Old time discworld fan

Discussion in 'INTRODUCTIONS AND AVATAR TESTING' started by Blaydon, May 9, 2009.

  1. Blaydon

    Blaydon New Member

    Hi all, I have been a Sir Terry Pratchett fan since his Dark side of the sun days but have only recently introduced myself to forums in general and this one now I have found it today.

    I love all the discworld books but have a soft spot for Vimes, I also think if anything the books are getting better so it is such a shame about Sir Terry's illness, we can but hope he can work through it (if that is his desire).

    I am by the way not fanatical (hope that doesn't bar me) as despite having all the discworld novels I have not gone out and bought everything he has produced (diaries, maps, cookbooks etc.) but I hope you will not hold that (or any sharp or hot items) against me.

    Hope to interact with some of you soon.

  2. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    Welcome , Kev, I hope you find this a convivial place. Most of us are fans , not too fanatical, we share an appreciation for Sir Terry and Discworld and thus often an understanding of each other as well. We try to have fun here, but some times there are lulls, several board members have actual jobs and some have it even tougher, they have or are about to have infants! I my self am home ill so I hope we can talk sometime. I have a special place for Sam Vimes myself.
  3. Blaydon

    Blaydon New Member


    Yes I have one of them but with the economics of the moment I am working reduced hours so I have a little time on my hands.

    I think Thud is my all time favourite of the vimes central stories.
  4. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Hi Blaydon! Welcome to the boards. :)
  5. Blaydon

    Blaydon New Member


    Thanks for the welcome one of the reasons I came was to ask about a box set of books I have and want to replace so I have posted a thread about it, just can't seem to find another.

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