I need help!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Smoking_GNU, Oct 9, 2005.

  1. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    I need help. my roomate is misrable. He and his girlfriend just broke up recently. They are still friends, and good friends at that, but i can see he is very depressed about it allthough he doesn't show it.

    The whole issue came from the fact that he doesnt spend enought time with her: over weekends, in the evenings an so forth. The problem is the cours he is studying in: Engineering. His time is mostly taken up with his course. Hoe doesn't have a lot of spare time for anything exept eating, sleeping and maby a bit of free time over weekends.

    even now he is studying for a big test on Teusday. As yesterday evening was our hostle's dance for first years, which my rooy and i are, he joined in and had a good time, but that's the only time i saw him not studying. And he isint doing too well with his course neither.

    I need some good advice on how to help him with his problems or, failing that, just to get him out of his depression.

  2. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    How many weeks has he been in school?
  3. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    We've been in University for the past year.

    I imagine that he has been in school for the past 12 years befor that.

    I don't think i undersood your question clearly.
  4. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    If he isbn't doing well in his course and he is spending that much time on it my thoughts are he isn't using his time effectively. Try looking over his schedule with him and see what he has been doing, set up a planner or something so that you know when his free time is and use that free time to the best of your ability.

    Try and get him to look at his studying methods as well...it looks like his studying isn't doing much so maybe try organising how he goes about studying...just reading over material isn't very effective. Sometimes taking notes and gotting stuff down helps. Get him to make flash cards as well. Eventually it will even out, he wont require as much studying. he is depressed because he doesn't have a well rounded life and at the moment it's all work. Organise something big for the weekends so that what little time he does have makes up for the time at the desk studying.

    edit to add: I think Brad was meaning have you just started Uni, because sometimes people find it harder to begin with...or maybe his workload has just increased with a new year....
  5. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    Ok, that would still solve his academic problems, but hos workload will still be hectic for the next 3 years.

    And anyway, i need advice on how to help him in his trouble with is girlfriend also.
  6. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    that was advise...once he has sorted out his achedemic life he will have more time for his girlfriend...more time = happy couple

    or in theory it should...try help him work out his schedule so he can fit it all in...then he should slowly come out of his depressive state.
  7. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    Thanks fairy.

    i appreciate your advice.
  8. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Just to clarify what Brad meant: Americans call university and college 'school', as well as calling school school; where in the UK, Australia and SA and probably most of the rest of the world, school is only the place where people go when they are kids up until they are 16 or 18. College and university is never called 'school', unless it is been used as a way to deride and belittle the institutions of college and university. :)
  9. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    thanks Mal. i see i need to brush up on my american some more. Sometimes it is a bit confusing. :?:

    ANYHOO, we've been back at "school" for 5 weeks since the last vacation (WHAT AM I SAYING, 1 week is not a vacation!!!). :?
  10. Cynth

    Cynth New Member

    Let a big sister give you some insight on this problem. Otherwise 5 year and an Hons in Psychology doesn't mean very much.

    Read this and if you have questions email me and I'll call you OK.

    Firstly - As I was in S/Bos (Stellenbosch University) myself and I know the culture and the students and the way of life in ress.
    Also Uni is not school (Grade 1-12). This is where you have to start thinking for yourself. Be your own person and find yourself. You know very well how much I haved changed since being at Uni.
    What I'm trying to say is that you while it's fine worrying about your mate, you only give him support. He is going through changes in his life that will shape his personality for the rest of his life.
    You need to use your emotional intelligence in this situation

    "The expression emotional intelligence or EI indicates a kind of intelligence or skill that involves the ability to perceive, assess and positively influence one's own and other people's emotions"

    So give him support and friendship during his time of need. Try not to irritate him and the advice given about study methods is also very good - thats what the student information centre (studentevoorligting - opposite the REK & STATS Building in Victoria Str)(sorry for afrikaans - just trying to give directions)
    They give courses on these type of topics as well as stress management.

    Secondly - you say he is depressed. There is a difference between being depressed and just being bumbed out. I am not going to go into the finer nuances of this otherwise this post will be way to long. Do some research on the net. See what the symptoms are for depression and if his match.

    Also try t talk to him about it. I know you guys have trouble talking about stuff like this(thank god i'm a woman and i can share my feelings) but try. Sometimes thats the thing people need to get them out of the slump - when they see that somebody actually likes them and are worried about them and the way they are feeling they start to feel a lot better.

    Hope it helps. C

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