Plane Physics Question

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Mar 10, 2006.

  1. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    This is a discussion topic from another message board, that was originally posted on another message board before that - it has caused quite an argument on both, so I thought it might be fun to discuss it here too:

    [quote:0060107e3c]A plane is standing on a runway that can move (some sort of band conveyer). The plane moves in one direction, while the conveyer moves in the opposite direction. This conveyer has a control system that tracks the plane speed and tunes the speed of the conveyer to be exactly the same (but in opposite direction).

    The question is:

    Will the plane take off or not? [/quote:0060107e3c]
  2. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Of course. The plane isn't pushed forward by the wheels. It's pulled forward by the engines. The wheels can spin back just as fast as the plane's moving forward, but the plane will continue to move forward. The drag on the wheels would be inconsequential.
  3. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    I'm the worst person ever to try this but I'll just give it a go to kick it off...

    If you imagine the plane's coordiantes on a map, it doesn't move at all (in terms of lines of latitude, so to say) because of the runway, right? What it needs though to take off is the wind uner it's wings, not the speed of its wheels. So, I say, it doesn't take off.
  4. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    In reply to Ba: If I got Mal's quote right, we are to imagine that no matter how much speed the plane gains - by mentioning the wheels I didn't mean I see them pushing the plane- the runway relates it. Right or wrong?
  5. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    But the plane doesn't stop. The wheels simply spin twice as fast. That's not enough to stop the plane.

    Now, there is a way to do this so that it would stop the plane. The runway would have to move back enough to counteract the [i:be526290de]force[/i:be526290de] of the plane moving forward, not simply match the speed. This would require it moving many thousands of miles per hour, but it's conceivably possible to do, imparting enough momentum to the wheels to check the plane's forward progress. But that's not the problem as Mal phrased it.
  6. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Well, as hinted, I completely lack expertise, so for all I know Ba could be right. That leaves me with one final question before I leave the ring to the more competent people (in regard to the laws of physics, that is):
    If it would be as Ba has pointed out, why don't plane companies spare a lot of room by inventing those runways and let two planes at a time start from the ground that is now needed by just one?

    (Also, if rubbing a cat's fur against acrylic rods creates electircity, why don't they have power plants where thousands of cats are shood back and forth under an acrylic grating?)
  7. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    I'd say yes too.

    It is not the relative velocity to the ground, but the lift generated by the passage of air over the control surfaces.
    The plane's forward velocity comes from the movement of air in the opposite direction - not the ground
  8. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Because, Hsing, it doesn't actually change the distance the plane must travel to get off the ground. The point is that the plane isn't going to stop. It's going to continue forward despite the ground beneath it moving back. The wheels move twice as fast because the plane continues forward even as the ground moves back. There isn't enough drag or momentum imparted to the wheels to stop it.
  9. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    That doesn't answer my cat question.
  10. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Because nobody would be mad enough to actually shoo thousands of cats?

    And even if they were, they wouldn't have any skin left after being scratched to pieces.
  11. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Because hamsters on little wheels work cheaper.
  12. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Also, I agree with Ba. The question's pretty redundant because there isn't anything that could stop a plane moving forward.

    The only way it would be relevant is if there were no jets or propellors on the plane, just an engine turning the wheels - but then the plane wouldn't be able to fly (well, not very far anyway)
  13. spiky

    spiky Bar Wench

    But in effect the plane is remaining stationary there wouldn't be the wind draft created of the wings that forward movement creates then the plane wouldn't fly... it'd just be wheels spinning... it is the forward movement through air that creates the differential* in air pressure that lifts the plane off the ground.

    so I say no.

    *I've alwsy wanted to be able to use that word in context ina sentence. My life is now complete.
  14. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Ah, but see, there's nothing keeping the plane from moving forward. The mobile tarmac may go backwards, but it's not enough to pull the plane with it against the force of the engines.

    Think of it like this. One is on a treadmill, wearing a pair of rollerblades. There's a rope on the wall ahead. One uses the rope to pull oneself forward. For every inch one goes forward, the treadmill goes back an inch. One would still move forward. The only effect is that the wheels would have to turn twice as much.

    This conveyer belt is not pulling the plane back that strongly, even if it is going as fast as the plane is. Remember, wheels are there to lower the amount of resistance involved in moving across the ground. The friction is negligible. There would be a bit of momentum imparted when the ground moved back, but that wouldn't be enough to keep the plane in place either. The plane would still move forward. Not just in relation to the ground, but, and this is important, in relation to the air around it. That's what the plane is pulling against. That's what it needs to move against to gain lift. The ground doesn't matter.
  15. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Right, Ba made a few simple diagrams. Simply pretend they resemble in some way a plane on a treadmill.

    Image One

    This shows the starting position. The plane is at one end of the ramp. Now, what happens when the engines are started? (Pretend there are engines. Come on, exercise those imaginations!)

    Image Two

    Gasp! It's moved forward. This is because it isn't pulling along the ground to move forward. It pulls on the air instead. The treadmill has moved back the same distance as the plane. The wheels have moved twice as far as either the plane or the treadmill. This is because they're the only part of the plane touching the treadmill. Thus, they're the only part affected. They move twice as far, and thus twice as fast. This doesn't affect of the plane much, however. It certainly isn't enough to cancel the forward momentum from the engines.

    What people think is happening is that the movement of the plane would somehow be X+Y, or 1+(-1), which would equal zero. If the wheels were pulling the plane forward, this would be true. But they're not. Forward movement of the plane simply equals X. Y only moves the wheels faster. The wheels aren't propelling the plane. For any reasonable speed (a plane doesn't need that much speed before it's no longer touching the ground), the friction and backward momentum they produce is negligible. The treadmill would need to be moving backwards much, much faster than the plane is moving forward to impart enough momentum to the wheels to halt the plane.

    When it's moving fast enough, the lift will be sufficient for the plane to leave the ground. End of story.

    Incidentally, anyone know Bournelli's principle, and how it's been misleading students for ages?
  16. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    Incidentally, anyone know Bournelli's principle, and how it's been misleading students for ages?[/quote:979eea8ee9]
    Do you mean Bernoulli's principle? If so, I am vaguely aware of it...
  17. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    That's the one. Ba can never get it spelled quite right. It's often used wrongly to explain the lift of an airplane wring. It's not that it isn't involved in lift, because it is. It's just that incorrect information is often used. Like the idea that the air travelling on the top must reach the end of the wing at the same time as the air travelling on the bottom. In fact, even though it has to travel farther, the air travelling over the top gets their much quicker. There are other factors involved as well, such as Newton's laws of motion. It's much more complicated than most people realize.
  18. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    It just had a thought that perhaps we shouldn't get to fixated on the conveyor belt, which merely serves the purpose of illustrating that the plane can't move forwards as it would nomally. What if the wheels had steel rollers under them instead that matched the forward speed of the aircraft? I mean that's how I read it anyway.
  19. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Still wouldn't stop the plane. The surface the plane is resting on isn't enough to keep the plane still. The plane is pulling the air, not the ground.

    Again, back to the rollerskates analogy. If one is on rollerskates, on those steamrollers, with a rope attacked to a wall in front, then one can simply pull oneself forward with the rope. The streamrollers can turn all they like. All they'll do is make the ride a bit bumpier.
  20. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    It helps to remember that the wheels aren't really attached to anything. That is, there's nothing about them connected to a motor or other method of turning. They spin freely, independant of the plane's motion. Only because they touch the ground does their spin match the plane's speed. If the ground moves back, the wheels move forward. But just as the plane's speed doesn't directly impact them, neither do they impact the plane's speed. It doesn't matter how fast the wheels spin, for all practical purposes.
  21. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    I've not really looked at it for a long time, and even then only at a cursory level. I thought it was the pressure differential that caused lift. The difference coming from the relative velocities across the upper and lower surfaces.
    I don't know, I could be over simplifying things in my own head...
  22. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    What if we had an arm at right angles to the plane which held it securely in place so it can't go forwards or backward but can go up and down.

    If there was a big fan in front of the plane with the arm attached, like in a wind tunnel, then obviously it would rise up into the air. Would the same thing happen just using the plane's engine/s?
  23. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    [quote:3473351e65="Ba"]It helps to remember that the wheels aren't really attached to anything. That is, there's nothing about them connected to a motor or other method of turning. They spin freely, independant of the plane's motion. Only because they touch the ground does their spin match the plane's speed. If the ground moves back, the wheels move forward. But just as the plane's speed doesn't directly impact them, neither do they impact the plane's speed. It doesn't matter how fast the wheels spin, for all practical purposes.[/quote:3473351e65]

    Crossposting - bugger...
    Total agreement with this one though
  24. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:b074707e7e="Maljonic"]What if we had an arm at right angles to the plane which held it securely in place so it can't go forwards or backward but can go up and down.

    If there was a big fan in front of the plane with the arm attached, like in a wind tunnel, then obviously it would rise up into the air. Would the same thing happen just using the plane's engine/s?[/quote:b074707e7e]

    The arm would snap. Possibly the plane too.
  25. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    [quote:7e0ab5b268="Maljonic"]What if we had an arm at right angles to the plane which held it securely in place so it can't go forwards or backward but can go up and down.

    If there was a big fan in front of the plane with the arm attached, like in a wind tunnel, then obviously it would rise up into the air. Would the same thing happen just using the plane's engine/s?[/quote:7e0ab5b268]

    This is a similar thing to sticking your hand out of a vehicle window - the first part at least.
    The second part though - Hmm: If the plane were a Harrier - No worries!
    Otherwise I don't know - it depends on whether any volume of air was being passed over (around) the wing
  26. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Well, if the plane can't move relative to the air around it, then it doesn't lift off. That's the crux of all this. The ground moving beneath it doesn't stop its forward progress in relation to the air. Keep it bolted down, and it doesn't move quick enough in relation to the air.

    The engines don't provide lift on their own. What they do is pull air back, which pulls the plane forward. This pulls air over the wings, which, because of various things like Bernoulli's principle and Newton's laws of motion, lifts the plane up. Without that air moving across the wings, there's no lift.

    But that's not the same as this problem, where there's nothing actually keeping the plane from moving forward into the wind.
  27. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    And Ben's right too, of course. Either the arm would snap or the engines would tear off of the wing. Or the entire wing would come off. There's a lot of force involved.
  28. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    I would hope that the wing would not come off - after all the forces are still the same as overcoming the inertia of a standing plane, the wing should be able to handle full thrust, with hopefully some margin of error
  29. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I don't think anything would break. And besides you don't have to assume it's a 747 we're talking about, it could just as easily be a model aircraft with a little 12 cc engine and a single prop. - the principle is the same. We could set up a test if anyone has a model plane. :)
  30. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    Even an elastic band powered one (cheaper)
  31. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:39268003c8="Victimov8"]I would hope that the wing would not come off - after all the forces are still the same as overcoming the inertia of a standing plane, the wing should be able to handle full thrust, with hopefully some margin of error[/quote:39268003c8]

    Not quite, it would have to overcome the inertia of both the plane AND whatever it was attached to - this would be both the pole and what it is grounded to.

    If the pole is connected directly into the ground - that's a huge inertia to overcome, it would be a case of which breaks first... the pole or the wing? (which would completely depend on the structural properties of the pole)
  32. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:3dd47d1691="Maljonic"]I don't think anything would break. And besides you don't have to assume it's a 747 we're talking about, it could just as easily be a model aircraft with a little 12 cc engine and a single prop. - the principle is the same. We could set up a test if anyone has a model plane. :)[/quote:3dd47d1691]

    Actually, just thinking about it some more... if you connect a plane with a pole to something else then it's obviously not going to get off the ground unless something snaps. Otherwise the plane will still be connected to the pole which would still be connected to the ground (in some fashion - possibly via a building). So to take off, the plane would [i:3dd47d1691]have[/i:3dd47d1691] to sever connection with the ground in some way, either by breaking the pole or ripping it from it's foundation.
  33. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    The capacity of the engine would be the limiting factor, would be my hope, not the structural integrity of the wing or the pole.

    This looks fun
  34. Mynona

    Mynona Member

    It'd also be a question about what kind of plane it is. On a propellar plane where the propellars are situated on the wings the air forced backwards over/under the wings usually helps the palne to takes off, I think that a plane of that kind might be able to lift. Other planes wouldn't since if the plane stood still no air would pass under it's wings creating lift.
  35. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    To answer the cat question, there was a great episode of Krypto the super dog where the arch-villain being a cat, he cat-naps thousands of his fellow felines and charges up his super-destruction beam with a giant gloved hand that strokes all kitties at the same time. So yeah, it's been done, boring, let's move on... :cooler:

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