Question: Smallest idea. Ideon?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Dibblah, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. Dibblah

    Dibblah New Member

    Hi all,
    I seem to remember in one these books the notion of the smallest idea, akin to the atom being the smallest particle of matter. I am guessing it might be calles an "ideon".

    Does anyone recall such a notion from one of the books?

    If so, does anyone recall where it is from?
  2. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    Hm... I remember the kingon (smallest unit of royalty)... and the thaum (smallest unit of magic)...

    But other than that... Not right now, no.
  3. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    I remember something about idea particles flying through space and popping into people's heads.
  4. Dibblah

    Dibblah New Member

    Particles flying thru space. That's the one! And sometimes, if one were lucky, getting stuck inside a brain. Do you recall which book?
  5. Dibblah

    Dibblah New Member

    [quote:1eec9e42ba="Maljonic"]I remember something about idea particles flying through space and popping into people's heads.[/quote:1eec9e42ba]

    Do you recall what book?
  6. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    Possibly 'Jingo' something with Leonard da Quirm I think
  7. Dibblah

    Dibblah New Member

    [quote:ae92e87d80="Victimov8"]Possibly 'Jingo' something with Leonard da Quirm I think[/quote:ae92e87d80]

    Leo sounds right. I skimmed Jingo now, but might have missed it.
  8. Dibblah

    Dibblah New Member

    An inspiron is a sub-atomic particle of inspiration which interacts with the mammalian nervous system to trigger a random thought or action. So far 6 'flavours' have been proven to exist - these are known as queer, strange, angry, funny, black and blue. More are hypothesised

    I saw one in Sourcery, at least. Does anyone know any more references for them?
  9. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    Sourcey is the one that springs to my mind. One hits rincewind, and he gets a revilation about being a wizzard. Also they're mintioned in reguards to Hewl, in Wyrd Sisters.
  10. Victimov8

    Victimov8 New Member

    Bugger - I didn't think of those! :oops:
    I bow to your superior knowledge
  11. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Please, Rinso has told people about not calling him by his real name in public !
  12. Dibblah

    Dibblah New Member

    [quote:26967a0bfb="Rincewind"]Sourcey is the one that springs to my mind. One hits rincewind, and he gets a revilation about being a wizzard. Also they're mintioned in reguards to Hewl, in Wyrd Sisters.[/quote:26967a0bfb]

    Thank you very much for your help folks!

    I shall now gather and spread inspirations!

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