The Theme: Decay The Rules: - Photographs must be taken by you - no nicking them off the Web - Photos must be taken specifically for the contest - get out there and get snapping! - One picture per person. - No excessive digital manipulation (i.e. adding a more dramatic sky from another photo to your picture, or creating negative images etc.). Cropping, and adjusting levels, contrast, saturation etc. is ok though. - Equipment: Anything goes as long as the results can be seen from here. - Voting takes place when the contest closes. - The winner of the contest gets to choose the next subject. - the entire community is allowed to vote for one picture in the voting thread And for information and review, here are the past competition and their themes: I "Beginning": II "Connection": III "Faith": IV "Colour": V "Time": VI "Love": VII "Landscape": VIII "Moment": IX "Roots": X "Surfaces": XI "Joy": XII "Magic": XIII Shadow and Light":
I doubt it could beat my Dad's, pity I don't have him handy we could have a Toothless Old Fart* competition. *no offense to yourself, Joc, this is what he calls himself
I strongly object to even being included in the 'old' category... (Even though I am) Sheesh, youngsters of today. What do you do with 'em? (And I'm still not gonna start Cheesewars Wars II)
oooOOOooo...nice choice of topic. -and props for the links too. (Am hoping to soon purchase a Nikon D40/60/80 - still in the decision making and savings phase at the moment...yoh-poh!! Muahaha - sorry, it will be my first non point and shoot digital...)
Oh one thing though, what's the deadline for this one ? Just so Rinso the half-baked time Nazi knows when to poke us (give or take a week)
Sadflower In contrast to last month, here is my entry phenomenally early (by my standards). I was going to try and think of something clever, but then I found this. That's just not what they're supposed to look like!
Damn, I really must make sure I have my camera with me, I keep missing opportunities... Nice sunflower ! (well, nice in a decaying way...)
Thanks Hsing, you're just trying to confuse an old man, aren't you. Where do you get your calendars? You posted this deadline on the 21st... I can't cope with the pace of producing another potential winner by next Wednesday. :shock: I demand a recount. I want three full weeks until the 11th of September. [lies on floor kicking heels]
:shock: Joculator is not the confused one here. He's right. I'm embarassed. September 11th. I guess I just didn't want to accept how the weeks fly by lately.
I thought the time had passed rather quickly... I didn't even notice anything wrong. I thought it was three Gypsy weeks, which could mean anything really. Now....enter people! (snigger - unintentional but i'm keeping it) or do I have to get that cattle prod from whoever has got it and start prodding?!
phew I thought it was just me being lazy! In that case I know just the picture to take and where to go to take it! Woo hoo !
I have a couple (it's amazing how much decay you can come across in London), but I still want to try and take the one I first thought of. All I need is for it to stop raining. Meh.
Rain, rain and even more rain... Nothing better to dampen the spirit. I'm going with 'Urban Decay' Note to self: Tidy the office!
Where's everyone gone, this time? I threw a tantrum to get us all an extended entry date (now passed, I notice ) and... Still no more entries! Oh dear, I think I can feel a 'Little Moment' coming on.
Yes, boring... I have no real time to wrap this up right now, so... until Wednesday. Until Wednesday.:bunny:
oops, krikey, sorry, I got mixed up and thought it was the 20th... Oh well tough luck for my great idea I'll just post one of the other ones I took...
Why, would postponing the deadline until Wednesday not make room enough? In that case, Wednesday is going to be the 17th... we could say 20th, and out... Me, I do have ideas, but I'm not sure wether to enter my own competition, and with one of my pet themes no less...
Nah, I've got a few to choose from, it's ok... And yes, go ahead, please enter ;o) Here's mine, after fussing around a lot: The weirdest thing is that this was taken in Canary Wharf tube station in London, where all the posh offices and bankers are...
You are so mean. I will have you know that I am following the family tradition of leaving my teeth to rot in my mouth until they become so painful I get dragged to the dentist. The owner of the dine-chewers was nowhere to be seen, and at 10 am on a Saturday the whole station was deserted. The lollipop was there to, in fact unless you count a minor contrast tweak, the picture is 100% genuine. Just like my teef.
Good snap there, even allowing for the fact that you were eyeing someone else's teeth! Me, I've not found anything yet that fits the theme so I'm gonna be a non-starter as usual
Hurry, hurry, hurry... BIG bargains... Last three days...etc. C'mon Hsing, if this is one of your pet subjects, I want to see what you really had in mind when you chose it. I'll even say, "Pretty please."
Here's my entry, an abandoned and derelict appartment block from socialist times and the fruits of a nearby, forgotten garden.
hmm, I like it. what camera do you use for these pics, Hsing? They always have the most gorgeous light to them...
My guess is, it's not the camera. I think it's the result of sunlight. Something I haven't seen for a few weeks up here in the damp northeast. :sad:
I have a Panasonic DMC-FZ50 (like Rincewind, by the way). But we had a wonderful autumn afternoon light indeed. Which is gone today to be replaced by grey heaven and bleak daylight.:sad:
Hsing - Love the photo but i must admit when it first appeared on my screen (without my glasses on) i though it was a big dog poo. Scared the hell out of me...:lol: at so early in the morning... R.
Now that would have been taking it too far, really. :shock: You're not one of those wearing glasses for fancy, are you? :surprised:
Thanks Hsing. Joc, just having awesome light doesn't mean your picture will capture it. Of course if you don't have it in the first place...
All the light we've had up here for the past few weeks has been the equivalent of a 4x neutral density filter. Horrible! :sad:
Here is my entry ANTS:1 THING:0 Not the photo I wanted but I forgot to upload the other and won't have time to change.
So, here we are, one day after the... erm... third update, and we do have a few entries after all. I'd say: CLOSED! Thank you all very much, voting thread is soon to go up.