Now the Australians should scare you...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Gypsy, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Honestly, we're not all this conceptually-retarded.

    Next thing you know, the curtains will fade...

    *I couldn't find the original article, though I was sent it as PDF.
    I found this text elsewhere.
  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    True, though, it is very inconsiderate of the government to turn the sun off for one hour a day all summer. Oh, unless they are stopping the earth's rotation for an hour. Although if they did that I'm sure we would notice an extreme jerk when it started up again. Oh, actually, I think I have just spotted one!
  3. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    This is recurring theme of stupidity that somehow daylight savings causes draught... It was why all those crzy Queenslanders didn't want daylight savings cos they couldn't get their head around the fact that we are moving time not adding time...

    On a conspiracy theory note: Do you think they landed on the moon in order to install a device that would add an hour the southern heimsphere's summer but then switch around to add it to the northern hemisphere in the next 6 months? We never had daylight savings before 1969, so being on the moon must have done something funny to time.
  4. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    You mean daylight savings is the reason I have to put a jumper on as a result of spontaneous breezes? Wow. That's a whole other conspiracy right there! :)

    Sorry, couldn't resist.
  5. redneck

    redneck New Member

    The real reason behind adding one hour of daylight in the summer time is very simple really. Us guys just wanted to see more of the chicks in their light summer outfits and bathing suits. That can't happen if it's dark or cold, hence the added hour of summertime fun. Or at least voyeurism.

    Either that or it was Cuba's fault. Not the country, but Mr Gooding Jr, the actor. If the blame has to be laid on someone, then I nominate him. He would make a great evil mastermind. He looks so kind... and then BAM! He causes droughts and gives people shingles (not the kind on your roof). Reminds me of a cat. Soft and cuddly and then the demons take hold and it becomes a tornado with claws and teeth. Then back to docility.
  6. randywine

    randywine Member

    WOW...I knew it...I'm right there with you Spiky. Watch out for the suits and when I have proof I'll meet you in Istanbul...



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