I need some help from Russian speakers...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hsing, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Now I don't request a full translation, but being given a general idea would be too nice.
    I have to admit I'd like to know what the tombstone with the man and the sheep is about... :redface:
    I know that much:
    It's the "Merry Cemetary" (Cimitirul Vesel) in Săpânţa in Rumania.

    mcstrick: ?????? ????????? ????????? (via lylyk_lylyk)
  2. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Aren't the images depictions of what they used to do when they were alive?
  3. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Partly, some of them show how they died (hit by a car).
    The verses also tell their stories.
  4. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

  5. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    No, but the site I linked to describes and explains them in Kyrillic script, so I assumed the page is in Russian.
    I know Romanian is a Romanic language, and not the same (or even in the same language family) as Russian. I know we have some Russian speakers around who might be able to read what it says under the pictures, but wouldn't know about anyone in our community who speaks Rumanian and would be able to read the inscriptures *on* the pictures.
  6. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    That isn't Russian, Hsing. The script is Cyrillic, but the language itself is Ukranian - close enough to Russian for me to understand *some* of it, but not all of it, or accurately.

    Mowgli is from Ukraine, if memory serves, so she should be able to help with translating this.

    I *will* say that it doesn't seem like the post actually addresses the text of the tombstones, but instead merely talks about how cool the pictures are.
  7. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks a lot. In that case, the video Mal linked probably holds more info for me. I can see for myself that the pictures are cool... :)
    Maybe I'll send them to my Romanian lecturer, but knowing Mrs Pop, she won't explain the sheep one to me. :razz:
  8. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    ZOMGLOLROFLMAO (and so on) what is that dude doing to that sheep? Mowgli ! Help us ! We must know !!!
  9. mowgli

    mowgli New Member


    Roman's right, though - the site merely commentates on the tombstones, since the author doesn't speak Romanian either. I can translate the comments (which are mildly funny in themselves) but what's written on the graves is still a mystery. Hmm, when I'm not supposed to be working, I'll see if I can find the "happy cemetery" itself on Wikipedia, or somesuch...
  10. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Yes, you should be able to find it under the Romanian name I posted above... at least it has a German wikipedia-entry.
  11. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Isn't it weird how you come across things...

    I just found this on the web while trawling through an archive.

    The oxymoronicly-named Merry Cemetery of Sampata is world-renowned for the ornately-carved wooden crosses that bear painted art and poetry chronicling the life, and sometimes the death, of the deceased. The grave of a three-year-old girl has a painting of the car that hit her, and a poem that translates as:[​IMG]
    Burn in Hell you damned Taxi
    That came from Sibiu
    As large as Romania is
    You couldn’t find any other place to stop
    Only in front of my house
    To kill me?

    In a village this small, there are no secrets, even after death. One cross tells what everyone already knew about this fellow:
    One more thing I loved very much,
    To sit at a table in a bar
    Next to someone else’s wife.

    Self-taught woodworker and poet Ioan Patras Stan carved brightly-colored memorials for over 50 years.


    Tourism - Maramures - Sapanta - The Merry Cemetery

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