
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, May 18, 2006.

  1. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    "The split between the human and chimpanzee lineages, a pivotal event in human evolution, may have occurred millions of years later than fossil bones suggest, and the break may not have been as clean as humans might like," the New York Times reports. "A new comparison of the human and chimp genomes suggests that after the two lineages separated, they may have begun interbreeding."
  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Funny, I just saw this on the tv news here...
  3. Rincewind

    Rincewind Number One Doorman Staff Member

    God, It was ONE drunken night... and that club was dark.
  4. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    [quote:45e95da9ef="Rincewind"]God, It was ONE drunken night... and that club was dark.[/quote:45e95da9ef]

    I'm not sure that the colour of your club is significant - couldn't you find a [i:45e95da9ef]willing[/i:45e95da9ef] monkey? ---Sorry -- ape -- I meant to say APE - *Runs away from enraged Librarian who is maintaining his species distinction on behalf of his lesser brethren*
  5. Maljonic

    Maljonic Administrator Staff Member

    [quote:62587519a0="Rincewind"]God, It was ONE drunken night... and that club was dark.[/quote:62587519a0]I bet that's what the chimpanzee said when she told her friends about you. :D
  6. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I don't think we should be picking on poor Rinso this soon after his return, we may frighten him off then who will we abuse.......

    oh wait,

    The list is endless.

    *throws banana skins at rinso and laughs that the bananas have been eaten as he tries to pick them up in his silly ape like hands*
  7. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hang on you guys, Rinso didn't mate with a chimp, it says there was interbreeding between chimps [b:0b41972202]and humans[/b:0b41972202]... But then, if the club was dark, the poor girl probably didn't notice until it was too late... :( (that is presuming it was a female human of course...)

    **whacks Wendy with a fluffy pink pillow on the way out**
  8. Pixel

    Pixel New Member

    Surely this is old news - the offspring have been around for a long time - they're called "British football fans" - and if you live in a foreign country (as I do), you dread their visits! :)
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Not all british footie fans are louts and go round beating people up, there is a small minority out there that do but most just enjoy the thrill of the game.....
    I also don't think Rinso is like that at all, slightly stupid, a bit offensive smelling and matted but not a violent lout, although having never met him i could be wrong, i'm just going by hear say.......

    I enjoy football when England are playing. I would like to think people wouldn't dread me arriving in their country.
  10. Ba

    Ba Lord of the Pies Staff Member

    [quote:5fcf585d6d="misswhiplash"]Not all british footie fans are louts and go round beating people up, there is a small minority out there that do but most just enjoy the thrill of the game.....[/quote:5fcf585d6d]

    This is true. Not all fans of sport are violent. Some are merely idiots.
  11. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Delusion is a beautiful thing.

  12. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    English football have actually made great strides in the last 5 years to dispel the reputation of troublemakers. The FA and police have banned known troublemakers from travelling abroad (including confiscating their passports in the weeks/months around major tournaments and games) and in the last two big tournaments, Japan 02 and Portugal 04, there has been none of the violence of some other tournaments - Like Belgium/Holland 00, which is why Pixel is fearful, I guess.

    From my inexpert view, any trouble at this tournament is more likely to come from the Dutch, Germans and the Turks living in Germany. The dutch are already stocking up on German helmets from the wars to taunt them. The turkish-german relations aren't exactly at their best at the moment and despite Turkey not making the finals, it could provide a stage for troubles. I hope it doesn't.
  13. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yep, to be faire, England's hooligans have become part of the EU now, there are less in England and more in all the other countries, especially in the national championships. Italy have a great array of racist and fachist supporters who have caused a lot of trouble, France and Spain have both had recent skurmishes between rival club supporters...

    I'll side with Ba on this one. Sport is evil, anything involving lycra outfits doubly so.
  14. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:523a716685="Katcal"]Yep, to be faire, England's hooligans have become part of the EU now, there are less in England [/quote:523a716685]

    I'd disagree there, I don't think the EU has anything to do with it. As I said, the Euro Championships in 2000* included a lot of fracases (random guess at the plural) and England/UK was firmly in the EU then. It's also not true that we have less violent fans, it's just that the authorities have taken great steps to prevent them from travelling to other countries and going to England games.

    [quote:523a716685]and more in all the other countries, especially in the national championships. Italy have a great array of racist and fachist supporters who have caused a lot of trouble, France and Spain have both had recent skurmishes between rival club supporters... [/quote:523a716685]

    These things have always been there, but they are increasingly coming to the surface now. Although they may not like doing so, Italy/Spain/France need to take the lead from the English and take a hard line on these sort of things to stamp it out now.

    *In fact, Euro 2000 was one of the catalysts to make sure that they did stop those troubles
  15. Tephlon

    Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:b7496853fc="Electric_Man"]Like Belgium/Holland 00[/quote:b7496853fc]

    Actually, in 2000 none of the trouble was in the Netherlands. Belgian police let them provoke themselves.

    Besides, the Dutch gave the Brits watered down beer and they were usually "calmer" anyway. :)
  16. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:5d37c35151="Electric_Man"][quote:5d37c35151="Katcal"]Yep, to be faire, England's hooligans have become part of the EU now, there are less in England [/quote:5d37c35151]

    I'd disagree there, I don't think the EU has anything to do with it. As I said, the Euro Championships in 2000* included a lot of fracases (random guess at the plural) and England/UK was firmly in the EU then. It's also not true that we have less violent fans, it's just that the authorities have taken great steps to prevent them from travelling to other countries and going to England games.

    [quote:5d37c35151]and more in all the other countries, especially in the national championships. Italy have a great array of racist and fachist supporters who have caused a lot of trouble, France and Spain have both had recent skurmishes between rival club supporters... [/quote:5d37c35151]

    These things have always been there, but they are increasingly coming to the surface now. Although they may not like doing so, Italy/Spain/France need to take the lead from the English and take a hard line on these sort of things to stamp it out now.

    *In fact, Euro 2000 was one of the catalysts to make sure that they did stop those troubles[/quote:5d37c35151]
    I didn't mean that the actual EU had anything to do with the change, it was just a kind of figure of speech, to say that the problems were no longer solely coming (or rather seeming to come) from the british supporters...

    The problem is that like hooliganism in Britain, and like many things everywhere (not just football), it takes a big problem for people to realize that something must be done to prevent it happening [b:5d37c35151]again[/b:5d37c35151]... And so far, they're still all going "oooh, look, drunk supporters bashing people, they must be english, that would never happen to us civilized people..." Yeah, like hell it wouldn't... :roll:

    Although what all this has to do with chimpanzees, I don't know... Let's not be racist, chimps don't [b:5d37c35151]all[/b:5d37c35151] get drunk and watch footy...
  17. Electric_Man

    Electric_Man Templar

    Oh, I believe there were actually quite a few chimps at the Spain v England match last year. Well, I presume that from the sounds coming from the ground - they were most vocal when Shaun Wright-Phillips and Ashley Cole were on the ball :roll:

    But yeah, they need to do more to prevent it happening again.
  18. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    The Paris team is well known to be made up of chimps, orang-utangs and various unknown two-left-footed species. Although I thing this is rather unfair on Orangs, I'm sure they'd be better at football... in fact, E.T. would be better at football.
  19. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    I play football with E.T. all the time. He's awesome.
  20. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    As a player, chris, not as the ball...
  21. Guest

    Guest Guest

    [quote:0ece4ecd18="chrisjordan"][quote:0ece4ecd18="misswhiplash"]I would like to think people wouldn't dread me arriving in their country.[/quote:0ece4ecd18]

    Delusion is a beautiful thing.


    i knew it, you just couldn't resist could you!!!

    *sets all around CJ on fire and waits for him to wet himself with worry, then points and laughs!*
  22. chrisjordan

    chrisjordan New Member

    Do not be foolish, of course with E.T. as a player. You're the football.
  23. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - Bears killed and devoured a monkey in front of horrified visitors at a Dutch zoo, officials and witnesses said Monday.

    Visitors reported that the grisly scene began as several bears chased the monkey, a macaque, onto a wooden structure at Beekse Bergen Safari Park.

    They said a bear tried unsuccessfully to shake the monkey loose, ignoring attempts by keepers to distract it. The bear then climbed up and grabbed the monkey, mauling it to death and bringing it to its concrete den, where three bears ate it.

    The park confirmed the killing. “The habitats here in the safari park are arranged in such a way that one animal almost never kills another, but they are and remain wild animals,” it said in a statement.

    The attack occurred in an area of the zoo that contains both monkeys and sloth bears, a type of black bear found in the Asian subcontinent.

    The park said it plans now to move the macaques to another part of the park.

    i'm not going to link to the site, because there's a picture of the attack in progress, which is unpleasant.
  24. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:28414fd2e8="chrisjordan"][quote:28414fd2e8="Katcal"]As a player, chris, not as the ball...[/quote:28414fd2e8]

    Do not be foolish, of course with E.T. as a player. [i:28414fd2e8]You're[/i:28414fd2e8] the football.[/quote:28414fd2e8]
    Silly me... That is of course the only way you could get me onto a football pitch, last time I played I broke my leg and spent 5 months with crutches.

    Yikes !! Rinso, don't come visiting, we have bears in the mountains round here !!! (why on earth did I feel I needed to say that ?)
  25. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    I saw that news story the other day...really, what did they expect? Bears are omnivores and if they feel like eatin' monkey one day, well, that's what's for dinner. I was afraid at the start that we'd find the bears would be put down for it, but I see that they're following an intelligent plan and separating the carnivore from its prey.
  26. Hsing

    Hsing Moderator Staff Member

    [quote:a46e43a3d0]From my inexpert view, any trouble at this tournament is more likely to come from the Dutch, Germans and the Turks living in Germany. The dutch are already stocking up on German helmets from the wars to taunt them. The turkish-german relations aren't exactly at their best at the moment and despite Turkey not making the finals, it could provide a stage for troubles. I hope it doesn't.[/quote:a46e43a3d0]

    Well, there was no spectacular trouble of Germans and German living Turks about football in the past, but I could easily be wrong here. I just thought I might remember if there had anything really big in the past.
    Now, German and Dutch football fans, that's almost traditional...

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