Only 1 New Discworld Book Per Year From Now On. A Good Idea?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by TheJackal, May 15, 2006.

  1. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    So it seems that PTerry was true to his word at the DiscworldCon 2004, where he said he'd like to only bring out 1 new book every year because he's not getting any younger & he has to tour extensively with every novel.

    I'm currently suffering withdrawl symptoms from not having my annual new release this May. Instead, Wintersmith doesn't hit the shelves until September 28th!

    According to Paul Kidby's website, Wintersmith was fully finished in January. And as everyone knows, PTerry always starts his next novel immediately after finishing one.

    So my thought is this: Wintersmith will have been finished for 8 months when it's finally released; Odds are therefore, that Making Money will also be completed by then (since it never takes him much longer than that to write something).

    Following this trend, for every book published per year, he will probably have another in reserve! Seems rather silly...
  2. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    *Shrug* also means he can take a vacation once in a while.

    personally, i'd rather he focus on writing one good novel a year than writing one and a half medeocre ones.
  3. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Agreed. No need to push a burn-out on the Marthter!
  4. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    That is, until science progresses enough to clone him a couple of times at least
  5. drunkymonkey

    drunkymonkey New Member

    What is Wintersmith about, anyone?
  6. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:283d232d70="Garner"]*Shrug* also means he can take a vacation once in a while.

    personally, i'd rather he focus on writing one good novel a year than writing one and a half medeocre ones.[/quote:283d232d70]

    Garner, this is blasphemy - the Marthter is no longer capable of being mediocre - having used up all possibilities of "less than perfect" by writing them into "The Dark Side of the Sun" he is now on a permanent roll - the important thing is that he continues to write - so yes, he should take vacations, but they should not be the sort of "working vacation" that means stressful signing tours (which have given him health problems) but are considered vacations because he is not actually writing at the time.
  7. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    'tawny' is not medeocre? or less than perfect?
  8. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    I'll agree to it if he comes on a signing tour in France or somewhere I can get to (preferably somewhere where he's not too well known so I can actually get to meet him !)
  9. SolidJackson

    SolidJackson New Member

    Help! I really want to follow this thread (its exactly the kind of thing I signed up for) - What does 'tawny' refer to?
  10. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:2f32dfe202="Garner"]'tawny' is not medeocre? or less than perfect?[/quote:2f32dfe202]

    Tawneee - as it is spelled as I remember it - my only copy of that book is at the other end of the apartment and I cannot be bothered to go and get it - is a a very well-seen character - the fact that she will have a relationship with Nobby because other men are scared off by her attractiveness but Nobby will try anythng because he is used to rejection (or having fish thrown at him) is not strange - I know women like Tawneee - including one who I was involved with in a photoshhoot yesterday for a publicity calendar for one of our theatrical groups - done in the style of "Calendar Girls" - who I have known for more than twenty five years, and have always fancied - but she always seemed unnattainable - and now she's married to a friend of mine (missed my chance there) - so Tawneee is not necessarily a mediocre character.
  11. saskia

    saskia New Member

    hmm... I was irritated by Tawnee but don't want to think about why too much :? It did hamper my enjoyment of the rest of the story in a minute and teeny tiny way but mediocre is too strong a word if you ask me (and you didn't).

    I have to defend Dark Side of the Sun though. I enjoy the brief and experimental forays taken by Terry away from the discworld and thought this one was clever in a less than usually subtle way. I recently re-read Strata as well... not my favourite but short and sweet with ideas that later crop up in some of the discworld novels. I like it.

    As for the one book a year issue (I did read the original thread!) Why does Terry need a break? Was he not called into existence solely to satisfy his voracious audience? Why not two books and one book tour? Better still, why not more books and no book tours? Does he need free time and a family? Life is too short for fun, he should be writing to the exclusion of all else!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

    Ok, now I have got that off my chest I'll be more reasonable. One book or three books is fine by me. I appreciate the fact that Terry continues to produce such re-readable work.
  12. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I'll take one book per year seeming as how Discworld has no over-arcing plot to conclude it can go on ad finitum... Just think of those poor Harry Potter suckers who get one a year and the last is this year and then... NO MORE! Suckers.
  13. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    WHAT???? No "Son of Harry Potter" in the near future?

    (and a great big awww to all the Tawneee-bashers out there :p . I loved her. I even wished that she and Nobby would pair up for good, but noooooo, he had to have his buttered clams :p )
  14. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    And here I always thought that tawny was "lion colored" ;-)

    And PTerry is getting older. Let him try and avoid burning out. I'd be happy if he threw out one per year and did no signing tours (much as I like my signed copy of Jingo).
  15. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:f74d112a02="mowgli"]WHAT???? No "Son of Harry Potter" in the near future?

    (and a great big awww to all the Tawneee-bashers out there :p . I loved her. I even wished that she and Nobby would pair up for good, but noooooo, he had to have his buttered clams :p )[/quote:f74d112a02]

    Hogwarts - The Next Generation
  16. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Even if he does release them more slowly than he writes them... what of it? It means there will still be discworld for a bit after he's no more, and thus will continue to provide for his widow.
  17. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:79e9ceb221="SolidJackson"]Help! I really want to follow this thread (its exactly the kind of thing I signed up for) - What does 'tawny' refer to?[/quote:79e9ceb221]She's Nobby's pole-dancing girlfriend in Thud!, isn't she?
  18. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Still haven't read Thud! :( Ordered and paid for a signed copy in december, and it never arrived, I am soooooo pissed off about that... :(
  19. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    That's the one. And I'd just like to re-ask a question drunkymonkey asked at the start of the thread that wasn't answered as far as I could see, if I may, "what is Wintersmith about, anyone?"
  20. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:c38b7782e8="Maljonic"]Hogwarts - The Next Generation[/quote:c38b7782e8]
    [b:c38b7782e8]That[/b:c38b7782e8] was funny.

    Wintersmith is the next Tiffany Aching story, isn't it ? And Making Money is the sequel to Going Postal, am I right ?
  21. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

  22. Watchman

    Watchman New Member

    Thanks for the quick response :)
  23. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    wintersmith comes out just after my mums Birthday so i may get her it and the other present i want to get hear even though it is expensive the other prezent (tickets to the Edinburgh Tatoo in 2007) hopefull my dad and brother will chip in.

    but a book a year seems ok to me rather than wating 3 years for a new PS2 game
  24. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    I'm glad he's only doing one book a year. Two books are way to much. I'd rather he spend more time and really develop them rather than have to rush for deadlines. I think the last few main discworld books (Not the Wintersmith books) have been alot more marmite than his earlier books, you either love 'em or hate 'em (well, think they're just ok). Maybe it's becuase we're getting used to the stories are they're getting more formulaic (sp?) I dunno. The later books tend to have more flat characters.
  25. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:7aa8428695="Rincewind"]The later books tend to have more flat characters.[/quote:7aa8428695]
    Especially the ones that get splatted by Detritus...
  26. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Deep down I know 1 book a year is grand; just been so used to 2, I don't want things to change! And compare him to Rowling, who doesn't seem able to complete anything inside of 2 years.
  27. SolidJackson

    SolidJackson New Member

    Thanks for the Tawny / Tawnee answers everybody :)

    I'm with the 'one good one a year' camp on this one. I can think of one or two books I could have cheerfully gone without over the past 18 or so years (grief, that sounds so ungrateful). As mentioned in one of the other threads, I'm trying to get through Hogfather again - I still can't get on with it.

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