Restoration BBC TV Series

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by peapod_j, May 17, 2006.

  1. peapod_j

    peapod_j New Member

    Hi, I have just found out that my local village hall is going to be on the new series of restoration. the villiage hall was very heverly used untll people stoped going because the town got a beeter hall and the village could no afford to keep the hall open.

    It is to feture in the Scotish edision of the program and is one of the 3 Scottish ones the other 2 beening a lighthouse in Orkney and a Chirch in Cromerty (dont ask me where that is).

    Greenlaw (the village) had a bomb droped on the outskirts during World War 2 as the bobers use to folow the Tweed up to the hills then the Clyde to Glasgow to bomb Glasgow and on there way back if they had any Bombs spare they used to drop them in the Scottish Borders. the village has incounted a lot over time but its a strong comunity a deservis to have the Village hall back. it looks like when it was bilt it was bilt with a lot of money behind it as it is made out of stone (unlike some) and it has a swmming pool. The final part of filming is to be done on Saturday and i will hopefully be going if i am i can tell you where i am on the shot so everyone can see me whern the show is brocasted in the summer.

    The weekend after the show is brodcast the Greenlaw Fayre will be held so if you live in the area or just in scotland come along to the Fayre and Vote for Greenlaw Village hall to be the winner of the Scotish section of the show.

    p.s. the village hall may be referd to as a town hall as when it was bilt Greenlaw used to be much biger and sory for any spelling mistakes.

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