root beer (no alcohol for the minors) and will wear my green beads. Yay beads.
  6. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Sorry it’s taken me so long to post. I’ve been off for the Long weekend – St. Patrick’s Day!

    What did I do to celebrate I hear you ask?

    I went for lunch with couple of friends which was lovely, after that I met some more people and we all went to drink beer and watched Gaelic football on the TV I also made a couple of really poorly judged bets on the horse Racing at Cheltenham (well I suppose at £1 each way I wasn’t exactly going to make a fortune anyway!). All in all I had a great day.

    My housemate reckons she had an even better day she went on a 19km hike around Downpatrick (a town were St Patrick is supposedly buried) – Also a town where Rinso sometimes reckons he’s from*

    *Hmmm St. Patrick is fake Irish too!

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