Happy Valnetine's Day

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by spiky, Feb 13, 2006.

  1. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    As the first to get this day, I wish youall a happy Valentine's Day! If you get a present yay for you, if you don't I love you anyway.
  2. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    So if Doors doesn't get a present, that means you love him?

    This cannot be!!!
  3. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    No Doors is a slapper that was used by Ben to slap me back...

    I cannot love you Doors.
  4. lipi

    lipi New Member

    Yay it's Valentine's day.
    Lipi loves you all, be you worthy or evil personified.. It's just a question how theorethical that love is ;)
  5. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Lifted from a Valentine's Day card that I've seen last year in Border's :)

    "Here?" she whispered to him sweetly.
    "We're alone," he said discreetly.
    "I've been good till now!" she sighed.
    "But you're human!" he replied.
    "It's so big!" she hesitated.
    "It's all yours," he proudly stated.
    "Oh, I shouldn't!" she protested.
    "If you love me --!" he suggested.

    And so, losing all resistance,
    she gave in to his insistence...

    And ate every single chocolate in the box!
  6. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Happy bitter day!
  7. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    [size=7:75be4afd90]...so lonely...[/size:75be4afd90]
  8. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    Could this be why...?
  9. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Woo, bitter day. Spread the love, people.
  10. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Oh, and I love you back, Spiky and Lipi. The Large Trout of Punishment probably loves you back too, but he's a bit stunned at the moment, so it's hard to get anything sensible out of him.

    Delphine, I'd love you as well, but you're married ;)
  11. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Happy corporate-sponsored, hallmark-created holiday that is vaguely associated with love and romance!

    I got a package from my boyfriend in London and I'm waking up early tomorrow so I can open it and fully appreciate its wonderfullness!

    Happy Valentines to all! Yes, even Doors, because everyone needs to hear it - even lonely scotsmen.
  12. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Horrible holiday. But at least it allows me to tell everyone I know that I love them without looking insane. Unfortunately haven't got to the important one yet.

    Love you all!
  13. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    :( Bob says "Doors sent me a valentine's day card. Find me a rope so I can hang myself. Oh, shit. I have no neck."

    Poor Bob.

    And a happy valentine's to all those who want one, and blissfull ignorance of a crappy capitalist merchandising excuse for a day to those who don't :D

    I personnally am going to have a wonderful day, and sod 'em all*.

    *this is supposed to be my family's motto, no offense meant ;)
  14. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Happy Valentine's! Love, kisses and hugs to you all.
  15. Darth_Bemblebee

    Darth_Bemblebee New Member

    Huzzah to that. If you think of today as more of a Love-of-All-Mankind Day, and do your utmost to ignore the terrifying ranks of heart-clutching bears in every shop-window (which have always creeped the HELL out of me :shock: )......then it's really quite jolly.
  16. Guest

    Guest Guest

    No one should feel unloved today (yes even Doors) so as everyone else on this thread has said... HAPPY VALENTINES :heart:

    Valentines day is meant to be happy
    no one out there should be made to feel crappy
    so heres a big hug and kiss from me
    and that'll make your day better, you'll see.

  17. koshu

    koshu New Member


  18. Human

    Human New Member

    Happy Valentine's Day, aka Make Single People Feel Like Crap Day.

    And while I'm technically not single, my significant other is in therapy. In Utah. I haven't gotten a letter since this whole mess started. So I'm an honorary single.
  19. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Valentine's isn't a happy day really; people feel pressurised into buying stuff for their loved ones just for the sake of it.

    Most people wouldn't really care if this Day didn't exist, but I suppose it brings a few happiness...
  20. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    I was in a Primary Health Care convention today and the speakers were making jokes either relevant to Valentine's day or to the bird flu virus.

    Considering the greek word fro virus comes from a very ancient greek word for arrow, I'd say Cupid has a lot to answer for this year.
  21. Sir_Gawain

    Sir_Gawain New Member

    Happy Valentine's Day! Anyone know exactly what St. Valentine died of? It wasn't a natural death, for sure. Otherwise how would she be sainted? I think the only saint who lived a long life and died in bed was St. John the Evangelist... someone tell me if I spelled that wrong.

    I love you all too! Yes, you too, Doors. And

    And cheer up, people! There was not a single hallmark card in my entire school today. All of them were homemade. And against the rules, which only made them more special. And in case anyone's wondering, I did get one card. Little Davey gave one to everyone. Everyone loves Davey.

    Can I share a cute story? People who don't want to read a cute story don't read this part.

    My friend looked in her locker today, and she found a paper bag. And in that bag was a CD of one of her favorite singers, a pin that said, "I don't believe in miracles, I live off them" to add to her personal collection on her bag, a box of chocolates, and an adorable homemade card. It was from someone who had really been paying attention to her. And it was from a boy that it has been proclaimed almost every girl in the lower two grades has had a crush on at one point. It was so adorable! And she likes him too. I asked. (I haven't had a crush on this kid, because he's one of my best friend's younger brother. To clear up anyone who objects to age difference, there's less than a year's worth. She's a grade below me, he's a grade below her.) It was unexpected, at least to me. But then, what's not to love about her? She's adorable. For those of you who read the Member's News thread, this is the girl who played Titania.


    You too, Human. I hope you boyfriend/girlfriend comes home soon.
  22. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    I REALLY TOTALLY LOVE.........................

    ...my new sig.
  23. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Almost as good as mine!
  24. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Oh no you don't. Sig theif! *I'M* Federal Agent Jack Bauer!
  25. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    What's this... the results of Jack Bauer's repeated sleep deprivation?

    edited to add: And Human, definitely good luck to you with your Significant Other!
  26. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Sir_Gawain, St. Valentine was a bishop in the early church, I forget where, who gave money to young women who couldn't afford the exhorbtitant fees required to get permission to marry and I also heard he performed illegal marriage ceremonies as well.I think he was killed for his impudence in this matter and for other reasons, but I'm not sure just which method was used.

    Oh Happy Valentine's Day to all. I got to have dinner out with my sweet heart. Jon finally made it home today :D It has been a month and a half I've been with out him :( but for a couple of days he's home :D and of course this week I have to work two 12 hour shifts when Jon is home :(

    Sorry about so many smilies
  27. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I got to open my package today!

    I got two packages of my favorite Belgian chocolate that I cannot find over here in Nebraska. My boyfriend was lovely enough to send me enough to last me a long time. he is my favorite person in the whole world ever.

    Though I donated half the first box to the lonely singles on the school newspaper staff. They looked sad and I was in a weak moment, what can I say?

    And after school I went with two friends of mine so one of them could buy her boyfriend's gift.
    Which turned out to be a toaster and a package of chocolate chip eggo waffles, the waffles being his breakfast of choice and the toaster being the desired method of achieving waffleness. His toaster broke so she took pity on him and got him a new one.
    Its the weirdest valentines present I've heard of, but its the personal touches which make things fun!

    Also to combat the hordes of cheerleaders dressed in pink I wore the color of depressed people today (blue) to show my solidarity towards them. Since a lot of people I knew were depressed today.

    So, once again, Happy Hallmark day to all! :D
  28. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:7e6ab5aaed="TamyraMcG"]Sir_Gawain, St. Valentine was a bishop in the early church, I forget where, who gave money to young women who couldn't afford the exhorbtitant fees required to get permission to marry and I also heard he performed illegal marriage ceremonies as well.I think he was killed for his impudence in this matter and for other reasons, but I'm not sure just which method was used.

    Oh Happy Valentine's Day to all. I got to have dinner out with my sweet heart. Jon finally made it home today :D It has been a month and a half I've been with out him :( but for a couple of days he's home :D and of course this week I have to work two 12 hour shifts when Jon is home :(

    Sorry about so many smilies[/quote:7e6ab5aaed]

    Valentine -or Valentinus- is said to have been a Christian priest in Rome, in the time when Christianity was still regarded a sect, and Christians were prosecuted (although recently, historicans say the persecution, though it happened as a matter of fact, is being exaggerated - they were left alone most of the time in comparision to other religions who didn't want to bow to the state).

    Modern legend says he gave Christian couples -illegal- Christian marriage ceremonies, and was put into prison and killed for it (wether in the circus or otherwise, I don't know). Legend says due to him marrying the couples, he is still the Saint of lovers, another legends say that said couples threw flowers over the prison wall he was behind to thank him.

    There are at least three historical Valentius who might have been the person from the legend, but there are almost no real sources to be found, and they remain vague. There is no proof at all for the legend that is being attached to the St. Valentine the holiday is being referring to.

    !4th of Feb was first declared in the fifth century -496, to be exactly- and was celebrated until 1966 or 1969 as a holiday of the Roman Catholic church. At some point during those centuries -not too long ago, presumably- it was being connected to the romantic story you can read above. It was, after its official abolition due to Valentius being mainly a legendary figure, revived, first in the English-speaking countries in the non-religious sector, as the Valentine's day we know today..
  29. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    The remains of his body (supposedly) are in a catholic church in Dublin. It's a big tourist attraction for Japanese people for some reason.
  30. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    :D I sometimes have the impression that the remains of every Saint's body are either in a church somewhere in Ireland -at least at some time- or... in Cologne/ Germany! (The Cologners believd, or said they did, for a long time that the remains of the Three Kings were resting in the catherdal. Among others.)
  31. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    There are a few bits of various saints in cathedrals in Toulouse too... We mainly have a faire share of St Thomas of Aquinus, and bits of St Saturnin... hum... :roll:
  32. Trollmother

    Trollmother New Member

    All techers got one rose each from the pupils' council! They had gone to the secretary for all names, painted cards, gone to the textile craft teacher and cut ribbons to tie the cards with and during lunch they came in and gave us the roses. Darlings! I only sent a viritual card to each of my students.

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