New toy from Google

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by KaptenKaries, May 24, 2006.

  1. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Do I dare ask, dear pirate, why on earth you were looking for animal sex ? :D

    Non, I don't dare :D
  3. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Because I'm curious. Not in animal sex, but in what people search for. I tried a bunch of different keywords. Searching for "tsunami" brings up a very interesting timeline.
  4. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ok. So... how's your parrot ? :D I love the loving look he's giving you, perched on your shoulder there... :lol:
  5. KaptenKaries

    KaptenKaries New Member

    Although I do truly feel love for most animals, I can assure you this love is platonic.
  6. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Maybe you're reading it the wrong way. New Delhians aren't neccesarily interested in bestiality, they may just be keen naturalists.
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

  8. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    alright, frenchie, thats enough rinso jokes for this month
  9. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

  10. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

  11. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:f6fc339f2a="Garner"]alright, frenchie, thats enough rinso jokes for this month[/quote:f6fc339f2a]

    Now I know this is going to sound paranoid, but why, when the whole board is filled with jokes far worse than any of mine, do [b:f6fc339f2a]I[/b:f6fc339f2a] get bashed as soon as I dare say the dreaded name of doom ?? If there is a commandment saying "though shalt not use the R-name if though has not experienced alcoholic inebriation with aforesaid simian being" then it should be written clearly somewhere, and I would be fixed, once and for all.
  12. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

  13. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

  14. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    [quote:e79f42588d="Katcal"][quote:e79f42588d="Garner"]alright, frenchie, thats enough rinso jokes for this month[/quote:e79f42588d]

    Now I know this is going to sound paranoid, but why, when the whole board is filled with jokes far worse than any of mine, do [b:e79f42588d]I[/b:e79f42588d] get bashed as soon as I dare say the dreaded name of doom ?? If there is a commandment saying "though shalt not use the R-name if though has not experienced alcoholic inebriation with aforesaid simian being" then it should be written clearly somewhere, and I would be fixed, once and for all.[/quote:e79f42588d]

    It's not a question of you breaking rules, Katcal. Some jokes can be run into the ground, at which point they stop being funny and, eventually, become very very unfunny. Once that sort of point has been reached, it'll take a good long while before the joke becomes funny again.

    When people first felt saturated with the number of rinso jokes you were making, we tried to bring it up politely, and i apologize if you felt, then or now, that you were inundated with scolding posts suggesting you'd broken rules. However, if my memory isn't too fuzzy on things, while you did tone down the number of jokes you were making, you largely shifted the focus from rinso to doors or other posters.

    It wasn't really different enough to be considered a new or different joke, if you see what i mean. the saturation level never had time to receed. as a result, whenever some of us see two rinso jokes from you within a one month period, we suddenly cringe and have post traumatic rinso joke shock (PTRJS). Maybe that's just our problem, but it's one that you could help us with by finding different jokes to make.

    I'm sorry if you felt unjustly scolded by my post in this thread, I did intend the tone to be lighthearted. You're a good poster, we like having you around, but those of us who have PTRJS feel we need to be able to say, constructively, that we haven't started to find it funny again yet.

    That's all, really. No rules broken, or anything. It's just anti-french discrimination. er, i mean... trying to help you help us to like you better. yeah, that sounds lovey-feely enough.
  15. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ok, got it, no more jokes about anyone. And everytime threads like this one get started, I shall refrain from joining in, in case I involuntarily kill someone with PTRJS.

    At a risk of permanently hijacking this otherwise fascinating thread, I still have the feeling that it's ok for people who have been lucky enough to attend doormancons, or who have known each other for some time to make these jokes as much as they like. If you honestly compare quantity and harshness of jokes, I am miles from the top of the hall of infamy. I understand this, it's quite a human reaction, I just wish I had been told this straight up the first time. Inside jokes are for those on the inside...

    And for the last time, I am not, and will never be French. I am a follower of the church of the holy British Sausage and guardian of the sacred Mint Sauce. You might as well say Roman's an islamic fanatic.
  16. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:e15f600ebb="Katcal"]Ok, got it, no more jokes about anyone. And everytime threads like this one get started, I shall refrain from joining in, in case I involuntarily kill someone with PTRJS.

    At a risk of permanently hijacking this otherwise fascinating thread, I still have the feeling that it's ok for people who have been lucky enough to attend doormancons, or who have known each other for some time to make these jokes as much as they like. If you honestly compare quantity and harshness of jokes, I am miles from the top of the hall of infamy. I understand this, it's quite a human reaction, I just wish I had been told this straight up the first time. Inside jokes are for those on the inside....[/quote:e15f600ebb]

    I'm not sure you have 'got it'. The message isn't, 'no jokes about anyone anytime ever,' it's, 'no jokes about someone repeated ad naseum over a short space of time.' Not because it particulary offends anyone, more because it's just boring really.

    Personally I hardly ever join in with these things anyway, though sometimes I can't resist where there's a monkey (or little ape) involved. I don't think I ever said a joke about Doors, or most other people here actually. Not because I think it's totally bad or anything, just that it's not really my thing - the whole teenage-esque* make fun of someone to show that you're really good friends. :)

    * I assume it's teenage-esque anyway, I used to do this a lot when I was a teenager.
  17. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:91efc81b87="Katcal"]Ok, got it, no more jokes about anyone. And everytime threads like this one get started, I shall refrain from joining in, in case I involuntarily kill someone with PTRJS.

    At a risk of permanently hijacking this otherwise fascinating thread, I still have the feeling that it's ok for people who have been lucky enough to attend doormancons, or who have known each other for some time to make these jokes as much as they like. If you honestly compare quantity and harshness of jokes, I am miles from the top of the hall of infamy. I understand this, it's quite a human reaction, I just wish I had been told this straight up the first time. Inside jokes are for those on the inside...[/quote:91efc81b87]

    The topic in question survived for what, two days? The joke content surviving less than one? And such topics are hardly that common.

    The point is that you overused said jokes at first, to the point of doing it on a nearly daily basis. That's a bit too much, you'll agree. As such, any resurgence of said jokes from you as of now brings on the feeling that a great big pile of them is just around the corner. We're at that point where one such joke equals several dozen.

    Just wait it out, let our psyches adjust to the new reality, let our collective memories file these events under misc (which will take time, as bad memories are the ones that survive the longest), and then if you feel like it, give it a go.

    Let me give you an example. Garner has a tendency to make Jew-jokes, be it in emails with me or on the boards when he wants to catch my eye. I'm amused by them, and play along, but if they were to become more common than they are now, I would eventually become annoyed. I would also be annoyed if Garner started to make Rinso jokes every odd day, or Doors jokes.

    Eventually, a joke stops being a joke and starts being a nuisance. There is a point where you just have to *stop*.

    It's not quantity in general that's the problem, Katcal, it's quantity over time. Over a relatively small period of time, in your case. Now you just have to compensate for it.

    Oh, and by the way... I've never been to a DMC. Or any C, for that matter. I have yet to meet anyone from these boards, and I doubt it will happen any time soon.
  18. mowgli

    mowgli New Member


    Oh, and by the way... I've never been to a DMC. Or any C, for that matter. I have yet to meet anyone from these boards, and I doubt it will happen any time soon.[/quote:4d3c5c81db]

    HAH, you wish! One of these days, I shall come to the land of my [i:4d3c5c81db]other[/i:4d3c5c81db] ancestors, and smack you with a large selyodka!
  19. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench


    Oh, and by the way... I've never been to a DMC. Or any C, for that matter. I have yet to meet anyone from these boards, and I doubt it will happen any time soon.[/quote:b125cda479]

    HAH, you wish! One of these days, I shall come to the land of my [i:b125cda479]other[/i:b125cda479] ancestors, and smack you with a large selyodka![/quote:b125cda479]

    Roman that actually sounds like a challenge: "The race to meet ROman" the first board member to do it can bask in the respect of their board peers for about a day but it will be worth it...

    So in summary the thread so far:

    1. Here's a fun thing from google to kill time
    2. spiky's a cactus invading countries
    3. garner was annoyed enough to call someone out
    4. katcal ease up on the repeated jokes, especially repeat jokes aimed at one person (friendly advice)
    5. we're all going to Israel to meet Roman, huzzah!
  20. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member


    Oh, and by the way... I've never been to a DMC. Or any C, for that matter. I have yet to meet anyone from these boards, and I doubt it will happen any time soon.[/quote:783508795b]

    HAH, you wish! One of these days, I shall come to the land of my [i:783508795b]other[/i:783508795b] ancestors, and smack you with a large selyodka![/quote:783508795b]

    Roman that actually sounds like a challenge: "The race to meet ROman" the first board member to do it can bask in the respect of their board peers for about a day but it will be worth it...[/quote:783508795b]

    Heh, all I was doing was stating my complete and total lack of money, and near-complete lack of time in the future.
  21. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Maybe... But the 'Race to Roman' is more interesting...
  22. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    Race away, if you want to. Just try to arrive in near year. :)
  23. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:ea1d23cd2b="Roman_K"]Just try to arrive in near year. :)[/quote:ea1d23cd2b]

    Huh? Near year where?
  24. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:c8565414bf="spiky"][quote:c8565414bf="Roman_K"]Just try to arrive in near year. :)[/quote:c8565414bf]

    Huh? Near year where?[/quote:c8565414bf]

    Pardon, it should have been in *the* near year. As in no more than a year or so from now.
  25. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    OK but 'near year' is still a term I've never heard... I guess the equivilent would be 'in the coming year' or 'near future'. And there is your english phraseology lesson for the day. Come back tomorrow when I shall instruct on the use of 'whose'...

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