high fantasy books...

Discussion in 'NON PRATCHETT BOOK DISCUSSIONS' started by tanatie, May 11, 2006.

  1. tanatie

    tanatie New Member

    anyone got any good suggestions for great high fantasy books? in the style of a song of ice and fire? I just got myself dragonquest by anne mccaffrey but I barely got through the first chapter so I can't say if it's any good yet...
  2. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I have never read a song of ice and fire, so I don't know if the book I am about to suggest is anything like it, but if you are looking for good fantasy novel, you might try Tad Williams' Shadowmarch. It is the best fantasy novel I have read in quite a while.
    Edit: I just remembered: the first several chapters can be found here.
  3. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    I have read a couple of Anne McCaffrey, they are pretty good.

    I tend more toward the comic fantasy, but there are some good serious ones too. It depends on what you class as High Fantasy though.

    Terry Goodkind isn't bad, if a little heavy. I have just realised that there are a few books that I haven't read, mostly because they are part way through series, but I also seem to be missing some...

    I should check my attic - maybe there is another box somewhere?
  4. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Try Tad Williams 'Memory, Sorrow and Thorn' trilogy (or quadrilogy? if it's in paperback) or anything by Guy Gavriel Kay, a really good writer. With Anne McCaffrey it might have been better to start with Dragonflight as it introduces the characters and was the first book written.
  5. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    Memory, Sorrow and Thorn is definatly worth a read. However, I think Williams' latest novel Shadowmarch (which I mentioned earlier in this thread) is slightly better written.

    Also, I believe that the proper word for a series of four related dramatic, operatic, or literary works is Tetralogy (sorry, I was raised by an english teacher, and sometimes I just cant help myself).
  6. scif1girl

    scif1girl New Member

    I grew out of Anne McCaffery as soon as I started high school and developed a taste for David Eddings, Sean McMullen, Anne Rice, Gaiman, and of course Pratchett. I'd reccomend the first two of those authors for a good fantasy read, so long as you don't mind a little scifi in Sean McMullen's writing (start with Voyage of the Shadowmoon if you're interested in him, Pawn of Prophecy if you're interested in Eddings).

    I've seen them called Quartets, namely the Song of the Lioness quartet by Tamora Pierce.
  7. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Anne McCaffery: Consider reading the Earthsea trilogy. I only read the first book, but I liked it and plan to look up the other two. Don't expect a grand plotline, or a truly well-written book, but it is better written by far than The Lord of the Rings. The story comes across well, albiet with the... slightly archaic style that was used by many fantasy writers of that period.

    Consider looking up Clifford Simak. He didn't write that many fantasy books, but I liked Where the Evil Dwells.

    Tad Williams 'Memory, Sorrow and Thorn' trilogy is amazing, and I thank Mynona again for reccomending it to me. Be aware though, that 'slow-paced' would be an understatement in describing it, and that the third book in the series is equal in size to the other two combined, hence the split it underwent when it was sold in the mass-market form.
  8. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    And of course, Raymond E Feist. He's written a lot of books, in a lot of series and though the series are connected, by using the same world an occational character, you can read them in any which order. I did that, because the people who translate books in Sweden are... [enter several not very nice words]
  9. QuothTheRaven

    QuothTheRaven New Member

    I believe the third book can now be bought in one volumn (it is a big one, though.)
  10. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    That was written by Ursula LeGuin, or isn't that what you meant?

    P.S. No offence to Anne McCaffery fans, but I hate her writing - at least that stuff about all the different colour dragons, it's one only two stories in my life that I couldn't finish because it irritated me so much.
  11. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Damn, my mistake. Yes, Ursula LeGuin. McCaffery mainly writes a mix of sci-fi and fantasy, which could really be better.
  12. puckbunny

    puckbunny New Member

    I can recommend David eddings the Elenium,trilogy followed by the Tamuli trilogy the six books follow one man Sparhawk and his companions through adventures with magic, monsters and gods and theres a bit of a love story as well. I found myself laughing out loud at some bits and actually crying at others.
    The seperate titles for the books are
    1. The diamond throne
    2. The ruby night
    3. The sapphire rose
    1.Domes of fire
    2.The shining ones
    3. The hidden city
    read and enjoy.
  13. allthatjazz

    allthatjazz New Member

    I agree with all above...I love Anne Mccaffery, but some of her best work is not the much celebrated Pern books but her earlier books. The Rowan and the following books, the Power Trilogy/whatever (with Elizabeth Anne Scarborough) and my favorite, the Freedom's books. These are more science-fictiony then fantasy, but good nevertheless.

    Overall, though, the best advice is to get your hands on a copy of Legends (preferbally volume I) and just see who you like. There's a short story by Pterry in there too; you can't go wrong.
  14. inwig

    inwig New Member

    This topic caught my eye and I just had to add to it.
    Apart from Tolkien and Lewis which I started with at 9

    I really started reading high fantasy (previously known as Sword & Sourcery fantasy) because of one man

    Michael Moorcock's Elric of Melnibone

    since then I have enjoyed

    André Norton
    Ursula LeGuin
    C.J. Cherryh
    Guy Gavriel Kay
    Anne McAffrey
    Terry Brooks
    All of the Eddings books (except High Hunt)
    Janny Wurtz
    Raymond E. Feist
    Mercedes Lackey (with /without Larry Dixon)
    L. Sprague de Camp
    David Gemmel
    Stephen Lawhead
    Katherine Kerr

    and many others

    Can I put Uderzo & Goscinny in under special mentions or don't they qualify?

    edit: Spelling. Thanks Buzzfloyd
  15. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    It's Uderzo, without the n. He and Goscinny are definitely not even close to being high fantasy, but are always worth reading.
  16. inwig

    inwig New Member

    And may she who hath cast the first stone repenteth mightily and correct the error of her spelling ways, muttering 'Sorry Buzzfloyd, won't do it again,' under her breath.

    Unfortunately I am working blindly on the Authors' names, so feel free to correct me. My books are in storage in another country. :cry:

  17. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Heh. I normally try to restrain my pedantry, but since it matters to you too, I thought you wouldn't mind.

    By the way, you don't need to sign all your posts, as we can see who wrote them!
  18. Petronus Piledriver

    Petronus Piledriver New Member

    May I suggest Evangeline Walton's excellent series based on the Mabinogion, the Welsh national epic - Prince of Annwn, The Island of the Mighty, The Children of Llyr, and The Song of Rhiannon, all from the late 60's or early 70's.

    Or The Forgotten Beasts of Eld, by Patricia A. McKillip, from the same period.

    Another good choice would be The Dreamstone and The Tree of Swords and Jewels, by C. J. Cherryh.

    I hope you can still find them - it's possible they're all out of print.
  19. dididave

    dididave New Member

    Winterbirth by Brian Ruckley is a corker. Very much in the "Song of Ice and Fire" mould.
  20. Sunna

    Sunna New Member

    Is "The Wheel of Time" by Robert Jordan not an appropriate candidate?
  21. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

  22. Sunna

    Sunna New Member


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