I love this country...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    WASHINGTON - Idaho Sen. Larry Craig, who has voted against gay marriage and opposes extending special protections to gay and lesbian crime victims, finds his political future in doubt after pleading guilty to misdemeanor charges stemming from complaints of lewd conduct in a men's room.

    Senator's future in question after sex arrest - Politics - MSNBC.com
  2. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Heh, just another politician. This one, in own way, became an overpaid comedian.
  3. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    This kinda reminds me of Amy Whinehouse going to Rehab (Yes Yes Yes...)
  4. missy

    missy New Member

    She is really doing my head in at the moment.....

    I watched the breakfast news this morning, her father-in-law has been reported as saying the record company isn't supporting her and her husband enough while they are in rehab so we should all boycott her music until they do.

    Oh my god. Is it me? Why the hell should the record company support her more? She chose to take the drugs, her hubby chose to follow her (or give them to her) if they arn't strong enough to say no in the first place then they should damn well work through it themselves with family and friends support. If i went into rehab, would my work support me? no. And what about all the stars out there that don't turn to drugs. Do they not get the same amount of support as anyone who does?

    It was her choice.

    Sorry to rant but so many people go through life with no support at all. Why the hell should the millionaires in this world get what we don't.
  5. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    i thought the dad was appealing to the fans to stop buying records because the record companies wouldn't *cancel* their support.
  6. mazekin

    mazekin Member

  7. missy

    missy New Member

    Her father wants people to keep buying the records but her father-in-law wants us to boycott.

    I just wish they would shut up and leave her to sort herself out. They don't need to sell or not sell her records for her. She needs to sort her life out and get back to making crappy records that sound like a cat being killed.

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