Joining Clubs and Societies

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by TheJackal, Oct 13, 2005.

  1. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    I recently joined the Canoeing Club in my college. It's brilliant fun!
    Learned how not to panic if you capsize, how to stroke properly, etc, and all that in a swimming pool. I've my first experience canoeing on a river tomorrow; should be great.

    I've also been going to the Choral society since first year (in 3rd year now). I love singing latin masses and the like! Going to Slovenia for an international choral competition next april.

    So has anyone else recently joined a club or society (in college or anywhere else)?
  2. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    I'm now involved in three separate role playing groups... not official clubs or anything, but still, it's more social interaction in any given week than i normally cram into a three month period.

    And that's AFTER weighing the score down for most of this interaction being with other geeks, who only count as 0.33 people each.
  3. Hex

    Hex New Member

    I'll be turning in my application for National Honors Society next week.
    I'm also thinking about joining Japanese club. Just because its fun...

    Other than that I am an ex-member of a drama club and ex-assistant of an elementary IT club. That was back in London.
    I also ran for student council secretary, but I lost the popular vote. :(

    Oh well, maybe my presidential campaign will go better. ;)
  4. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    Lets see here at college the only group I know of is drama, which I am not in. In highschool it was Drama, Spanish Club, NHS, Quiz Bowl, Photoclub, Color Guard and Band.
  5. chesterguy

    chesterguy New Member

    Apparantly (due to wednesday afternoons being given over to "Extra-Curricular Activities") there are over 30 different clubs now running on a wednesday in my college... None of which are really that obvious where they happen or how you join...

    So until they bother to tell us, we'll just end up in the pub on a wednesday instead... and probably after they tell us also :p
  6. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    As an undergrad I was a member of a couple of social clubs mainly for the alcohol but in my final years I became the Marketing officer of the Physics society (long story mainly involving alcohol)... My title was H.Y.M.A.N. - Her Royal Marketing Agency Nexus or some such... our club had a W.E.N.C.H. and a F.A.L.L.U.S. too... You can see how mauch drinking was involved from the club names...

    Although our club member of the year did get a university prize for catering above and beyond the call of duty when he brought the world's most potent hash cake to the club BBQ :D
  7. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    The closest thing to a club that I belong to these days is the UFCW Local#16, we have coffee and cookies at the airport about once a month and talk about union business and listen to more bitching about work, its fun and I even won a jacket.

    In college I was in the Art Guild, in highschool I belonged to 4-H, FHA, Young People's group at church, and I usually took choir and sang in mixed choir and glee club(girls only). I participated in a couple of drama productions, but I wasn't really in a drama club. I wasn't even a member of the ODT( Osage Drinking Team) though I almost joined later on in life.

    I always thought I would join a club that my mother and grandmother belonged to, or one like it but I haven't come across one where I live now and it is hard when you work as much and the sort of schedule as I do. The Ponsford Prairie Partners were such a big part of life in the community I grew up in, they made the food for funerals, auction sales, wedding and baby showers. They maintained the Bongo School building as a community center, they maintained the community. Now many of the members of that club are also members of the Osage/Ponsford Widows Club, the widows have lunch for their members once a month, gives them something to look forward to and a reason to get the good dishes out.

    We had a farewell school reunion at the old Bongo community center a couple of years ago, the building has become too expensive to maintain, and has been abandoned. I am so sad about that, but I am sadder that the community is vanishing before my eyes as well. People just aren't farming the way they used to. You don't need farmsteads to grow potatoes.
  8. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I'm in the same three roleplay groups as Garner. I am in a choir that I go to on Thursday nights - I [i:afafbe5b28]love[/i:afafbe5b28] harmony singing. On Friday nights, I have a group meeting. I have a monthly political breakfast with various friends, that seems to have a lot less of the political and a lot more of the just meeting up these days. I go to church on a Sunday. I have singing lessons on a Saturday, and my teacher is starting a new adults singing group, but it clashes with one of my roleplaying nights, so I can't do it. I think that's all I do at the moment.
  9. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I'm part of the Rincewind Appreciation Society (or RSA) we (I) meet every night and list all the wonderfull things we (I) can apprecaite about I (me) the meetings last exactly 2.5 seconds.
  10. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:a3c47e1495="Rincewind"]I'm part of the Rincewind Appreciation Society (or RSA) we (I) meet every night and list all the wonderfull things we (I) can apprecaite about I (me) the meetings last exactly 2.5 seconds.[/quote:a3c47e1495]

    2.5 seconds eh, is there some sort of 2 second silence before hand then. :)

    The only club i'm in is probably our dodgy pub quiz team. We meet up once a week and lose horribly to a group of pensioners who sometimes refuse to mark our questions because of the language we use within our answers. :)
  11. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    At the moment I'm in hockey, a global concern helping street kids in honduras, a social service teaching primary school kids to roller blade, and I'm setting up a school magazine. Previously I was in a choir at this school (didnt like the teacher and quit) and was also in a different social service but decided to change after a while. I also was in a club to get my life saving certificates (which I now have) and have been in numerous other choirs across my different schools.

    Everything for me is done throguh school, mostly because it looks a lot better and you can claim to be taking an active role in all as[ects of school life. so yeah, lots of clubs for me.
  12. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:a024e9a5df="colonesque10"] The only club i'm in is probably our dodgy pub quiz team. We meet up once a week and lose horribly to a group of pensioners who sometimes refuse to mark our questions because of the language we use within our answers. :)[/quote:a024e9a5df]

    I used to do this all the wasn't so much the language in the answers but we were really good at coming up with creative and down right bizaar team names... [b:a024e9a5df]Cunning Linguists [/b:a024e9a5df]is a given but we were also once known as [b:a024e9a5df]Slartibartfast's Chocolate Fondue Safari [/b:a024e9a5df]and on one memorable occassion after to $5 steak the pub sold we were [b:a024e9a5df]I ordered medium but got well-done[/b:a024e9a5df]
  13. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I'm not really a member of any clubs, I recently started training with a sunday league football team, so I may be joining them properly soon.

    I've recently started doing a pub quiz regulary. We won last week (woo!) and would've won this week, but the last round is the wipe out round (if you get one answer wrong, you get no points for the round - so if you don't know an answer you should leave it blank), and we got wiped because one member was adamant that it was Britain that burnt the White House down in 1812, but it turned out to be Canada... lost 6 points because of that, and finished only 2 behind the winners.
  14. plaid

    plaid New Member

    i'm not much of a club person, but i joined the Society for Technical Communication last year, since it's my major and it might be good to have connections.
    now i'm PR officer. yipee.

    other than church stuff, that's about it. i think randomly about the creative writing club or the book club, but i don't think i have time for it.

    ah well .
  15. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Since we're counting pub quiz teams as teams/societies my team cam in second at our weekly quiz last night :(

    After the drunken debauchery of last Thursdays 80 pints of beer winnings I guess it was a good thing!***

    We were winning by 6 points up until the last round that was entitled 'soap opera'. There were six of us last night and none of us watch any! - Needless to say we did really badly- How was I to know that Chesneys dog in Coronation Street is called Schmichel (sp.?) or that Craig Charles (of Red Dwarf fame) is now appearing as a character in this Soap going by the name of Lloyd?

    Anyway, I think we got 2 out of 10. It came down to a tie- break between us an another team and our representative wasn't quick enough (not his fault as he was a newbie last night) so we came second

    It was a good night out but I think we're going to give it a rest for a while!

    *** Edit to say : See Members news
  16. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Last time I when to a pub quiz we came last (very last) and got a free round of drinks. The winniers got a crappy bottle of wine or something.

  17. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Well you know what they say:

    Only Losers don't mind losing :)
  18. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    My free booze says I'm a winner. And when drink talks I listen.
  19. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Hey I'm not knocking free booze- after all 80 pints of the stuff deffinately wasn't won my me- rather my team mates and their big brains- heck, I can't even write down the answers as my hand writings that bad - plus I get too nervous!

    Out of curiosity tell me this- When the drink does talk to you - what exactly does it say?

    -Adventure Stories
    -Bad Jokes
    or does it just reminisce on the 'old days' when it was hops growning in a field?
  20. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Mostly it says 'I grow weary of life, please free me from this prison of misery, me my angel rinso'

    and I say 'Ok'

    Then I drink the beer and it goes to be reincarnated.
  21. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    As Pee or Poo!

    Ah well I guess it had a good life.

    Rinsos Drink- R.I.P

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