Pizza readings...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Sep 11, 2005.

  1. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    I wonder if the sort of toppings you have on your pizza say anything about you as a person.

    I know my dad always favored a pepperoni and mushroom, keeping it to those two toppings to keep the cost down (at the time, our pizza place charged per topping and had few special set pizzas), and later on he started to objet to the peperoni as it was too salty and made him need more water. Frankly, the cheese is what does me in these days, but it's just not a pizza without bowel clogging quantities of cheese. So, to truely get a personality indicative pizza, I think we need to remove health and financial concerns from the pizza.

    So what would YOUR pizza be? and what would it say about YOU?
  2. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member


    Generally, when I'm drunk I go for the cheese and onion option.

    There's this chip shop in Glasgow that makes fucking amazing pizzas, the tomato sauce is just excellent.

    I'm also partial to a ham and pineapple pizza on occassion :)

    Or, 4 seasons. That's also good
  3. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    I'm not to fond of pizza

    I dont particularly like melted cheese so my pizzas consist of a small layer of cheese and tomato sauce. Okay say it..Im boring.
  4. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    Before I moved to England, I lived up the street from here.
  5. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    Pizza is Evil and Fattening.
  6. Toaf

    Toaf New Member

    I agree with Andalusian! Pizza is death.
  7. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    What about cheeseless vegetarian pizza on a whole wheat crust with the oil blotted off. Healthy veggies.
  8. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    What about pepperoni, mushrooms, green peppers, red peppers, green chili peppers, jalepeno peppers, artichoke, black olives, green olives, italian sausage, grated fresh garlic, extra tomato sauce, smoked salmon, di parma ham, crushed red chilis, and then squirt some fresh lemon juice and tobasco sauce on it once it's done?



    edit: thank Toast for spellcheck!
  9. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    [quote:5d633bce16="Garner"]So, to truely get a personality indicative pizza, I think we need to remove health and financial concerns from the pizza.[/quote:5d633bce16]

    I'd like to point out that women cannot read, not because they're overly focused on diet and image issues because of magazine conditioning, but because they have inferior brains that can't follow complex instructions or properly ultilize abstract thought.
  10. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    Sbarro's makes pizza with low carb bread but it's awful.

    edit: That was quite an amusing cross post.
  11. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Okay... pineapple, bacon, cheese, spinach, mushrooms, more of that Gorgonzola cheese, but God forbid tuna on a pizza!
    No idea, though, what that says about me.
  12. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    yes, yes it was. for the record, it was aimed at Andalusian
  13. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    Erm, anchovies, green pepper, don't like cheese of any kind, thin crisp crust, basil.
  14. Toaf

    Toaf New Member

    if i HAD to have a pizza...

    thick, just tomato, black olives, and fresh basil. No cheese.
  15. Pepster

    Pepster New Member

    Its all good when its cooked in a wood fire oven.
  16. Andalusian

    Andalusian New Member

    If I was was forced to eat pizza, say in return for a hot emo boy...

    wholemeal base, chunky proper tomato sauce, no cheese, vegetables.
  17. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Mozerella, specifically. Loads of tomato sauce, the more like tomato puree the better. I love tomato puree. Onions. Garlic. Pesto. Basil.

    THIN crust ONLY! Deep pan, blargh. And none of the flour stuff on the bottom. I hate flour. Just the sandy texture of it against pizza crust, it makes me cringe. Like flour on the top crust of sliced bread.

  18. Hex

    Hex New Member

    Basic Mozzarella and tomato with deep dish crust. Though I wouldn't say no to mushrooms on that.

    They have about two decent pizza places here. The rest of them sell cardboard with tomato sauce and melted rubbery cheese on it.

    God bless America indeed. :roll: Bless us with good pizza!!!
  19. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    What does your pizza say about you:

    ANDALUSIAN: you like hot emo boys. Hot emo boys like you. You think
    that Garner is evil.

    FAIRYLIQUID: you should try Sicilian pizza, or white pizza. It uses ricotta cheese, instead of mozarella, and tastes awesome. You're not boring, but you do think that Garner is evil.

    ORRDOS: You think Garner is evil. When you're drunk, you eat some cheese/onion pizza and then go off, and tell him that.

    HEX: You should come to DE at the earliest opportunity. We have awesome Greek pizza places. You also think Garner is evil.

    PEPSTER: You should also come to DE - we have Bertucci's famous oven-cooked pizza. You think Garner is evil.

    TOAF: your taste in pizza is very similar to Hex's. Therefore, you also think that Garner's evil. Oh, and you like to draw!

    DELPHINE: You think that flour on top of sliced bread is evil. Garner reminds you of flour.

    MARCIA: You think that Garner is evil and therefore want to smack him with a large anchovy.

    HSING: You will not put tuna on your pizza, because you think fish should be reserved for smacking Garner. I agree.

    GARNER: You claim that women can't read and are inferior. You are evil. Until I find a suitable fish, you will be smacked repeatedly with a frying pan.

    edited because I missed Orrdos and Fairyliquid the first time around
  20. TamyraMcG

    TamyraMcG Active Member

    We had a double pepperoni Hot Stuff tm from the local Cenex C-store for supper. We paid $9.99 for a large made for us by the little girl minding the store all by herself. She said it was her second pizza ever. It might not be the best we can get here but Hot Stuff tm is ususally reliable at least, and at least 5 bucks cheaper then Pizza Hut. Plus Cenex has the new coffee flavored Hershey bars, umm.

    My all time favorite pizza is a Godfather's tm deep dish extra cheese with sausasge, pepperoni, mushroom and black olive. I also like to make my own at home, when I was in college I brought tiny black and green olive, green pepper, onion, four cheese pizzas to an art show opening and I was known as the pizza lady for a long time.
  21. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    After my travels through the UK and Europe and a lot of eating out I came to the conclusion that the all Europeans (the english included) cannot do a decent pizza, its over-priced and generally not very good...

    Here a large boring pizza from Pizza Hut costs about $5 dollars pick-up but there are so many better ones around where you can get a large tandoori chicken pizza with raita and papdums for about $10 why would you get anything else... My local pub does awesome pizzas, thin crust, not too much cheese and you can get a roast mediteranian vegetable pizza with feta and olives...mmmm feta....
  22. redneck

    redneck New Member

    My favorite fast food pizza place is Papa John's. When ordering for myself I get a hand tossed, pepperoni pizza. The only time I get anything different is if it's cheaper to get more toppings than to not. And then I usually get extra cheese and extra pepperoni. I'm kinda stubborn like that. It's not that I don't like other kinds of pizza, it's just that it's my favorite. Ate it for almost a month straight while in school. The cafeteria got a new pizza machine, so I got pizza, a bowl of cereal, and a salad for two meals a day for a long time. That seems like an odd concoction, but I really liked it for some reason.

    What that says about me? Probably that I'm a simpleton and that I'm pretty gross. Ooooo, and for some reason I feel that Garner is evil for some reason. Must be indigestion.
  23. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

    Spiky, you ought to come to Greece.

    I like any pizza with the traditional thin crust and fresh material. If it is cooked in a wood oven, so much the better.

    One quirk I have; I prefer slices of fresh tomato to tomato sauce. Does this mean I also hate Garner?
  24. Perdita

    Perdita New Member


    Well for me there are two types that I like: the posh version- goats cheese and spinach- * perhaps done like Turkish Pida. - Or alternatively at home I like buying basic cheese and tomato thin base and adding my own toppings- usually whatever is readily available in my fridge- peppers (capsicums), olives, onions, mushrooms, chicken (sometimes) and sweet chili sauce/garlic usually and then a fine grating of cheese on top. My favourite ‘at home ‘ combination is chicken, olives and peppers with a little chili sauce.

    I know what I don’t like on pizza- tuna, oh, and I also don’t like pineapple. I just don’t get the idea of eating something so sweet on essentially what is a very savoury food!

    I actually don’t mind the ‘breakfast pizza’ which I’ve had in a number of places although I’m not a huge meat eater- it involves an egg cracked into the middle of it before it’s put into the pizza oven.

    * N.B this is not an invitation to start a spinach thread.
  25. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Tomato puree but no actual pieces of tomato, cheese (for preference to include cheddar, which doth a fine pizza make), sweetcorn, green and red peppers. Some herbs, to be selected and mixed by Garner.
  26. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    I don't like tons of sauce on my pizza. I usually get pepperoni, bacon, and sausage on my pizza or the pizza place near my house has the best BLT pizza but they put ham on it and I don't know why, ham has nothing to do with a BLT.
    I found a website that says you can do pizza readings although it's not what the toppings say about you it's the images you see on the pizza.
    Possibly not the best place to bring this up, in a food topic, but did you know you can have your bum read like they read your palm?
  27. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    [quote:f569618cba="Saccharissa"]Spiky, you ought to come to Greece.
    One quirk I have; I prefer slices of fresh tomato to tomato sauce. Does this mean I also hate Garner?[/quote:f569618cba]

    It doesn't mean you hate Garner. It means you think Garner is evil :) (There is a difference!)

    I prefer fresh tomato as well - on white, ricotta-cheesed pizza with garlick, spinach and broccoli! Yay! (And lots of olive oil!)

    Faerie, if they read your bum... wouldn't there be only one line?
  28. Faerie

    Faerie New Member

    True, I'm not exactly sure what they look for on your bum. You would think there would be more information on your palm but I am not a bum reader so I don't know.

    Edit: I could google it but I'm afraid of what I might find. :shock:
  29. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    I've seen something on bum reading but I think all my celulite will be telling anyone is that maybe I've eaten one too many pizzas :lol:

    Now stop looking at my arse!

    Sach: I've had some good Greek pizzas, although there was a great Turkish pizza place in Newtown that did pida style ones which were devine... Maybe I should limit my European generalisation to Narthern Europe?
  30. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    [quote:d47cf7b211="spiky"]I've seen something on bum reading but I think all my celulite will be telling anyone is that maybe I've eaten one too many pizzas :lol:

    Now stop looking at my arse!

    Sach: I've had some good Greek pizzas, although there was a great Turkish pizza place in Newtown that did pida style ones which were devine... Maybe I should limit my European generalisation to Narthern Europe?[/quote:d47cf7b211]

    Wow, I mentioned Pida too - I think that we could possibly be talking about the same place in Newtown- Spinach and Feta Pida (devine) and the Lamb and Mint (not really a huge fan of ) I can't remember the name of the pizza place though!

    Wow we've possibly had take- away pizza from the same place :shock:
  31. Ecksian

    Ecksian New Member

    I know what my pizza says about me, CARNIVORE!
    Pepperoni, beef, ham, bacon on a thin 'n crispy base with BBQ sauce.
  32. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:0dc1a084a9="Perdita"]Wow we've possibly had take- away pizza from the same place :shock:[/quote:0dc1a084a9]

    The world really is to small... I'm talking about the place which is across the road from Kuleto's cocktail bar. At the North end of Newtown on King St (everythings on King St but I can't think of anything else thats close by)...
  33. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    [quote:14574b4375="spiky"][quote:14574b4375="Perdita"]Wow we've possibly had take- away pizza from the same place :shock:[/quote:14574b4375]

    The world really is to small... I'm talking about the place which is across the road from Kuleto's cocktail bar. At the North end of Newtown on King St (everythings on King St but I can't think of anything else thats close by)...[/quote:14574b4375]

    Yes that's the one!!! I still don't know the name of it however!

    I used to stay with my cousin who lived in Newtown- Gibb Street?- He then moved to Marrickville, nowadays he lives on a farm near Balleratt (sp?) that him and his partner bought to get a bit of country life- He has organised the local rodeo and country fair which is a big change for a computer programmer!
  34. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Cool. Yes the world is too small.

    And country rodeos eh? Well the closest he would've come to one of those in Sydney is the cowgirl drag queen at the Newtown Hotel :)

    And its Ballarat in case you ever need to spell it again... It could happen, you never know.
  35. Perdita

    Perdita New Member


    And country rodeos eh? Well the closest he would've come to one of those in Sydney is the cowgirl drag queen at the Newtown Hotel :)

    He's done plenty of others but I don't think he's done drag as a cowgirl ;)

    Speaking of drag acts what's the name of the pub were they got the inspiration for Priscilla Queen of the Desert? we used to go to shows there. I was trying to remember the name recently and for the life of me I can't

    sorry for the hyjack- I will route all Oz based talk to the Australia thread from now on :cry:
  36. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    Theres possibly 2, the Newtown hotel or the Taxi Club.. ALhtough there is a third I think the Albury Hotel? The second too are in the Cross and Oxford st. Where all good drag queens live.
  37. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Thinking Garner is evil just means that you've been paying attention.
  38. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    As an amusing side story, when me and Ella went to the PIZZA SHOP OF KINGS, she bought some chips and cheese.

    While we walked the 20 min trek to the taxi rank, I ate my pizza. Ella carried her precious cargo on the other hand, preffering to eat it later.

    So, she carried it all the way to the taxi queue.

    Then stood in the taxi queue for another half hour or so and then... dropped the chips and cheese on the ground.



    My pizza was damned good though :)
  39. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    There was no cheese! And I didn't drop them, they jumped out of my hand.

    Honest! I was just about to eat them as well. :(

    I don't know how you can eat a pizza while walking down the street anyway :)
  40. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    was it deep fried?
  41. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    This is weird - I have two message-boards open at once, because I couldn't decide which one I more urgently need to pay attention to. I opened the first thread I came to on both - and both were about pizza!!!

    Just around the corner from me is Mr Pizza. I can get a vege pizza with pineapple (quite unusual unless you ask for it). And if you pick it up, it's only £2.50! Excellent!

    Thinking Garner is evil means that you must have read the thread (or at least, [i:0a5902c05d]a[/i:0a5902c05d] thread ;)), which means that women can read, which means that Garner is wrong. Hah! :badgrin:
  42. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Does my choice of pizza mean I think feminists have no sense of humour? ;)
  43. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    Directions are evil!!
  44. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I deride all you insinuators of Garners Evil. Garner is good and just.

    So, nya!

    Pizza: Creamy garlic sauce (non of that awful tomato stuff thankyouverymuch), spinach, artichokes, broccoli, grilled chicken, red onions. Smothered in cheese, lots of cheese, with more cheese. Side dish of ranch for dipping.
    Mmmmmm fattastic.
  45. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    i've never been fond of spinach on a pizza, but whole leave basil now THAT is good
  46. Delphine

    Delphine New Member

    Om, I thought thou were a vegetarian, for some reason.
  47. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    Om, I didnt' say that Garner wasn't good or just... I just said he's evil! It's possible because of quantum :)
  48. Hermia

    Hermia New Member

    [quote:99482eab54="Buzzfloyd"]Does my choice of pizza mean I think feminists have no sense of humour? ;)[/quote:99482eab54]

    Is that feministist comment supposed to be funny? :evil:
  49. OmKranti

    OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:b82b066ed8="Delphine"]Om, I thought thou were a vegetarian, for some reason.[/quote:b82b066ed8]

    I am, but Garner said that we could put anything on, regardless of fat content or diet. I love grilled chicken on pizza, thats why I put it.
  50. Cynical_Youth

    Cynical_Youth New Member


    Cheese and lots of different vegetables.

    Oh, and pineapple.
  51. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    [quote:1fe5a8c09d="Hermia"][quote:1fe5a8c09d="Buzzfloyd"]Does my choice of pizza mean I think feminists have no sense of humour? ;)[/quote:1fe5a8c09d]

    Is that feministist comment supposed to be funny? :evil:[/quote:1fe5a8c09d]
    Not if you've got PMT. :p :badgrin:
  52. Smoking_GNU

    Smoking_GNU New Member

    [quote:6dfc9c51ac="Ecksian"]I know what my pizza says about me, CARNIVORE!
    Pepperoni, beef, ham, bacon on a thin 'n crispy base with BBQ sauce.[/quote:6dfc9c51ac]

    Same with me, with some diffrences:

    Thin base with Tomato puree, Mozarella, extra mozarella, bacon, ham, pepperoni and game biltong (jerky).

    And to drink: Meatballs. :lol:
  53. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:4770eb7db2="Buzzfloyd"][quote:4770eb7db2="Hermia"][quote:4770eb7db2="Buzzfloyd"]Does my choice of pizza mean I think feminists have no sense of humour? ;)[/quote:4770eb7db2]

    Is that feministist comment supposed to be funny? :evil:[/quote:4770eb7db2]
    Not if you've got PMT. :p :badgrin:[/quote:4770eb7db2]

    What can I say....
  54. Orrdos

    Orrdos God Staff Member

    I had a fine pizza in the beer hall the other night.

    Spicy italian sausage with onions and chillis.

    Excellent it was.
  55. sampanna

    sampanna New Member

    Hah! I had a tandoori paneer pizza a couple of days ago, no more settling for onions and similar veggies on my pizza. Indianized Italian food rocks .. as does Indianized Chinese etc :)
  56. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    Pepperoni, Mixed peppers a little green chilli and double cheese.

    All I can see that my pizza says about me from the above toppings is that I like double letters in my words. :)
  57. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    flammekuche or tarte flambé is my favorite now. onions, bits of ham and some kind of cheese, no tomato sauce.
    some friends and I got a pizza with those toppings, instead of the traditional tart crust thingy. Someone asked me for tart flambe and I said we didn't have any, 'this is the bastard child of a tart flambé and a pizza'
    They started looking at me kinda funny then.
    What :roll: ?
  58. davobanavo

    davobanavo New Member

    [quote:f01a1fed48="Toaf"]if i HAD to have a pizza...

    thick, just tomato, black olives, and fresh basil. No cheese.[/quote:f01a1fed48]

    If it doesn't have cheese, isn't it more like a bruschetta?
    For myself, pepperoni and jalapenos. The only thing this says about me is that I like hot pizzas, take from that what you will.

    Edited to add: 4 pages on this thread? I could have sworn there was only one. Apologies.
  59. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    l once had a banana and curry-powder pizza (l was young, it sounded good). Needless to say it was beyond tasty.

    l think you may all agree about what this may say about me.

    l'm strange and unusual. A little scary and totally disgusting when you think about it. But if you try a piece, you might like me. Or if you're really, really, really drunk, you might find me attractive.

    Oh my goodness, my pizza is totally me.

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