My trip to London this year, and as usual, a Question

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by mazekin, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I'm just back from my annual trip to London to visit my Brother. This time, though, I went on my own and decided that the theme of this trip would be Museums. I went to see the Terracotta Warriors - They were completely amazing! Words cannot express how great they were. Unfortunately, you can't take photo's of them, so that was a bit of a bummer. Of course, the fact that my camera died the second I went to take a photograph didn't help. :sad: But I did do other museums in my few days there, and I can safely say that I am completely cultured out.

    One of the highlights was a Ballet-type-thing my brother and his husband brought me to called The Car Man (loosely based on Carmen but set in modern day times) which was one of the best things I have ever seen. And not because of the full frontal male nudity (I missed that bit due to the fact that the woman sitting in front of me decided to pile her hair on top of her head for the night. I feel like I would have been fully justified in strangling her.) Now, I'm not one for Ballet's, but this one I loved. If it ever comes on in a theatre near you, Go. Go go go!

    I also saw several Van Goughs, Monets & Michaelangelo's David (or a cast of it. I'm pretty sure it was not the real one, and it was in a part of the museum I don't think I was supposed to see) and many many other cultural stuff that has all blurred into one. I wasn't too pushed about the Natural History Museum though. It was alright, but nothing to write home (or on this board) about.

    I also got spat on, pushed out of a queue, pushed off a kerb in front of an oncomming car twice!, sat on in the Tube and had my foot stood on multiple times. I hate being short.

    I went to a Noodle place called Wagamama's and had some divine food. But Saturday was my favourite day. I went to a Spa. A really nice spa. A really really nice spa. It was an odd place though. Everything in there was white and there were no structural walls. The place was lined with white sheer net from ceiling to floor which sectioned off each treatment room, and the main relaxation room was nearly two and a half stories high with a wierd vat in the middle full of bubbling coloured water. At one stage I was looking at one of the gaps in the curtains and I would not have been surprised to see an Alien go past. Although in saying that, if I did see one, I probably would have taken some of the water to be analysed :smile:

    But there is a purpose to this post. During my massage, the woman giving it told me to turn over onto my back (keep in mind, I wasn't wearing anything on top), walked back up as far as my head, flicked the towel down to my waist and ran her hands from my neck downwards. When she got as far as, chest, ahem, she paused and then asked brightly "So, you're not shy, are you?" Now, is it me, or are they not supposed to touch that sort of area on a woman? I have had massages before, and they have always left the towel draped over that area. Has anyone any idea if I am just slightly overreacting, or is that just not right?:confused:
  2. lipi

    lipi New Member

    I guess you got a whole-body massage, then. :wink:
    Af far as I know, massaging those parts is usually up to the clients to decide wether they want it or not. So it takes a bit of sensitivity from the masseur to know what is acceptable to the client without specifically asking.
    So either she sucks at reading people, or you seemed very self-confident.

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