Holocaust Archives Open

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Roman_K, May 21, 2006.

  1. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member



    The records in question have been officially opened to historians and researchers in an attempt to fight the rising trend of Holocaust denial and history revision. The more survivors succumb to old age, the less living testimonies you have. Eventually, even the rather horrible mountain of written records that have before been revealed to public scrunity won't be enough.

    Now, will this actually be of any use? Maybe. Those who are used to being asses will just say that it took the Worldwide Jewish Conspiracy all this time to fake the archives, even though most of what was left unopened in those archives didn't have anything to do with Jews, and everything to do with the hordes of other people the Nazis didn't like.

    Time will tell, time will tell.
  2. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    rising tide of holocaust denail? you mean there's now SIX people out there claiming it didn't happen?
  3. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:65d16efa71="Garner"]rising tide of holocaust denail? you mean there's now SIX people out there claiming it didn't happen?[/quote:65d16efa71]

    Try hundreds of academics, thousands of academic wannabes, tens of thousands of your average, run of the mill idiots, and several countries that actively encourage and fund said views and opinions.

    You can only ignore and laugh when most everyone ignores and laughs right along with you. You can't when there's too many people listening thoughtfully.
  4. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    then of coarse there are the poeple who have never heard of it....

    I was shocked to hear a friend of mine was lost when a discussion at our table turned to it. For something so recent, so horrifying, and so widely talked about it continues to shock me that people can throw off that many deaths as a huge conspiracy for sympathy (and other reasons) or simply not know a thing about it.

    People will become confused enough that in time no one will know the truth from conspiracy and then the whole thing will repeat its self.

    No proof will ever be enough - unfortunately.
  5. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:246588ba21="fairyliquid"]People will become confused enough that in time no one will know the truth from conspiracy and then the whole thing will repeat its self.

    No proof will ever be enough - unfortunately.[/quote:246588ba21]

    Quite so, though the more proof you have, the less likely the increace in ignorance is. At least in theory. It will never remove it fully, because where ignorance ends hatred begins, and some people just don't let the facts confuse them as far as the [i:246588ba21]truth[/i:246588ba21] is concerned.

    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was, in its time, widely considered to be fact. It still is today, sadly. 9/11 is also thought to be a Jewish conspiracy by not that small a group of people. There's even a documentary film I ran into today about it.
  6. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member


    Quite so, though the more proof you have, the less likely the increace in ignorance is. At least in theory. It will never remove it fully, because where ignorance ends hatred begins, and some people just don't let the facts confuse them as far as the [i:061425b288]truth[/i:061425b288] is concerned. [/quote:061425b288]

    The problem with the Holocaust deniers is many of them have produced 'proof' of sorts which lead to the confusion and eventually denial that it exists. THe fact is that eventually, years from now, people will shrug their shoulders and go 'whats the big deal', then readily accept that there really was none because whatever way was the truth - it doesn't seem to affect them.

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