It tastes like pizza!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    half a pound of ground beefs, browned on low (but not lowest) heat, and the fat spooned off, along with a green bell pepper chopped. also add one tin of button mushrooms, chopped while cooking, a can of cream of mushroom soup, and lots of sour cream/cream fraiche, as well as with garlic, oregano, white pepper, black pepper

    serve on top of mashed potatos, mashed with garlic, oregano, white pepper, butter, milk, and sour cream/cream fraiche

    it DOES taste a bit like pizza!
  2. Hex

    Hex New Member

    *Wants some*

    Sounds really good. I might actually try that, since the whole family's getting a bit sick of chicken and pasta. I need variety!!

    Me and my mom stir-fried some veggies, chicken and rice last weekend. Better than any chinese / Japanese food I can find around here (GOD I miss Wagamamas and Royal China :( ).

    I also learned how to fry an egg last night. It is a valuable life skill that everyone should know. Fried egg sandwiches rock. Hardcore. :p

    My question is, how can it taste like pizza without the tomatoes?
  3. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    garlic and oregano, plus thoroughly browned meat, mushroom, and bell pepper.
  4. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    When I was camping we use our sandwich makers with bread, pizza sauce, cheese and turkey and cook pizza sandwiches over the fire. They are very good except next time we will find a less sandy campsite. Gritty pizza is not so good.
    My sister poured water on my pizza today. She came dangerously close to being stabbed by my fork.
  5. redneck

    redneck New Member

    A quick pizza substitute is a piece of bread, some tomato paste, grated cheese, and whatever meat you choose (for me it's always pepperoni). Place it in the broiler for a few minutes and you have a little bitty pizza. It's quick, easy, and not too bad.
  6. Toaf

    Toaf New Member

    All pizza is evil! Revert to the Pasta way of life.
  7. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Pasta is good but pizza is best. :)
  8. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Pasta rules all, you cannot beat the simplicity and taste of pasta. Plus, you can do so much with Pasta, Pizza only has so many toppings.
  9. Toaf

    Toaf New Member

    Amen! And pizza can be greasy and digusting, whereas pasta is lovely and clean and healthy.
  10. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    1) there's no limit of topings on pizza. if there is, then there's a limit to what you can do with pasta.

    2) pasta's almost always got at least olive oil on it, if not other greasy things like cheese.

    3) I wish grace liked pasta more... i haven't cooked any for AGES
  11. redneck

    redneck New Member

    Dammit, why do I keep reading these food threads while I'm hungry. I forgot to go shopping this weekend, so I have nothing to eat. So I repeat, dammit! Too bad all the pizza places are closed. :( I've got a cravin for pizza flung on me.
  12. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    What are you talking about? I love pasta! It's spaghetti I don't like, because I can't eat it.
  13. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    1) Yes there is a limit on both pasta and pizza but you cant eat pizza without topings :p pizza without toppings is..well...breadish like substance (not sure if it is actually bread :S)

    2) There doesn't always have to be oil on them (my old maid had a nasty habbit of smothering them with butter ) Anyway, there is no where near the grease content of pizza.

    that said, I think I'm having pizza tonight :? not my choice...honest
  14. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    ... you're sayin butter is not oil? ooooookay.

    And if i cook pasta the way *i* like it, buzzfloyd complained cause there's no sauce :p

    even if it only happened once, it traumatized me for life.
  15. Bob

    Bob New Member

    Well, you could put pasta on pizza as a topping ?

    Personally, I like a real pizza (not this rubbish you find in shops) when it's done properly.
    Pasta is great too, but real Italian Frittata is just the best food ever.

    Mmmmm Must go eat now :)

  16. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    I'm totally with you on this one!

    Essentially most pasta is made from the same ingredients (Durham wheat etc) but for some reason I only really like Penne- it just has the right amount of 'scoop' for the sauce that goes over it!

    For a quick and easy dinner buy an onion and a couple mushrooms and chop up then fry lightly add packet of colmans chicken supreme mix (pre mixed with some milk) and used as a sauce over penne. - Tastes great with a sprinkle of cheese over the top.

    Do many of you make your own pizzas? - I mean base and everything? I used to buy the plain bases (mini and regular size) but found that they worked out a lot more expensive that buying a cheap, cheese and tomato version and adding my own toppings. I used to make pizza from scratch when I was a student but have kind of gotten out of the habit now- (this was a basic scone mix base.

    Edit: checked for spelling

    Edit: to add the colmans chicken supreme mix is available in the UK
  17. Bob

    Bob New Member

    I used to, but I also have got out of the habit. I only cook nice food for other people, when I am alone I eat mainly noodles :)

    You're tempting me to make a nice Siciliana tho.. mmmm..


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