Saudi police 'stopped' fire rescue

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Roman_K, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    A bit old as news go these days, but still worth discussing.

    "Saudi Arabia's religious police stopped schoolgirls from leaving a blazing building because they were not wearing correct Islamic dress, according to Saudi newspapers.

    In a rare criticism of the kingdom's powerful "mutaween" police, the Saudi media has accused them of hindering attempts to save 15 girls who died in the fire on Monday.

    About 800 pupils were inside the school in the holy city of Mecca when the tragedy occurred.

    Saudi hospital staff carry a victim of the girl school fire to an ambulance in Mecca
    15 girls died in the blaze and more than 50 others were injured
    According to the al-Eqtisadiah daily, firemen confronted police after they tried to keep the girls inside because they were not wearing the headscarves and abayas (black robes) required by the kingdom's strict interpretation of Islam.

    One witness said he saw three policemen "beating young girls to prevent them from leaving the school because they were not wearing the abaya".

    The Saudi Gazette quoted witnesses as saying that the police - known as the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice - had stopped men who tried to help the girls and warned "it is a sinful to approach them".

    The father of one of the dead girls said that the school watchman even refused to open the gates to let the girls out.

    "Lives could have been saved had they not been stopped by members of the Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice," the newspaper concluded.

    Relatives' anger

    Families of the victims have been incensed over the deaths.

    Most of the victims were crushed in a stampede as they tried to flee the blaze.

    The school was locked at the time of the fire - a usual practice to ensure full segregation of the sexes.

    The religious police are widely feared in Saudi Arabia. They roam the streets enforcing dress codes and sex segregation, and ensuring prayers are performed on time.

    Those who refuse to obey their orders are often beaten and sometimes put in jail."
  2. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

  3. fairyliquid

    fairyliquid New Member

    Thats amazes me how people can place these things above human life.

    It's not as though they were even adults...they just wanted to get out of the fire. It always amazes me how people accept these things so easily - especially when something of this nature occurs as a result.

    I think I dislike this most because they are forced to conform to these rules - it's not a chioce. And these were children in the fire - all they were trying to do was save their lives.

    [quote:849d21bb6d]The religious police are widely feared in Saudi Arabia. They roam the streets enforcing dress codes and sex segregation, and ensuring prayers are performed on time.

    Those who refuse to obey their orders are often beaten and sometimes put in jail[/quote:849d21bb6d]

    This doesn't exactly help with the West's view of Arabs in the Middle East either.
  4. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    So what brings this up, Roman?
  5. jaguar

    jaguar New Member

    This sounds like a scene from the West Wing. Of course they couldn't say the words Saudi Arabia. They didn't want to risk upsetting anyone.
  6. Roman_K

    Roman_K New Member

    [quote:eacba50256="Bradthewonderllama"]So what brings this up, Roman?[/quote:eacba50256]

    Ran into it on a google while looking for something interesting to read, was annoyed by it, posted it.

    Because in Judaism life is all important. Of the whole set of rules that is, pardon me, fucking huge, there are only three cases in which saving one's life is less important than said rule. It's when you're told to murder a man in exchange for your own life, to convert to another faith(this one has a loophole in it, as old Rabbi Maimon said in many cases. One doesn't have to convert in the heart when one is forced to convert. One can convert for appearances' sake alone), or to commit incest.

    What happened here is akin to not saving a woman drowning in a river because it wouldn't be modest to touch her, or to see her wet or naked. According to the Talmud, such a person would be called a Righteous Fool (direct translation).

    No, not akin. Worse. What happened here wasn't avoiding to save, this was plain murder. Pushing the girls back into a burning building because they weren't dressed right...
  7. roisindubh211

    roisindubh211 New Member

    I am at a loss for words. The fact that something like this can actually happen- it sounds like an event that would be made up as a satire of the region, not what you'd expect in a newspaper report. This is horrifying
  8. Bradthewonderllama

    Bradthewonderllama New Member

    I'm still flumoxed that the US is allied with the government of Sauidi Arabia. I remember when the story first came out. It pissed me off mightily.
  9. Angua_rox

    Angua_rox New Member

    Thats just awful. :cry: There are no words. . . . i just can't express my disgust. It actually made me cry. I'm fairly cynical about religion, and stuff like this doesnt really help.
  10. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    It's amazing how those responsible can justify their actions. Couldn't the girls just have been told to place their jumpers or something over their faces when leaving to block out their features?
  11. Saccharissa

    Saccharissa Stitcher

  12. Katcal

    Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:1ef645035f="TheJackal"]It's amazing how those responsible can justify their actions. Couldn't the girls just have been told to place their jumpers or something over their faces when leaving to block out their features?[/quote:1ef645035f]

    What ? and remove the 50th layer of clothing that barely hides their sinful breasts ? Please, we are not on a porn site here ! :roll:
  13. TheJackal

    TheJackal Member

    [quote:d98328d888="Katcal"][quote:d98328d888="TheJackal"]It's amazing how those responsible can justify their actions. Couldn't the girls just have been told to place their jumpers or something over their faces when leaving to block out their features?[/quote:d98328d888]

    What ? and remove the 50th layer of clothing that barely hides their sinful breasts ? Please, we are not on a porn site here ! :roll:[/quote:d98328d888]

    Yes, you're right. What was I thinking!
  14. Marcia

    Marcia Executive Onion

    I blame the bleeding heart liberals who allow girls to attend school.
  15. Garner

    Garner Great God and Founding Father Staff Member

    too bloody right, Marcia.

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