PhD Poll: Who does Terry Pratchett represent to you?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by spiky, Oct 13, 2005.

  1. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Sorry to do this to you guys but bear with me I'm just trying to find out what role Terry Pratchett is perceived or imagined to play in people's ideas of who he is...

    I've been doing a lot of reading in a completely new and strangely incomprehensible area hence the rather confused phrasing of my question, but hey I only scored 20/20 for gramma that doesn't mean I can speak proper good english :p
  2. Tabatha

    Tabatha New Member

    I voted other as friend wasn't listed, but if I have to give him arole that would be it.

    Don't get to see this friend but get really good letters that tell me all that's going on in his part of the world.
  3. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    I'm going to vote 'other' too, because he doesn't fall into the other categories for me

    Idol - I don't worship him
    Hero - He's good and all, but I don't think I'd really want to be him, all these geeks (like Rinso) devoting boards to him. Bit too much pressure.
    Alter ego - I'm not that alike, I can't write as well for one...
    Mentor - Nope, don't follow his teachings
    Role model - See above
    Lover / boyfriend - Ummmmmmmmmmm
    Anti-hero / enemy - Nope, don't hate the guy
    None. This is a bloody stupid question. - The question is good, the answers are crap though.

    What is he to me? He's an author.
  4. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    I wanted a cross between 'role model' and 'other'. I went for 'role model' to add a bit of variety. My reasoning is that I write, and aim to do so professionally, and Pterry is a great example of how to go about it; he also gives some really useful advice for wannabe authors. I think he is a good person to model yourself on if you seriously want to write. owever, that is not all I see him as. Principally, I see him as a really good storyteller and a clever man.
  5. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I went for role model, though it's not quite right, for the same reasons as Buzzfloyd, in that I want to write professionally one day. :)
  6. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    I went for Rolemodel for a different reason.
    I like Terry's outlook on the world. Taking it seriously but still being able to make jokes about it because... well, you gotta laugh, don't you?
  7. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Actually I guess that's true for me too, I think his works probably influence me and my outlook on life more than I realise.
  8. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    I went for other. He's someone who entertains me. Someone i'd like to meet and talk to but not someone i'd want to be or someone I really look up to either.

    He is to me the same as my favourite actor, favourite acctress, favourite TV personality and so on. :)
  9. lipi

    lipi New Member

    Other: a bloody good and witty writer
  10. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Other: He's someone I respect but not to the hero/Idol level. I think some of his writings have influenenced my views of the world, but i don't have him as my role model or anything.
  11. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    I also voted other. He is a very talented author, and a complete stranger. Even though it would be great if I could write as well as he could, to me a role model is someone you want to emulate in every way. Since I don't know him personally, how can I know if he is someone I want be like?For all I know, he beats his wife and hurts puppies.

    I'm not accusing Terry of being a wife/puppy beater. I'm just saying that you can't just a person simply on the way they appear publicly.
  12. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

  13. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    I'm another "Other" voter - my reasons:

    Idol - I'm with Ben on this - I don't worship him
    Hero - This is a word which seems to have become downgraded in recent times - for me, it still means doing what is needed in the face of danger - physical or to one's reputation/career etc. - in PTerry's case the only real danger is if the queue breaks loose at a signing and he gets trampled in the rush! :)
    Alter ego - One should never claim to know an author's political views from his writing, but I suspect that there would be a wide gulf between our views.
    Mentor - One can learn from his books, because a lot of his writing shows a background of research, but one can say the same for George McDonald Fraser's Flashman series.
    Role model - Again, with Ben - See above
    Lover / boyfriend - No-one can ever claim to be totally heterosexual - they might be a bisexual who has just not yet met the right person of the same sex - but no, PTerry just does not attract me that way. :)
    Anti-hero / enemy - If this was why I was here, then you could call me Juggicide or Applestrudel!
    None. This is a bloody stupid question. - I think this should be a first filter - Spiky - you need to go to a second round with new options based on current responses.
  14. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I did have some other options in the list but the thingy told me that there was too many so I had to go and delete out the ones that I'd got from my interviews and just leave the ones from this weird world of the literature...

    I personally see him as someone I respect and his writing has informed my view of the world but I don't know what that would make him in terms of friend, teacher ..........[fill in blank].........

    Maybe the question should be what kind of relationship does the above statement imply?
  15. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    I voted "Other", though it was a close thing, since I agree with Tephlon and Mal. However, I like a lot of different ideas from different characters, and just because the characters are so doesn't mean Terry is the same person. So I wouldn't vote role model, but as I said .. it's a close thing.

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