PTerry Is Coming To Ireland!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by TheJackal, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Okay, okay, keep it calm. The man himself is coming to Ireland (Note to all Irish readers here) for a book signing next October 18th. First time he's come in eight years or so.
    I had to go all the way to the Discworld Convention in England last August to get some books signed, so this time it's much closer!

    Other Tour Dates in the UK, US & NI:

    Tuesday Sept 13, 7 PM EDT
    Olsson's, 2111 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA 22201

    Wednesday Sept 14, 7:00 PM EDT
    Borders's, 1 S. Broad St., Philadelphia, PA 19107

    Thursday Sept 15, 7:00 PM EDT
    Barnes & Noble, 1972 Broadway at 66th St., New York, NY 10023

    Friday Sept 16, 12:30 PM EDT
    Yale Bookshop, 77 Broadway, New Haven, CT 06511

    Fri Sept 16, 7 PM EDT
    Harvard Bookshop, Askwith Hall, Longfellow Hall, 13 Appian Way,
    Harvard Square, Cambridge MA 02138

    Saturday Sept 17, 7:30 PM MDT
    Tattered Cover, 1628 16th St., Denver, CO 80202

    Sunday Sept 18, 2:30 PM PDT
    Capitola Book Cafe, 1475 41st Avenue, Santa Cruz CA 95010

    Mon Sept 19 - OFF

    Tuesday Sept 20 7:30 PM PDT
    Kepler's, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025

    Wednesday Sept 21, 7:00 PM PDT
    Cody's, 2454 Telegraph Ave., Berkeley CA 94704

    Thursday Sept 22, 7:00 PM PDT
    The Booksmith, 1644 Haight Street, San Francisco CA 94117

    Friday Sept 23, 7:00 PM PDT
    Vroman's, 695 E. Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena CA 91101

    Saturday, Sept 24 2:30 PM PDT
    Mysterious Galaxy, 7051 Clairemont Mesa Boulevard, San Diego
    CA 92111

    Sunday Sept 25, 3:00 PM PDT
    Barnes & Noble, 7700 NE 4th Plain Boulevard, Vancouver, WA 98662

    Monday Sept 26, 7:00 PM PDT
    University Bookstore, 4326 University Way NE, Seattle WA 98105

    Tuesday Sept 27, 6:00 PM PDT
    Third Place Books, 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155

    Terry will then tour the UK during October at the following

    Waterstones (Birmingham), 24-26 High Street Birmingham 020 8996 3429

    Peak Bookshop, Chesterfield 01246 297383

    WHSmith (Liverpool), 10-16 Church Street Liverpool 01793 562405

    Waterstones (Deansgate, Manchester), 91 Deansgate Manchester
    07771 810253

    Part of Cheltenham Literary Festival Cheltenham Festival, 16:00
    01242 251536

    Bookstack (Eastbourne), Unit 67/68 Arndale Centre Eastbourne
    01323 430554

    Easons (Dublin), O'Connell Street Dublin 00 353 1 858 3800

    Easons (Belfast), Donnegall Place Belfast 02890 338070

    Ottakars (Salisbury), 9 New Canal Salisbury 16:00 01722 414060

    Forbidden Planet (Shaftesbury Ave), 179 Shaftesbury Avenue London
    020 7803 1823
  2. mowgli

    mowgli New Member


    Now I just gotta remember not to have a mental meltdown and miss the Sept. 14th signing in Philadelphia!
  3. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Hurrah- I can see him when he comes to Belfast!!!.

    Wow - eight years since he was in Ireland. I'm feeling a bit old. I went to a book signing in Easons (A book shop chain) in Dublin all those years ago
  4. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    You live in belfast? I thought you lived down south perdita.
  5. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ... I've never been to a book signing before! Do people ever come to those in costume? And do they ever bring anything for the author? (letters...banana daquiries...cats...)

    By the way, if you say that they do, and they really don't, I will come to your house and eat your brain. Really!
  6. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    They do. Terry commented on it once saying that he had had enough Banana Daiquiries now...

    Cats... maybe, although they usually don't like Terry as much as we do... :)

    As for costumes... I think there's always someone who'll show up dressed as the Ridcully... :)
  7. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    [quote:2b04ae23cc="Rincewind"]You live in belfast? I thought you lived down south perdita.[/quote:2b04ae23cc]

    Yep, I surely do. I have resided here for just over two years. My Family live about 50 miles from Belfast. I have lived in Dublin for about 6 years and various other places for short legnths of time.. If I was from Africa I reckon I'd be a nomad.

    Anyhoo Pterry's Belfast signing is just down the road from were I work- I wonder what time it's only at so'll I'll need to get the necessary time off work :p

    Edit to Say:

    With regard to books signings lots of people come dressed up as witch's and as rincewind. I think it takes a certain amount of bravery to walk around your home town dressed up like that in the middles of the day. Also people always seem to get weird things for him to sign. I remember years ago one guy asking Pterry to sign a bone for him ah well I suppose he got his picture in the newspaper!

    Also to shorten things a bit
  8. sleepy_sarge

    sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:eb043e2b55="mowgli"]... I've never been to a book signing before! Do people ever come to those in costume? And do they ever bring anything for the author? (letters...banana daquiries...cats...)

    By the way, if you say that they do, and they really don't, I will come to your house and eat your brain. Really![/quote:eb043e2b55]

    Here's what PTerry said about this himself in October 2004.

    [quote:eb043e2b55]Do your fans dress up as characters?
    No, not really. It's actually amusing sometimes if I'm doing a signing, there will be a photographer from a local paper and what he's waiting for is that one odd fan. He'll ignore the little old ladies and the man in a suit and just wait for that teenager who fits the cliché. I often think he should pull him out of the queue and then he could knock off early.[/quote:eb043e2b55]

    The full article is [color=darkblue:eb043e2b55]here[/color:eb043e2b55]
  9. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Thanks for the link, Sarge. I hadn't read that one.
  10. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    :) Thanks - I guess I'll fight down the urge to dress up (since the witches' getup has been done to death, and I can't think of anything else right now... nothing that wouldn't involve metal breastplates anyway!)

    Lesssee, what can I bring to sign...
  11. Bob

    Bob New Member

    He's not coming to sunny York this year? Ah crivens!

    I've managed to miss him every year so far, but I did see him eating a hot-dog (from someone slightly more hygenic than Dibbler) once in York..

    mowgli: Take him a new hat, I so hate the old one in the author photo.. :)

  12. danny

    danny New Member

    I got an email of his book-signing schedule about a week ago. I was tickled pink to see that Pterry will be here in Washington late Sep. I already have that week off from work for hunting -- just have to skip the hunt for a day and boogie on over to Seattle. Yay!
  13. mowgli

    mowgli New Member

    ... Just had a horrible thought of what Pterry's schedule must be during those couple of weeks - got up, got coffee, onto a plane, off a plane, spend 2 hours in a bookstore, grab a dinner, go to sleep - REPEAT EVERY DAY FOR ALMOST A MONTH!

  14. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    NOT FAIR! Why, you might ask? Because for this year only I am studying in Strasbourg, France, instead of Dublin.

    *throws tantrum*
    ah well...I've been getting my boyfriend into the books, maybe I'll get a signed birthday present...
  15. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:fba9232456="mowgli"]... Just had a horrible thought of what Pterry's schedule must be during those couple of weeks - got up, got coffee, onto a plane, off a plane, spend 2 hours in a bookstore, grab a dinner, go to sleep - REPEAT EVERY DAY FOR ALMOST A MONTH!


    "I stroll along, talk, I sign books, people buy me drinks, I forget where my hotel is, I get lost and fall into some local body of water... done it hundreds of times."

    -- Going to a convention is fun! (Terry Pratchett,

    Closest I could find.
  16. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    WHSmith (Liverpool), 10-16 Church Street Liverpool 01793 562405[/quote:ffa32abd6d]

    Thats the last place I met him, cool. I might take some of my 'posh' bookd down and get him to sign them. :)
  17. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    Just to remind you guys; The UK dates are coming up soon!
  18. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    Yep, October 18th, 4pm I shall be in Easons on O'Connell St. My train gets in a 2pm so should be there early. Hope the queue isn't very long by then!

    How many books would you say he'll sign? 3?
  19. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Jackel will be seeing Pterry today!!!

    Hopefully I will have enough time to queue and say hello tomorrow (depends on wheter or not I can get the time off work) If not I will have to order a signed copy.

    If I do get the chance to queue and say hello - does anyone have any questions they want me to ask?

    Any time I've met him before I've just managed the sort of

    'mumble, mumble, hello, mumble mumble' type conversations.

    So it would be great to actually have a cohesive question to ask!!!
  20. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    What's the order of the books?
  21. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

  22. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Great question E-Man- do you want me to give him your contact details so that he can let you know directly or should I get him to write you out a list? :lol:
  23. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Actually, I think it would be a good test for him. Would he respond with a sheep like recital of them all (like they now do on the old board), or would he respond like we would by just pointing to the list inside of the book?
  24. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    I doubt if he would bother reciting them all -

    If I was Terry Pratchett and was asked that question continually I think that I would resort to violence.

    *visions of slapping people around the head with[b:5a8203baca] [i:5a8203baca]my[/i:5a8203baca] [/b:5a8203baca]new book*
  25. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    The sound of Terry slapping people with his new book would be extremely satisfying and ironic, I think.
  26. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    *cries at the irony of being in France when Pterry is in Dublin*
    *cries some more* :cry: :cry:
  27. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    I was at the signing in Dublin yesterday and it was absaloutly brilliant!!!

    I went, I saw, I shook...

    Ok, Firstly, I want to say that, man, that was some queue. I started queueing at about 2.45, after a sudden realisation that all those people sitting on the ground were the queue. I was standing between a nice French guy, and a nice Dub. who was nice enough to talk to me.

    The queue wound round and round the shop (which is large enough) and they had to bring people off the streets when it started raining. One of the staff told me that it was the first time they've ever done that!

    He started signing at 4 and I finally reached the top of the queue at 4.20, and then, for some reason started shaking. I don't know why I do it, and it's only happened once before in my life, but it is very very freaky. I managed to get minimal control of the right-hand side of my body, but the left side was on a roll and would take no orders! At that point, I knew I couldn't trust myself to speak, but then he asked me why I wanted a book made out to 2 people. I explained quite calmly that my sister owned it, but I had posession of it. He made the book out "To Catherine & Maria, Posssesssion is 9/10ths of the ole Law there"

    I also got a "Diamond Wishes" , "Further Wishes" and a strange one that says "You had to be there..."

    [quote:0eed633463="Tephlon"]The sound of Terry slapping people with his new book would be extremely satisfying and ironic, I think.[/quote:0eed633463]
    I was waiting for that to happen...some guy in dreadlocks wanted him to sign a copy of American Psycho and wasn't taking no for an answer
  28. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    Jealous, Jealous Jealous That's all I can say to you Mazekin!

    I plodded up to Easons (in belfast) on my lunch break only to find that the

    'signing has been called off due to illness'

    There wasn't even a huge crowd (well not to the extent of Dublin's signing obviously)

    Although I hope that Pterry feels better soon, I am NOT a very happy person right now!

    They said that the signing might be re-scheduled but I can't see that happening if the rest of his signing dates go ahead. :(
  29. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    You live in Dublin Mazekin? I didn't realize that (most likely due to my being rather slow on the uptake...)
  30. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    [quote:83d64247c1="Perdita"]Jealous, Jealous Jealous That's all I can say to you Mazekin!

    I plodded up to Easons (in belfast) on my lunch break only to find that the

    'signing has been called off due to illness'

    There wasn't even a huge crowd (well not to the extent of Dublin's signing obviously) [/quote:83d64247c1]

    That would explain why he was so quiet. He didn't look exactly ecstatic to be there, to be honest, although he did manage a few smiles!

    I think I would have killed someone if that had happened to me

    [quote:83d64247c1="roisindubh211"]You live in Dublin Mazekin? I didn't realize that (most likely due to my being rather slow on the uptake...)[/quote:83d64247c1]

    Nah, I live the other side of the country - Shannon. It was a long trek, but well worth it! Although, I still don't know how Train's can manage to mess up a cup of tea. I mean, tea bag, hot difficult is it![size=12:83d64247c1][/size:83d64247c1]
  31. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:f3388f391f="mazekin"]Although, I still don't know how Train's can manage to mess up a cup of tea. I mean, tea bag, hot difficult is it![/quote:f3388f391f]

    Ah...Teabag...Thats where i've been going wrong all this time. :)
  32. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    to all you lucky duckies who mr p has already visited i say this
    "luck, lucky, lucky duckies"
    to all those awaiting the signing tour i say this
    "check with the bookshop first"
    my reason being is i took myself off to see mr p at easons in belfast yesterday. i found that he has just taken sick and the member of staff informed me he was taken to hospital. hope your ok mr p. :cry:
  33. Perdita

    Perdita New Member

    I was there too (see previous post), however I didn't know that he was in hospital- did they say what was wrong with him?
  34. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    [quote:e26adde8f7="colonesque10"][quote:e26adde8f7="mazekin"]Although, I still don't know how Train's can manage to mess up a cup of tea. I mean, tea bag, hot difficult is it![/quote:e26adde8f7]

    Ah...Teabag...Thats where i've been going wrong all this time. :)[/quote:e26adde8f7]

    Well, theres a school of thought that says that a bag of mud can do just as good in a pinch, but then it would taste just like mud...Much like what the tea on trains tastes like... hmm, I think I see what's going on here... :)
  35. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:52 am


    I was there too (see previous post), however I didn't know that he was in hospital- did they say what was wrong with him?

    they never mentioned what was wrong with him. i hope he's okay :cry: [/list]
  36. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    I am not a happy person. I've not been sick in years (really...years!) and guess what happens? I get struck down with a virus and missed the book signing in Dublin. Like, why God, why?

    Although I have heard since that PTerry also got sick in Dublin and had to cancel the rest of the tour. Typical Irish weather can do that to you!
  37. colonesque10

    colonesque10 New Member

    [quote:6e5d3de964="mazekin"]Well, theres a school of thought that says that a bag of mud can do just as good in a pinch, but then it would taste just like mud...Much like what the tea on trains tastes like... hmm, I think I see what's going on here... :)[/quote:6e5d3de964]

    I think we may have finally solved the age old mystery of 'Why does Railway tea taste like shit?' :)
  38. mazekin

    mazekin Member

    [quote:ccc6633e21="colonesque10"][quote:ccc6633e21="mazekin"]Well, theres a school of thought that says that a bag of mud can do just as good in a pinch, but then it would taste just like mud...Much like what the tea on trains tastes like... hmm, I think I see what's going on here... :)[/quote:ccc6633e21]

    I think we may have finally solved the age old mystery of 'Why does Railway tea taste like shit?' :)[/quote:ccc6633e21]

    I think the shit option is called "Train Coffee"...

    ...edited cos I'm a fool....

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