PTerry's health

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Pixel, Oct 24, 2005.

  1. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    This is a direct steal from the HC site - I was just scanning it to check up on some information and found this (the date/time on the post by the HC Moderator is 20:53 on the 23rd October - the time may be adjusted by my computer - it could be 19:53 UK time):

    Terry posted this to the newsgroup on Saturday:

    I'm letting lots of e-mail about the collapse of the tour, and I won't be able to answer them all.

    I've heard it said it was because of a viral problem, but it was not. It was because of a *possible* heart problem.

    I felt godawful on Wednesday morning, and couldn't find the spray that'd usually settle things down. My publicist took one look at me and
    called an ambulance. The guys had a spray that put me right in seconds.

    But by then I was en-route to the hospital and, since I've now got a history of heart problems, that meant blood tests and a wait for the results. That pretty much killed off the chances of the Belfast signing, right there

    Well, the first tests showed a marginal increase in some chemical that *could* indicate heart damage, and suddenly there was talk of possible
    damage to one of the stents that were put in 15 months ago. Doctors advised an angiogram, to check. Who'd say no?

    That stopped the tour, because I couldn't get on the slab until the following afternoon. Anyone who'd had an angiogram -- and at the rate they are being done now that is a very fast-growing group) knows that the aftermath takes time, because you're left with a hole in an artery that has to be allowed to heal. Around the top of the things not to do is continue with a signing tour, especially one that involves flying.

    The angio turned up nothing but good news, as far as I could tell. The stents appeared to be fine and there was some indication that the
    anti-cholesterol meds are going their stuff.

    It wasn't a lot of fuss over nothing, but a lot of fuss --rightly so, speaking as the owner of the heart--over what might have been something.
    I'm sorry it messed up everyone's plans, but as I get older something like this is always going to be on the cards, and even though it would be a cool way to go I don't want to die signing. I've signed in bad health before now, but while I can always get more viruses, I'm, unlikely to get another heart.

    But a bit of a bugger, really, given that I got through a 3-week US tour okay.

    Terry Pratchett
  2. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    good to know he is alright
  3. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    :( i just read it on the site and i'm quite gutted to say the least. i hope he gets better soon. anyone wanna check it out can do so at :
    This Link

    [color=red:77941be4e5][size=7:77941be4e5]Edited link so it wouldn't stretch the boards.

  4. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Thanks for the info, Pixel and Shadowgirl...
    I will from now on stop wishing he'd come to a signing tour through middle europe, because its obviously far too egoistic. Terry, stay at home and preserve yourself well!
  5. chesterguy

    chesterguy New Member

    Glad to know it was nothing to worry about in the end :)
  6. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    Same here, thanks for the info, it's good to know. :)
  7. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    Ba is glad Terry is in good health after all.

    Shadowgirl, the link stretched the boards, so Ba edited it. In the future, please use the URL tags.
  8. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    THanks a lot Shadowgirl and Pixel.
  9. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    Yes, it's good to know he's all right. Thanks for the info. I'd frankly far rather Pterry sit at home safely and write books than gallivant around the world signing them.
  10. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:45b58ffa92="Ba"]Ba is glad Terry is in good health after all.

    Shadowgirl, the link stretched the boards, so Ba edited it. In the future, please use the URL tags.[/quote:45b58ffa92]

    Before anyone starts throwing another wobbly about "Moderator Powers" - I started this thread, and I hope Shadowgirl as the author of the post concerned will back me up - in my opinion, this is a perfectly legitimate use of those powers - not everybody is computer literate - even after 38 years in the business I sometimes get it wrong - an obvious quick fix to make it work better for everybody? Of course - do it! (Some of those URLs can get [i:45b58ffa92]very[/i:45b58ffa92] long!)
  11. kormaciek

    kormaciek New Member

  12. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    Pixel wrote [quote:fd6124cd03]Pixel
    Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2005 11:33 pm


    Ba wrote:
    Ba is glad Terry is in good health after all.

    Shadowgirl, the link stretched the boards, so Ba edited it. In the future, please use the URL tags.

    Before anyone starts throwing another wobbly about "Moderator Powers" - I started this thread, and I hope Shadowgirl as the author of the post concerned will back me up - in my opinion, this is a perfectly legitimate use of those powers - not everybody is computer literate - even after 38 years in the business I sometimes get it wrong - an obvious quick fix to make it work better for everybody? Of course - do it! (Some of those URLs can get very long!) [/quote:fd6124cd03]

    l agree, my url was so large it owned it's own postcode. But thankfully l have had a chance to play with the urls and got the hang of them now. Thanks to Pixel and Ba, that is!
  13. Buzzfloyd

    Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee Staff Member

    If you have any questions about how to do technical stuff like that, ask away! The Temple is the best forum to post in for such matters.
  14. shadowgirl

    shadowgirl New Member

    thanks Buzzfloyd, l will do next time. l don't really do technical well. lt's a shame that avatar for Rincewind didn't work. His new one that you drew looked excellent. His Zaphod looks great too though.

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