Neo-Nazis in Israel

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Roman_K, Sep 9, 2007.

  1. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

  2. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    Somehow, I can't blame you. It is hard to understand how some people can act like that way, especially knowing that at one time, their own family were persicuted for the same damned thing. They need to suffer. Suffer a hell of a lot.
  3. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Well, I am not a hardliner when it comes to "sending back foreigners", on the contrary actually. But if they find the very ancestors so despisable which are the reason they could emigrate, then they should be put into the next plane. And then, with an Israeli passport, they can explain to their neo nazi companions in Russia that they are really deep into the movement.
  4. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    What made me even angrier was an article on Ynet. I'd post its Ynetnews (English edition) equivalent, if it wasn't so badly rushed and mangled.

    Anyway, it contained and email exchanges of this merry crew. One discussed celebrating Hitlers' birthday. Another about going to Yad Va'Shem (Holocaust memorial museum) to study Nazi Legacy, with one raising fears of being seen by a kike. The leader replied to let the kike watch, and later they'd kill them. Said leader also said that he'd never have kids, because he doesn't want to give his half-Yid grandad the pleasure of a continued line...
  5. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Roman, give me enough of a head start and I will have all pots, pans, dishes and cutlery blow torched by the time you arrive in Athens.
  6. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Thanks, Avgi, but you know my answer. I prefer staying here. :)

    I mean, when it comes to something like this, every individual case here is a shock; it's simply not something we expect to happen here. Whereas such folks are a great deal more common in, say, Europe.

    In Russia... In Russia they stab you, then check your breath with a mirror to make sure that you're dead. All kinds of extreme nationalism, racism, and neo-fascism is on the rise in Russia. When visiting Russia, folks, consider investing in a bodyguard!
  7. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    This is the most bizarre thing... It is almost Monty Python, if you excuse me.
    I wish the Neo Nazis over here did that.
  8. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Personally, I wish he'd take it to the next logical step and shorten his grandfather's line from the bottom.
  9. missy

    missy New Member

    At least he is doing one decent thing and adding Chlorine to the gene pool of life. To be fair though i doubt if anyone would give that a child even if he did want one. They all look nasty to me!
  10. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    The morally deformed do find each other. Since we moved into East Germany, I see these couples every once in a while - he: shaved head, camouflage fashion, military boots, and a fierce looking dog with a chain collar. She: very young, too much make up, pink camouflage fasion, dyed hair (either blond or black with red streaks). They aren't too many, but they often push a pram. (And Münster hardly produced them, so they stick out to me.)
    And in case you think I am stereotyping, well, they uniform themselves.
  11. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Actually, I've seen my uber-Goth boss and his wife wear exactly that same fashion (shaved head, combat gear, spikey dog collar) :smile: - except for the pram bit, since they only got married a year ago. The boss is one of the nicest, most patient people I've ever met. (I've seen him in situations where it would have been perfectly acceptable to strangle the other guy, and he stayed calm, friendly and reasonable.) If they do end up reproducing, good for them!

    As for the Israeli Nazi folk... it ruined my mood for an hour or so, but didn't surprise me... I got all the surprise out of my system a few years ago, when I first heard of neo-Nazi groups springing up in Russia. I mean, yeah, even if you hate yourself, your grandparents (who fought and died on the Russian front in WWII), and the rest of humanity so much as to join this movement... do you REALLY think that the man who believed your kind to be fit only for slave labor, would actually WELCOME you in his rank, and maybe, I dunno, invite you for a beer on his birthday? He'd send you to the factories, to work 18 hour shifts, and then feed you scraps to keep you alive :scowl:

    So, my guess is that it's pointless to discuss ideology with these clowns! They're just mean, stupid kids with rotten testosterone for brains and no heart. Nazism just happened to be fashionable amongst their friends, so they embraced it as an excuse to beat someone's face to a pulp. 100 years ago, they might have just as well become Communists, or anarchists, or the Black Hundred members. Blech!
  12. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Well, the dog collar is usually on the dog, and I definitely am not talking about Goths. When you wear the outfit I am thinking off here, you know what the statement is, especially when you combine it with a Lonesdale shirt or other items which mean something entirely different in the rest of the world (or probably nothing at all). (The Lonesdale shirt, for example, is worn under the jacket in a way that only the NSDA is seen, for NSDAP, the short for the Third Reich's Nazi party.)
  13. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ....ick! Thanks for the warning :frown: The interpretation wouldn't have occured to me, had I seen it.
  14. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member


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