New HP Film

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by DEATHOFRATS, Jul 22, 2009.


    DEATHOFRATS New Member

    Recently went to see the new Harry Potter film, number six. It didn't seem to make any sense, and I've read the books. My brother, who hasn't read the book, didn't understand it at all. All that happened was Ron fell in love with an idiot and Draco Malfoy walked around the school and spent most of the film inside a cupboard. The quidditch wasn't very good either.:sad:

    The day after, I saw Groundhog Day again, and reminded myself on how awesome it is. So it's not all gloom and doom.:lol:
  2. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I haven't seen it, but my acolyte watched it at the weekend and said he was surprised at how many people were crying when someone in it died and that the ending what totally pointless.

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