My Final Post

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Orrdos, Apr 1, 2006.

  1. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    OK, well, here it is.

    It's been a long time coming I suppose, and it's something I've been pondering for a long time now.

    This will be my final post before I leave this place for ever. As you may have all noticed, my contribution of late has been minimal.

    I feel that somewhere over the last few months, I've drifted away from the boards and found myself posting and reading this with decreasing frequency.

    In short, I found that I had no reason to go on.

    Coupled with some issues I have with certain nameless individuals, I can't see any point in hanging around.

    It's been a great time here, and the good times far outweigh the bad times. It's been a pleasure to post here, but all good things must come to an end.

    I'll still be about on MSN, and when i remember to log into it, AIM.

    So, i'll catch you all there.

    Farewell, and may you all have happy times.
  2. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    You fuck sheep.
  3. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Oh dear. Well, to be honest, i never really liked you anyway.
  4. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    I somehow suspect this means that Tripod will update slightly MORE often...
  5. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Why you leaving and why are you being called a fuck sheep? Methinks Garner might be a nasty man :cry:
  7. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Garner's a pussycat, Nobody. Literally, a small black and white longhair cat. Orrdos is leaving cause his spaceship is returning to the moon today, and the moon people miss him.
  8. mowgli

    mowgli New Member


    ::commits sepukku with a pen-mouse::
  9. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    *commits Sudoku with a live mouse, after setting nobody on fire.*
  10. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    [quote:c12662e831="MyNameIsNobody"]Why you leaving and why are you being called a fuck sheep? Methinks Garner might be a nasty man :cry:[/quote:c12662e831]

    I was using fuck as a verb. It would be inappropriate to use it as an adjective or adverb despite the common gaffe in modern vulgar parlance.

    Hence, my message was not 'Doors, you are a fuck-sheep', but 'Doors, you commit carnal abominations with domesticated farm animals.'

    Also, I hate you and devalue your deeply held convictions.
  11. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    There, Garner's previously suggested image as a "nasty man" is totally discredited :).

    Give Garner a hug. NOW!
  12. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    *blows up Mowgli, again*
  13. Guest

    Guest Guest

    [quote:afd7486a78="Garner"][quote:afd7486a78="MyNameIsNobody"]Why you leaving and why are you being called a fuck sheep? Methinks Garner might be a nasty man :cry:[/quote:afd7486a78]

    I was using fuck as a verb. It would be inappropriate to use it as an adjective or adverb despite the common gaffe in modern vulgar parlance.

    Hence, my message was not 'Doors, you are a fuck-sheep', but 'Doors, you commit carnal abominations with domesticated farm animals.'

    Also, I hate you and devalue your deeply held convictions.[/quote:afd7486a78]

    Doesn't help disprove my initial conviction that you are a twat though :roll;
  14. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Aww, just barely over ten posts and already picking fights. It's like you belong here!

    Quickly, let us bring forth tea and crumpets and crown you our king of prejudgemental sudoku champions.

    all hail the king! the king is a nobody! long live nobody!
  15. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ::blames Doors for everything::
  16. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Come on people, be nice to him/her/it, that's Doors' new life-partner.

    Well, yeah, I've always been told that Nobody loves Doors. :D
  17. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    So, when you're gone and all, do I get your job again?
    Also, did you hear they're going to make a LOTR-prequel, from the point of view of Saruman, who was really totally misunderstood, and are you going to watch it?
  18. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    On a slightly more serious and cultural note, in France, the april fools tradition is called "poisson d'avril" (april fish) and people get paper fishes stuck on their backs by excitable kids (like a "kick me" sign, the aim is for them not to notice). For the non english out their, do you do april fools, and what are your traditions ?

    Oh, and I blame Doors.

    Hadn't done that for a while, hmmm, feels good.
  19. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    good point, Katcal. Nobody loves doors!

    and, since doors is leaving us, I officially appoint Hsing to be the third member of the Tripod.

    Now we can have bridge games, the goddesses (Hsing and Buzzfloyd) against the gods (Garner and Ba).

    Now, I dunno about Ba, but I have no clue how to play bridge, so what we're going to do is we're going to go BUILD bridges instead.

    because you know what they say, a group of divine beings can build a thousand bridges, but the one who quit and walked away is a fucksheep.
  20. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Doors: :p
  21. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Does this mean I'm head barmaid in the church of [i:ceb7aa168a]Hsing[/i:ceb7aa168a] now??

    All this conversion-to-another-deity stuff is lost on me.
    I only ask that the church remain open because the doormen will revolt if I stop serving them drinks. And they're already revolting enough as it is!!
  22. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Hooray! Yippee! Huzzah!

    *Notices the date*

  23. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:872060354a="Ba"]Hooray! Yippee! Huzzah!

    *Notices the date*


    Serves you right for getting me so good last year Ba!!

    Doors, I really hope this is an April Fools joke. I know I've not been around in a while, but your presence would be greatly missed.
  24. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Hands Hsing a drink in the new church of Hsing-formerly-known-as-the-church-of-doors... Its about time doors left, he was beginning to get a bit wiffy.

    Oh and Clay, once you've finished playing with the newbit be sure to bury him at the back of the garden, you know your not allowed to bring that rubbish inside.

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