I am curious about 2 things regarding RPGs on this forum, although they are slightly linked: 1) is the "A Board Oydessy" an RPG written by people on this Forum? 2) if not, has there been a Role Player Game on this Forum before? I personally have an affinity for RPGs, especially ones set on the Disc (have been part of 3, 2 of them on-going) and am wondering wehther anyone would be interested in starting another/a new RPG. I personally would like it to be a Discworld-Fanfiction style RPG, but I am open to suggestion regarding setting and themes. The story line is generally made up as we go along with the theme as a kind of springboard. For example, A Taxing Time Ahead is an RPG that tackles the suggestion at the end of Making Money about canging the Tax Office. We don't use Moist, but there are a series of ex-convicts (the Characters that are Role-Played) who are attempting to build up the tax Office into a force to e reckoned with. Thanks, and let me know what you think Jock
We did a few werewolf games which were good fun, even though I suck at them. (I'm more visually inclined) Then there is the woefully underused RP Forum: BOARDANIAN ROLEPLAY GROUP - Terry Pratchett Books Unseen Message Board I think A Board Odyssey is a Buzzfloyd only production. There are 2 open stories out there right now. One is an extremely silly one called "Spewed forth by our sorry brains" and there's a slightly more involved one called "Unseen: the Movie 2 - Bunny of the Dead"
looking at those, it doesn't appear to be a RPG insofar as I understand RPGs... the silly one is just... silly, to be frank :lol: :razz: The Unseen Movie one is a little weird also... I am confused by it very much. It's very unclear exactly what is happening (I presume that they all know what they're doing, but it makes no sense to me)... maybe it's just the screenplay format that got me confuzzled... *shrug* And it doesn't appear to be doing very well... Maybe the RPGs round here aren't for me... thanks Jock
The two stories are just that. Stories. Here's some links to the werewolf games: http://www.terrypratchett.uk/discworld/boardania/912-game-mutiny.html http://www.terrypratchett.uk/discworld/boardania/518-werewolf-iii-terror-pews-game-over.html http://www.terrypratchett.uk/discworld/boardania/277-werewolf-game.html http://www.terrypratchett.uk/discworld/boardania/448-werewolf-nightmare-elm-street.html http://www.terrypratchett.uk/discworld/boardania/288-werewolf-casualty.html