
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Victimov8, Mar 18, 2006.

  1. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    I was at a karaoke a short while ago. While sober, unfortunately - and I was wondering: How many other folks out there have done karaoke.
    What songs would you sing (if you did do one)?
    Would you be any good at it?
    Would you need social lubrication to do it? i.e. Alcohol

    Any comments welcome
  2. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Yeah, I've karaokeed *makes up word*. I've never done it sober in England, unless you count singing whilst alone in my car/room to be karaoke. Last time was the work christmas party, when I dueted on "Great Balls of Fire".

    I have sung once whilst sober, but that was in Japan. I did "Shout" by Tears for Fears (not Lulu).
  3. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Yes I love it, can't sing but usually I'm pissed andeveryone else is too so that doesn't matter...

    My repertoir includes Blondie's Heart of Glass and Technotronics Pump up the Jam...

    Ahh great times
  4. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    I've only ever done it while sober - That is a nightmare!
    Edit to add: Last time I did 5:

    Mustang Sally - Commitments
    Paradise by the Dashboard Light - Meat Loaf
    Viva Las Vegas - The King!
    Crazy - Patsy Cline
    Lola - The Kinks

    Slightly odd mix - but most of the people were nissed as a pewt...
  5. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Karaoke is easy if you pick a song that you can actually sing okay. There's millions of songs out there, so even someone with a useless voice can find a song that suits them.

    The worst karaoke is drunken, I-can't-sing-but-sure-what-the-heck singing after 10 pints & a swelling of confidence.
  6. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    No. And Never will. God 'blessed' me with many things, sadly, the ability to carry a tune was not one of them.


    I can breathe Fire though*

    *In My Mind.
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I've only ever done it once and there were about 10 of us singing at the same time... I've never found a song in their crappy selection of old, verrrry old french songs that was actuallyworth singing. They only ever have one or two english songs and they're not at all my kind of thing...
  8. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    I've never done it on my own. At a friends fancy dress party, I tried a duet with another girl, we sang Cotton Eye Joe. It was an abomination. We were both about 10 aftershocks beyond wasted. It wasn't a brilliant idea, but it sounded fun at the time. We did that arm linking jig thingy to accompany it. I'm sure the sight of two shitfaced Red Indian girls zozming* to a country jig and knocking into a table stacked with glasses stayed with the barstaff for a long, long time. I haven't been back there since. :)

    *made up word. It basically means a drunken dance, but the complete meaning is something only myself and chrisjordan know.
  9. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    To think you were going to set up a school for zozming too

    Such a let down :roll:
  10. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I did karaoke once when I was small. It was to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with 3 other kids. I don't fancy doing it now though.
    The guy at the bar sang a Shania Twang song in Japanese though.
  11. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Depending on the amount of lube applied, I would do either a Sinatra tune or, in extreme cases of lubrication, a Deep Purple number.

    My performance would be ok, but not top class.
  12. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:0b7f1b1e4a="Delphine"]We were both about 10 aftershocks beyond wasted.[/quote:0b7f1b1e4a]

    Since this seems to be Snail's default state, I'd have thought she'd be the other way around, needing to be sober to have the courage for karaoke.
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I was sober the one and only time i did this! i sang Black Velvet by Alanah Miles and was ok. Well i say ok, what i meant to say was i sounded like wild boars were trying to rip me into small pieces, while i was wearing a flourescant green leotard and pink leg warmers with people throwing oily fish at me on a warm summers afternoon!

    It finished, people clapped, i left.
  14. Sarbar

    Sarbar New Member

    :evil: My worst experience of karaoke was whilst on holiday in spain.
    There I was singing my heart out to a crowded room of six
    people!, whilst watching my husband having a fantastic time at the
    bar chatting to another woman...(needless to say we were going
    through a rough patch). Not one of my happiest memories. Lets
    just say, I lost myself in the music. I think myn avatar explains it
  15. koshu

    koshu New Member

    i am at a biethday party now and we were all singing karioki from the 80's.

    Imagine 6 16 year olds sining along to duran duran :D
  16. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    well you would [b:936ad17fba]have[/b:936ad17fba] to be 616 years old to know about duran duran :D
  17. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    [quote:66a441ee21="Katcal"]well you would [b:66a441ee21]have[/b:66a441ee21] to be 616 years old to know about duran duran :D[/quote:66a441ee21]
    Cheek - Sets weasles on Katcal

    They are still around (sadly) :evil:
  18. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yes, they're still around, I don't deny that, so are a lot of people, but I'm surprised that people under 25 have even heard of them :D I like weasles :D
  19. DeWorde

    DeWorde New Member

    I too have taken part in the pub 'entertainment' known as karaoke (from Agatean translates as 'drunken sausage eating caterwauling:urinating dog!') although I have 'performed' with my own unique slant on things.
    No Mustang Sally,Angels,or Midnight At The Oasis for this METAL GOD! Inns throughout this fair land have echoed to my throaty roar of:
    Usually performed with trademark rock god posturing and air guitar routine fully to the fore to a generally dumbfounded audience of chicken in a basket punters and/or wannabe clubbers.I must confess one particular night at my local I got my metal idols confused and hollored my way through ACE OF SPADES with an expletitive laden performance that would have put Ozzy of Osbourne to shame...and I wasn't even drunk! :lol:
    One final word on karaoke a simple rule for you to follow.If you dont know all the words to a song dont sing it!You look like a rabbit in headlights up there staring fixedly at the autocue mumbling the occasional line you can keep up with .To paraphrase to late great saint Bill Hicks:'SING FROM YOUR FU**KING HEART!!!'
    Now;does anyone know of a hostelry that has CREEPING DEATH by METALLICA on its karaoke book list?! :D
  20. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    I've done Karaoke twice- once with a bunch of friends at our Graduation party(and therefore sans alca-ma-hol) I can't actually remember what we sang all together, but i think a buddy and I did "I Love Rock'n'Roll" .
    The second time was last summer, when I went out to a bar with my boyfriend, two of my friends who are studying music/musical theater, and one of their friends who apparently has been on Broadway. I sang "Someday Soon" by Judy Collins. My boyfriend liked it. My other friends gave me some rather unhelpful advice.

    I was sober that time, too. It was SCARY.

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