I am fascinated by Watch commander Sam Vines. I have recently read Thud and thought it was brilliant. However the relationship between Sam and Sybil mystifies me. Are there earlier novels which describe how their relationship begun? I would also like to know the order of reading for novels about the Watch. thanks from a late comer to the discworld.
Hi Gill and Welcome. You will find out all about the beginnings of the Watch as it is "now" and how Sam Vimes met Sybil in the book Guards! Guards! You can find a list of all the books here: http://www.terrypratchett.uk/discwo...ate-guide-terry-pratchetts-written-works.html
I see the helpful Kat has already answered your question, Gill. I love the relationship between Sam and Sybil, it's one of my favourite in DW. Guards! Guards! was the first book that really got me into the series. [nitpick]Vimes, not Vines![/nitpick]