Meeting people on the Internets: A question

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by drunkymonkey, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    Today, I met with people who I had known for a year on the Internet. It was fantastic, talking to people in real life who I had only seen pictures of and talked to on forums and msn. You can see me on the far right here

    I met them at the Metro Centre in Gateshead, UK, and it was really, really good fun.

    But the thing is, there is a lot of hype about paedophiles in the media and such like, that frighten parents. My ones were apprehensive about me going, which annoyed me, because I thought that they didn't trust my intelligence. But, to be honest, I can see their point. I would be worried if my kid was off to meet people I didn't know about and people they had only seen 'pictures' of.

    Should people be cautious like this? Does it only stop people from communicatining? Admittedly, for young children meeting up is probably a bad idea, unless with adult supervision, because there have of course been genuine reports about this. I'm just happy that my day went smoothly, and I'm hoping to meet these people again.
  2. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    Well, as you might know these message boards have produced 5 couples now (including my own relationship).

    6 if you count kenny and rinso.

    A group of us meet up a few times a year as well. You can see photos on the photos section of my website.

    Fuck the tabloid press, is all i can say. They like to whip up hysteria.

    No ones saying that kids should go meeting random people off the net. But, certainly, if you're careful you can be sure that the people you're going to meet aren't axe murders.

    Certianly, meeting a group of people all at once is a pretty safe bet.

    Caution is always a good idea though :)

    Edit: i should link to my website!
  3. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:845398e743="Orrdos"]Edit: i should link to my website![/quote:845398e743]

    Whats with the dancing cow?

    On the topic. I met up with a bunch of people from this board (and some that left as well in the great TonyB brain meltdown). I had some apprehensions (I'd come half way around the world and it was more difficult for me to run away) but it was all good. You just need to exercise common sense, a little caution and not meet strange men alone in secluded places, like Doors' website.
  4. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    You promised pics, Spiky.

    For the young ones: Meeting a group of people, in public, with your loved ones knowing where you are - it's probably not unsafer than meeting strangers in real life. I'd be more worried if my daughter had a traditional blind date than knowing she's seeing some people of whom she has post adresses, and whom she's been talking to for ages.
  5. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:4c90191dd0="Hsing"]You promised pics, Spiky.[/quote:4c90191dd0]

    Yes well... because I'm so technologically backwards I'm still working on film and I [i:4c90191dd0]still[/i:4c90191dd0] haven't got it developed... *hides head from rotten tomatoes chucked*
  6. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    5 couples! I only know 3, maybe 4 if I count one that shouldn't be mentioned, and 5 with Rinso and Colonesque...

    P.S. There's two page not founds on, it's very you. :)
  7. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    [quote:5448457e1a="Maljonic"]5 couples! I only know 3, maybe 4 if I count one that shouldn't be mentioned, and 5 with Rinso and Colonesque...

    P.S. There's two page not founds on, it's very you. :)[/quote:5448457e1a]

    Yeah.... I'm getting better though!

    2 weeks ago, there was like, one page that was found. So, I'm working on it :)

    I've got loads more photos to get uploaded actually. I shall endeavour to find time in my hectic schedule to do them :)
  8. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    It is pretty nerve wracking to meet someone physically for the first time after you have known them for a while:
    I went to the same Meet up last July that Spiky went to, it is bad enough when you are on the way, but then arriving late didn't make me feel any better!
    (Blame it on Live 8))
    Other than that - it was a group who were meeting, which can be a little more relaxing, I am a bloke in my thirties too, which tends not to be the target for paedophiles...

    It is quite worrying after the media hype, but as long as you are sensible, I guess you should be safe!

    (I think I left my axe on the coach)

    Edit: forgot the composition of the 8) smilie...)
  9. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:12d4dd1397="Maljonic"]5 couples! I only know 3, maybe 4 if I count one that shouldn't be mentioned, and 5 with Rinso and Colonesque...

    P.S. There's two page not founds on, it's very you. :)[/quote:12d4dd1397]

    Yes, I'm quite fascinated to find out who the fifth couple are - the first three must be the alliterative pairs - G&G, M&M, D&D (I think I've got that last one right; but I may have misunderstood!) and presumably the fourth that you don't want to mention are the Welsh hillwalker and the American bookseller - but who are the fifth couple?

    Edited for grammar
  10. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Just be sure to meet in a public place. Children shouldn't go without their parents present. Use common sense, in other words.
  11. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    [quote:e4cf7318e0="Ba"]Just be sure to meet in a public place.

    Yes. And let someone you know and trust know where you are going, when you should be expected back, and who are the people you are meeting.
  12. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I was very concerned when i met someone off the net......I was also very stupid and didn't take anyone with me, i didn't tell anyone my exact location and i was meeting a man. Luckily it all went more than ok for me but i would like to think i would be alot more sensible if i ever did it again. I'm 28 and can make my own judgements on people but you know what weirdos are out there!

    Again in agreement with other views, children should be accompanied by an older friend or relative.

    On a good note though, you never know what people you will make friends with and its certainly not something to shy away from!!! I'm glad i didn't.
  13. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Well, it certainly pays to be a lot more cautious when underaged. It would be best if a large group was to meet, like you did drunkymonkey. The chances of one of them being a middle-aged Homalend Security sexual predator diminishes.

    Thing is, you can never be too sure. There are sexual predators on teh internet today. In the olden days parents were getting matchmakers for their daughters, who had scrutinised closely candidates and people still got married to drunkards, adultereres and adulteresses etc.

    *sigh* Not a nice world, the one we live in. So, always be ready to pull a Rincewind.
  14. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Other than that - it was a group who were meeting, which can be a little more relaxing, I am a bloke in my thirties too, which tends not to be the target for paedophiles... [/quote:77bf5f16d7]

    But I'm sure there's some weirdo out their who has a strange and distrubing thing for full grown males, the pervert! :shock:
  15. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Ewwww, Spiky, the very thought of it!!! I just hope they keep those nasty thoughts to themselves!

    I guess the particular danger of Internet is the ease with which people can pass for someone they're not (, say, nubile fourteen-year-old girls pretending to be hairy middle aged men, in order to trap those poor souls Spiky just mentioned!

    So like everyone above said - the safest bet would be to meet someplace safe (i.e. public!) and also, make sure that someone else besides you knows where it is you've gone, with whom, and when you're planning to be back :p . (The last bit might be overkill, but I come from a very VERY protective family!)

    And after you've met the person (or people) - and they turned out to be approximately who they said they are - you're facing the same odds, safety-wise, then if you've met them at the mall, or at party, or through any kind of family/friends matchmaking :) . Good luck!
  16. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    [quote:2a95c84306="Pixel"]Yes, I'm quite fascinated to find out who the fifth couple are - the first three must be the alliterative pairs - G&G, M&M, D&D (I think I've got that last one right; but I may have misunderstood!) and presumably the fourth that you don't want to mention are the Welsh hillwalker and the American bookseller - but who are the fifth couple?[/quote:2a95c84306]

    How tactful. Cool alliteration as well, M&M, tasty. :)

    On topic, Of course it's possible to get to know someone properly online, without having met them in the flesh. You do have to be careful, but as long as you don't take stupid risks and take the time to build up trust, then like Doors said, you can be sure someone isn't an axe weilding maniac before you get to the point of visibly confirming they don't have an axe. :)

    Edited to add the on topic bit.
  17. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    Yah, I'm thinking of doing it again in a couple of weeks. I really enjoyed it.
  18. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

  19. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Hey! Wow! And all my guesses were completely wrong. :D
    Yay for you both!
    And Victimof8 - is that what your sig refers to? :p
  20. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:ab7d7f1d88="Victimov8"]Fifth couple? [/quote:ab7d7f1d88]

    You seem unsure...
  21. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Cool, are you the fifth couple then, or is that six?
  22. Guest

    Guest Guest

    [quote:1b9ffbee5b="Maljonic"]Cool, are you the fifth couple then, or is that six?[/quote:1b9ffbee5b]

    From what we've been told Mal, that makes us (yay i'm in an "us") the 5th couple. The sixth being Kenny and Rinso.


    And Ben, I really hope he is sure too! :shock:
  23. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Brilliant. :)
  24. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    [quote:e2cf2c0811="Hsing"]Hey! Wow! And all my guesses were completely wrong. :D
    Yay for you both!
    And Victimof8 - is that what your sig refers to? :p[/quote:e2cf2c0811]

    No - my sig came to me in a dream - I don't know what it meant - just a voice in my head as I woke!

    Yes Ben - I am certain :D
  25. jaccairn

    jaccairn New Member

    Congratulations Dave. Hope you're both very happy.
  26. Guest

    Guest Guest

    [quote:120bea6f37="Victimov8"][quote:120bea6f37="Hsing"]Hey! Wow! And all my guesses were completely wrong. :D
    Yay for you both!
    And Victimof8 - is that what your sig refers to? :p[/quote:120bea6f37]

    No - my sig came to me in a dream - I don't know what it meant - just a voice in my head as I woke!

    Yes Ben - I am certain :D[/quote:120bea6f37]

    Oh my god, what have i let myself in for, a guy that hears voices......HELP!

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