Script Frenzy Challenge! Deadlines! Mayhem! Coffee!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Gypsy, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. Gypsy

    Gypsy New Member

    Greetings boardies!

    I stumbled across an interesting challenge for those of us who might be writerly inclined. (Calling all Plaids! Hex?)

    Yo may have heard of Nanowrimo (National Novel Writing Month) where for the month of November you knuckle down and type a 50 000 word novel...(I abandoned mine on Dec 1st, just barely over the finish line) but this is a bit different.

    Script Frenzy is April's challenge to write a 100 page (20 000) word script in 30 days. It can be a screenplay/theatre play/series of TV scripts/comic book/graphic novel/ and can be an adaptation of an already existing text/film/series. You can even collaborate with up to one other person.

    It's just a draft, and doesn't have to be star quality (I guarantee mine won't be!) but it's just a way to set yourself some little goals and go for it! It felt good to complete Nano, even though you get no prizes except the little purple bar that says WINNER underneath and an e-certificate. Oh, and the lovely glow that comes from ignoring friends and family for 30 days, 'drinking' coffee via IV drip, and shutting out the world while you try and get what's in your brain onto 'paper' without using any kind of weapon at all.

    I've signed up, although I'm making heavy use of the writer's resources. I've never even considered writing a script, let alone actually attempted to write one!

    I love the plot generator on the homepage. You get such gems as 'Aided by a swedish go-go dancer, a 31 year old masochist befriends a runaway with a secret' or 'Awakened from a 1000 year sleep, a ballerina with a gun teams up with David Bowie to save the world.'

    Feel those writing muscles churning?
    Who will run the ScriptFrenzy gauntlet?
  2. plaid

    plaid New Member

    i wrote a play once. in two days. but i don't think it was that long. hm...
    i will think about this.

    i don't know what i would write a play about at this point... but maybe i could think of something. especially with prompts like that. heh.

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