new to this message board

Discussion in 'INTRODUCTIONS AND AVATAR TESTING' started by caffinated_geek, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. caffinated_geek

    caffinated_geek New Member

    Hi, I've posted on other discworld message boards before but only recently found this site. It looks much better than the official site which is always behind on the news. I'm looking to make friends, maybe chat to some people who will be at wadfest.
  2. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Hi caffinated_geek, not sure who's going to wadfest, I think The_Jackyl may have gone last year? There's also a book signing in London that I want to go to in Autumn. :smile:
  3. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    Hi Geek, Welcome to the boards. :smile:
  4. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Welcome to the boards, Geek! :smile:
  5. Alfonz

    Alfonz New Member

    i have a question about some stuff and i don't know where else to post it so don't yell at me. I want to know what those little words under your avatar mean. the words like newbit and stuff. and how can you change them?
  6. Stercus Stercus

    Stercus Stercus New Member

    It changes by itself depending on how much you post. I think the Moderators can change theirs but us mere mortals have to be content with what we're given.

    Oh, and you should have put it in the Temple.
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    The special titles are obtained by either posting over 1000 messages (how anyone could ever manage that I don't know) or by really sucking up to the mods and giving them pie until they beg you to stop. Except I made up that last bit. And yeah, that sort of question usually goes in the temple, but don't sweat too much about a minor hijack ;)

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